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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in high vibration (1)


3 keys to feel more joy

Many people seek more joy, wish to create it in the external world.  You may desire stronger or more intimate relationships, more reasons to feel happier more often. How to make this happen?

1.  Stop forcing the issue

It is always helpful to focus attention on activities that evoke joy, make you feel good. Yet allowing more joy into your life is not about what you have to do, but what it is helpful to stop doing. It is about raising awareness of where you interfere, prevent joyful experiences from happening, get in your own way.  When you wish to force something, you tense up and can no longer allow what is natural to happen by itself.

2. Get beyond the analytical mind

When you stop thinking about something, you stop attempting to control.  When the thinking mind is quieted, it moves into alpha or theta brain wave states, and this opens the doorway between the conscious and unconscious mind.  The autonomic nervious system then grows more receptive to natural, high-vibrational information.

3.  Feel the way here

By raising our energy though feelings and elevated emotions, we become less matter and more energy, less particle and more wave.  We flow with and as, the energy that is everything.  The bigger the field we can create with these energies ( as awareness and consciousness), the more the uplifting energy flowing through us is felt and reflected back in the world around us.