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Entries in initiation (7)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Levels of Initiation


I was eating raw food as I climbed spiral stairs of an inner mountain. I met a familliar lady (Jane) who smiled, passed me a key. She was a dream guide I encountered to reach a door on another level. I used key to open door in the wall both key and door vanished. i stepped inside and fell into what turned out a deep chasm yet landed on soft moss. I sat up to see a labriynth of winding underground caverns.  Something mysterious arose from shadows to light my way. I followed glowing insects. A bioluminescent underground river in vibrant twinkling colours appeared out of nowehere. The insects and river guided me to a large chamber with a cathedral (vaulted) ceiling.  In the distance,  I saw another key on a bed of moss on a high rock near a waterfall. So, I waded into the unknown water and swam toward it. A puriple dolphin surfaced inviting me to hold its fin.  We swam together toward the key. As I reached the huge rock I struggled to climb footholds to get ontop, and the rock rumbled.  Then, a huge turtle surfaced its head to smile. As I picked the key up from its back, a holographic vertical series of geometry appeared and key vanished. Touching the key had activated a portal. Symbol recognition at the level of consciousness activated a certain sequence. Lights flashed and "I" vanished.


Raw food as a dream symbol reminds us that everything we consume has a frequency that activates and strengthens our energy systems or suppresses innate capacities. To eat clean and pure sustenance is one way to sharpen lucidity.  It also enables us to accelerate cosmic downloads of vibrational information, so we receive, decode and transmit light in a conscious manner that expands consciousness and turns on forgotten abilities.  Discipline is also required.

Stairs imply moving through levels of awareness. Obstacles are clearing as you take action to make amends.  Spirals refer to the nature of the spiritual journey and the willingness to embrace stages of ups and downs, steep shifts in direction, and moving stairs.

We may be reminded of the famous Escher painting of staircases entitled "Relativity."  It depicts a world in which the normal laws of gravity do not apply. As we begin to see through illusions and dream with lucidily, we begin to harness more creative power in waking life.

Relativity (M. C. Escher) - Wikipedia

This image depicts one of the most copied, and most parodied images, a series of staircases crisscross in a labyrinth-like interior. It intrigues, not only due to the geometry and versatility in conveying multiple dimensions, but also because the staircases symbolize humans' endless pursuit of moving up in the world and the obsession with hierarchies, the "next level" or "next thing".  This 3D world of climbing stairs can perpetuate dissatisfaction unless a means of feeling grounded and satisified emerges in waking life.

Dreaming of a key invites us to ask, “what is the issue in my life that needs a solution?” The key is a common symbol that foretells new discoveries, a geographic move, fresh ideas, thoughts or feelings, new experiences and new knowledge that has been hidden from you (or you have been witholding from yourself).  Dreaming of a key suggests you are open to a big life change, shift, or new beginnings. Being given or holding keys echoes levels of initiation. Keys may point to a secret, a mysterious situation that has not been overly transparent. As the key vanishes, this is the omen of a difficult life period coming to an end. Something echoes, 'you earned it'.

To imagine a chasm, or abyss, reminds you that you choose fear or excitement change in a real life situation. The dream could be telling you that you of the urgency to make a decision and take action.  Falling in a chasm can signify a fear of failure, or not making the "right choice". Yet, to emerge safely indicates you are confident you will overcome obstacles.  To have something soften your fall implies success is linked to accepting the help of others.

Underground places may symbolise where we bury our suppressed fears and desires. This dream symbol can come up when things you have ignored or denied for some time finally need to be addressed. Going into a cave can represent a journey of self-exploration to heal difficult feelings and relationships that can be very transformative.

A vaulted (cathedral) dream ceiling reveals you see beyond where you are yet, find it hard to stabilize on higher ground. You do however, use ingenuity and resourcefulness to do the best you can in light of new challenges. The mischievous aspect of your personality has you push boundaries, go further with intention to reach a new level of love, acceptance, joy. This said, some childhood anxiety has yet to be resolved in your adult life. You have kept that "vaulted" (hidden) in your subconscious until ready to surface for healing and integration.

