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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in impossible (3)


Impossible to ignore

Notice what happens as you do your best to form a conscious relationship with all that is good. You focus your attention on uplifting thoughts, on activities that enable you to feel good about yourself. Suddenly, you have more and more direct experiences that reveal to you what is impossible to ignore. The obvious invites you to be more aware of the nature of your own metamorphosis. You look for the path or bridge you are already on.

Its like a breath of fresh air.  You feel the release of clarity, of sensations, feelings, signs and synchronicities that all point to something the conditioned mind refuses to believe.  You sense you are receiving something hard to define but you know with increasing certainty how it feels.  Everything is a silent teacher inviting you to trust yourSelf more.  

In essence, you are shifting from a logic and reasoning-based existence to something that feels like it cannot be physically explained. Standing back gives you insight into real stability. You begin to realize that your beliefs create a mental image and your attention focuses the thought energy to hold your perceptions together. Beyond what you think you see, vibration is behind what is emerging in your physical experience.

The heart knows when you desire to know something, the universe gives you evidence of it. Unconsciousness may deny it but awareness confirms it. Open the senses. Recognize the nature of the journey expands based on your attention. As you focus on different ways love presents in your life, what you feel is impossible to ignore. Through appreciation, inner power quietly makes itself known. What do you feel is impossible to ignore?

"You can measure the impeccability of your word by your level of self-love. How much you love yourself and how you feel about yourself are directly proportionate to the quality and integrity of your word. When you are impeccable with your word, you feel good; you feel happy and at peace." - Don Miguel Ruiz


Do the impossible

Whenever you tell yourself something is impossible, be aware of what you are really saying:

1) 'Impossible' is a state of mind.  The mind expresses doubt and fear about the prospect of success.  Mind grasps working toward the goal, not being it.  Mind cannot see beyond itself.  Mind understands based on its own logic. This only disagrees or denies what exists outside it.

2) 'Unlimited possibility' is a heartfelt state. The heart loves all you are, propose, and imagine. (Hear: 'I AM' possible).  Watch as you focus on what excites you.  Be spontaneous. 

3) More exists beyond the mind and heart.  Visualize what the senses do not yet see.  The 'what' always emerges in awareness before the 'how'.   You only see and experience what you are willing to accept.  As joy flows, it nourishes and expands on the dream. 

Explore what feeling fulfilled feels like.  Imagine fearlessness. Know all is always going well. 

"Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible." -Cherie Carter-Scott


Appreciate your own presence

Brace yourself. Everything is you.  There is no space as mind would have you believe. You are in process of altering your perception of reality this very second. Stop taking notice of anything except you. Something is catching up.  It is beyond the rational mind.

Notice how certain activities and priorities are falling away and disappearing from your focus of attention. Notice how certain relationships are shifting. Some you outgrow and move on from and others arise with perfect timing. Notice how you are gaining confidence dealing with the unknown, feel comfortable in unpredictability and only know improvisation.  You never look or feel this world in the same way. It sparkles!

Logic in your life loses importance. Doing anything as you have before no longer crosses your mind. What beckons has no methods. It has no name. Anything you previously viewed as illogical, unrealistic or impossible is your present focus. The extraordinary is suddenly ordinary. Something whispers to observe and see what comes at you and passes by. What was previously invisible or unknown to you reveals itself and boggles the mind. See everything as fresh and you create a new reality.

"You are a powerful, unlimited and eternal soul who is here to enjoy the experience of creativity and contribute to humanity's evolution." - Author Unknown