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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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3 Signs you close in on what matters

(Image credit: NASA Space Telescope)

At least part of you is looking for signs of a shift or change in your life.  Consider three signs you get closer to what matters: 

1. You realize limitations of ordinary language

Myths and symbols exist to reach mans's higher centres which  function in higher states of consciousness.  The intent is to transmit ideas inaccessible to the intellect and to transmit them in such a way that they cannot be misinterpreted or modified from their divine blueprint. The more often sacred geometry and sounds are felt, the more you sense shifts occurring within.  True understanding is only realized when the vibration, frequency of myths, symbols registers in the appropriate centre and activates paths of bio-circuitry.  

2. You are drawn to spiritual places and travel journeys

Myths are originally created for higher feeling centres and symbols for higher thinking centres. Crop circle tours as well as trips to ancient monoliths, archtectural sites and energetic vortices are gaining in popularity. People are growing more conscious and aware of their own dormant and awakening energy centres which are mirror reflections of the earth awakening and reactivating her own energy centres. Ayahuasca journeys are one example described as a spiritual reset button to cleanse the body and soul. Notice where you have been, what you are drawn to and what sort of travel you are already doing inside yourself. Astral travel and Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are other kinds of spiritual journeys that offer clues to the puzzle.

3. It hits everything is a sythesis to be unpacked  

At some stage, it hits that what matters is contained in every book, film, encounter, relationship, dream and experience. Its simply up to each of us to grow conscious of the lesson or teaching we are offering ourselves. The meaning of a symbol and the revelation of its essence can only be given and understood by a person who knows (and can this decode energetically) what it means.  This echos why you can watch a film muliple times and experience different ah-ha moments and the same happens with reading and re-reading books.  You only get out of each expeirence the energetic information that aligns with your level of consciousness. Each human being is thus an initiate in The Mystery School of Life.


4 Ways to reverse the energy drain

Tiredness and fatigue are symptoms of shifts in consciousness.  Human beings often link fatigue to practical, physical things like diet and lifestyle. Yet, humans do not always aware of the residue or trickling of energy that points to formless realities. Seeing self from a multidimensional pespective empowers you to move beyond the familliar.  Consider 4 ways to reverse energy drain; 

1) Remove energy blocks. "Energy drain" is a physical experience and often, a lmited physical perspective. Human energy is thick and dense. The physical body is made of an energy field of particles that appears solid but is actually fluid and flows like a conductor. Low vibrational thoughts and feelings congest chakras, block or congest the energy field and lead to reduced, functional capacities. Consciously changing thoughts and feelings consistently has power to transform experiences in this realm.

2) See things from a multidimensional view.  On a physical, ego-based level, a person sees in terms of personality, identity, that we take finite breaths, can only experience finite energy and are unconsciously run by thoughts that birth and death happen (and are possible).  Other ways of seeing remain off our radar screen until we reconnect with an over-reaching, soul purpose. Such revelations allow you to tap into a hidden, internal energy reserve to strengthen you. In other words, when honest, we move beyond responding based on instinctive survivial and shift into recalibration.  

3) Build confidence and self-value. Its not the volume of energy within that invigorates and renews the soul.  Rather, its determined by the nature of energy frequency and quality of energy vibrating.  Emotional or other trauma drains energy.  Unresolved trust issues would benefit from reinforcing one's energy field.  Decide to accept yourself and love what you do. 

4) Explore dream planes. The physical realm is based on time. The astral realm is based on endless space. Other realms are based on no-time and space or other qualities unrelated to time. Training one's consciousness to explore a variety of dream realms is part of a natural evolution of consciousness.  You can be recharged by simply freeing the soul temporarily from the physical body, by encountering healing spirits, and by reconnecting to your inner power. The help of spirit guides can also give a human being capacity to tap into more energy reserve during crisis.  Clearning blocks on a physical level permits initiations and the energetic state to explore into other dream realms.

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