Turtles in dreams represent your inner persistence, determination, endurance, wisdom and spiritually. These fascinating yet symbolic messengers has just emerged to show you more ancient wisdom is growing accessible. Dolphins are another creature with cosmic significance. They convey vibrational messages felt and decoded  differently based on level of consciousness. Some know them as wise, telepathic guides. Those who ask are always helped.

Sacred geometry appears here as a sign the soul is being nourished. Awareness of parallel worlds and timelines implies you can travel more widely as you master yourself. You may recall visions from films like Dr Strange: The Multiverse of Madness  and how geometry is like a vibrational code or door that arises as part of initiations. Cosmic doorways present in alignment with our vibration.

We offer Dream Consultations on single or multiple dreams, related to karma, energies, clarity and more. We also offer an Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga course. Contact us.


Consciously engage in this moment

Notice regardless of what we encounter, a shamanic initiation mirrors our own healing journey. Initiation is also a metaphor for the journey of transformation we are now making and experiencing through the matrix of the Earth, planetary and cosmic environments. More than ever, each of us benefit from stepping up into new levels of initiation, going deeper into our psyche, working out how we really process energies in this world. The point is to grow familliar with strong forces that when misused can hurt ourselves, others, prevent us from seeing beyond.
The classic shamanic initiation involves the experience of a catastrophe, mental and physical suffering. Heredity may come into play, signs at birth, a gift detected in childhood, a realization arising from a pivotal ceremony, vision quest, our response to the crisis of someone we know. However it comes, we accept or resist the information we bring to the surface of ourselves for healing. Every thought and feeling is directing and redirecting the course of our existence.
My experience is genuine initiation begins as unforeseen crisis, but this is actually the tip of the iceberg. Our illusions are systematically called into question, until we dismantle them and let go. Encounters with illness, suffering, and death, not only open other worlds to the shaman within, they also ground the work of social, personal, and environmental healing. Our personal reality is shaken up when we are ready. Everything prepares us for the unforeseen.
We share our journey with mythic heroes, those who have had death-rebirth experiences in rites of passage, the posthumous journey of the soul, clinical death experiences and LSD or other hallucinogenic experiences, and to what one can encounter in deep spiritual and meditation practices. Its all here right now.
To embark on a shamanic journey offers us insight into human development, evolution, devolution, and society's relationship to nature. This guides us to understand social values as they are reflected in art, myth and shape our relationship with the Earth.  It is significant to understand what happens in the journey of unravelling our crisis because we are undergoing this on a personal, collective (global) and cosmic levels simultaneously.We a re a filter for energy flow until the filter is no longer.

At some stage it dawns, for initiation to be effective, it must be entered personally, whoelheartedly, not thru heresay. It is an experience that does not function at a distance but under the skin of each the energy passes through. The benefits of initiation only arise as the path is directly experienced and known. Its visceral and energetic language flows through the body. When one is ready, opportunity is knocking. Everyone is chosen but not everyone hears the call. Opportunity passes through our timelines and experiences again and again in varied forms.  Consciously engage in this moment.  Watch that happens.
Shamans are conscious shapeshifters.  This requires the ability to transcend our attachments (ego) to identity and who we are. To move through attachment to labeling self and openly letting go of identity, we can be virtually anybody. We can slip in and out of different shells, masks, even different animal forms or deity forms. 

Move through Cosmic Initiations

Notice the Great Central Sun is a metaphor and cosmic doorway to higher consciousness. On an energetic level beyond physical eyes, it hides an etheric planetary entrance to the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, the original source of emanation of the Eternal Light.
In essence, the Sun is like an antenna of coded energy. As its energy intensifies, this accelerates awakening of our spiritual consciousness, may trigger shifts in perception. Through meditation, inner doorways open into planetary and cosmic awareness, expanding beyond 3D programming (illusory reality).
As it happens, the Schumann resonance recently reveals dramatic behavioral changes. Images of the "Earth's heartbeat" appear to show patterns similar to DNA and sacred geometry. During the third week of June 2023, dramatic changes echo an elevating consciousness within humanity unlike that seen before.
The natural phenomenon of Schumann resonance (SR) refers to a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low-frequency (ELF) range of Earth's electromagnetic field. SR interests scientists as it is influenced by various factors, including changes to Earth's magnetic field, poles, solar activity, and atmospheric conditions. It is widely suggested this influences biological systems, such as human health and well-being (though consensus is not reached).
Within spiritual communities, tuning into subtle senses echoes SR reflects connection to higher consciousness, spiritual awakening, or energetic shifts in collective consciousness. Some spiritual perspectives suggest SR relate shifts in human consciousness and well-being, the soul alignment of vibrational frequencies, and multidimensional spiritual transformation.
To focus on human etheric light body activation is to align with the Great Central Sun and recognize oneself as Divine Source. It is a sacred integration point with the "I AM ." To transcend stories and 3D illusions releases limited patterns and energies.
On another tlevel, the consciousness within our Solar System is undergoing solar initiation through the massive amount of solar flare plasma emissions. A solar flare is a burst of light, radiation and intelligent energy, which erupts from the sun’s magnetic atmosphere. Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere. When heated, the plasma flares produce radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum at all wavelengths. These light frequencies range from radio waves to gamma rays, although most of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visible human spectrum..
As the sun is regularly releasing powerful solar flares. Science measures some the most intense levels of solar explosions. Powerful coronal mass ejections have reached the earth. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are a mass of charged particles and magnetic field energy that bursts from the sun like a volcanic eruption. Coronal mass ejections interact with Earth’s ionosphere, which change the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generate geomagnetic storms, auroras and increase the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. It is clear evidence we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light, which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution or digression, on our chosen spiritual journey on Earth.
As a symptom of Solar Initiation, we experience the breakdown of the systems of control and crumbling of materialistic values. This coincides with a breakdown of individualistic ego structures required to have a group humanitarian breakthrough.
To the spiritually uninitiated, this may appear to be a mental, physical or nervous breakdown for those individuals who are being forced to change their lifestyle and priorities. The cost is taken at the individual ego level, as it is the overall group consciousness the health of the collective, which is at a much higher energetic priority now. We are leaving the rule of selfish ego and moving into the awareness of the larger group of planetary consciousness.
This timeline marks the early initiation that ends the rule of the False King archetype and its continual abuse of power, through technological mind control upon the earth. The awakening is pointing to the return of the true Spiritual Sun behind the Sun, returning benevolence merged with true power. This said, the end of the False ruler must be internally and spiritually chosen by the individual. For many on Earth, the tyrant archetype has taken form in a victim-victimizer polarity that may be hard to break free of. The ending of this control requires taking full responsibility to end all victim related patterns. Humanity must wake up from its bad dream and find the courage to imagine new consciousness possibilities, as we free ourselves from the past grips.



The Truth cannot be Forced

(Cosmci sacred geometry by Endre Balogh)

Notice the brain is a transceiver of vibrational frequencies. If you are in an energy field that evokes resistance or discomfort, or you attempt to integrate information too quickly, your body may not be able to handle a level of differential frequency. (Imagine the brain as a circuit board, and you do not wish to overload your circuits) The common response is to withdraw or get away from the intense energy source. For example, if music is too loud, you turn volume down or leave the space. A similar thing happens when you are offered levels of "truth" energy you are unable to assimilate. You only receive what you are ready and willing to accept. This is why people are meant to be initiated, receive guided info in progressive stages, in forms they can digest, and also why some people refuse to accept certain info as truth. They may not be ready. More than one process is going on. A self-purification process is necessary to integrate progressively higher vibrations. If the body cannot handle an influx of energy (data differs too much from baseline frequency reference), the body can respond with imbalance, rejection, health issues or other blocks. Hence, it is said one ought to take everything with a grain of salt. If "it" resonates, take it onboard. If not, let it flow in one ear, out the other. If it is meant for you, then you hear it. Layers /levels of Truth cannot be forced. They unfold from inside- out. (Cosmic sacred geometry by Endre Balogh)


5 Steps to Rise Higher

To shed ourselves of all that is not us, all that is unreal, we are each invited to systematically review and let go of versions of ourselves linked to 5 areas of our lives.  In each area, we are. invited to grow aware of ego-driven thoughts and action and shift into heartfelt state of being.  It is only by doing so that we move through different levels of initiation and consciousness to blossom into who we truly are. Step back and imagine the best version of you emerging from a clean slate with no judgement. Begin with current views on these 5 areas:

1) Money

2) Identity

3) Dreams

4) Reputation

5) Associations