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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in higher consciousness (5)


Uncover hidden reasons for life changes

Notice we are each drawn to certain grid points on the planet to reactivate or access certain memories. This translates into a desire to be or move to certain places. The more we immerse in nature, the more conscious we become. It is no coincidence we are each consciously or unconsciously choosing to be at specific points or exist in specific planetary vibrations. The urge to travel or move geographically echoes an invisible energetic call, magnetic pull or deeper connection to what is yet to be seen or remembered. Every urge to shift or let go is a step to recognize and live the unspoken. Ask if your heart longs to to align with a higher version of yourself. Even if we cannot visit a place in the physical body, we can visit through meditation, remote viewing or other spiritual practices. As we tune in, we hear the message we are ready to receive. Being in harmony with Soul purpose aligns higher consciousness. Be open to the bigger picture. Recall what it is to feel whole. Radiate Love.


15 Ways to Be more Zen

Amidst all worldwide events unfolding, here are some ways to get in touch with what matters and be more Zen:
  1. Review priorities. (What is necessary & what can you let go?)
  2. Breathe & act slowly and deliberately
  3. Be okay with doing less
  4. Immerse regularly in Nature 
  5. Designate time for Self-love/ selfcare & service
  6. Integrate mindfulness into everyday
  7. Face everything with inner calm and peace
  8. See everyone as a Buddha/ master/ mentor 
  9. Be receptive to shifts in awareness & perception
  10. Set a daily intention
  11. Create space for negative emotions 
  12. Cultivate wise thoughts & spiritual practices
  13. Face a something you fear everyday
  14. Choose love, note fear (fear= resistance, love =openness) 
  15. View everything as a blessing

3 Signs you close in on what matters

(Image credit: NASA Space Telescope)

At least part of you is looking for signs of a shift or change in your life.  Consider three signs you get closer to what matters: 

1. You realize limitations of ordinary language

Myths and symbols exist to reach mans's higher centres which  function in higher states of consciousness.  The intent is to transmit ideas inaccessible to the intellect and to transmit them in such a way that they cannot be misinterpreted or modified from their divine blueprint. The more often sacred geometry and sounds are felt, the more you sense shifts occurring within.  True understanding is only realized when the vibration, frequency of myths, symbols registers in the appropriate centre and activates paths of bio-circuitry.  

2. You are drawn to spiritual places and travel journeys

Myths are originally created for higher feeling centres and symbols for higher thinking centres. Crop circle tours as well as trips to ancient monoliths, archtectural sites and energetic vortices are gaining in popularity. People are growing more conscious and aware of their own dormant and awakening energy centres which are mirror reflections of the earth awakening and reactivating her own energy centres. Ayahuasca journeys are one example described as a spiritual reset button to cleanse the body and soul. Notice where you have been, what you are drawn to and what sort of travel you are already doing inside yourself. Astral travel and Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are other kinds of spiritual journeys that offer clues to the puzzle.

3. It hits everything is a sythesis to be unpacked  

At some stage, it hits that what matters is contained in every book, film, encounter, relationship, dream and experience. Its simply up to each of us to grow conscious of the lesson or teaching we are offering ourselves. The meaning of a symbol and the revelation of its essence can only be given and understood by a person who knows (and can this decode energetically) what it means.  This echos why you can watch a film muliple times and experience different ah-ha moments and the same happens with reading and re-reading books.  You only get out of each expeirence the energetic information that aligns with your level of consciousness. Each human being is thus an initiate in The Mystery School of Life.


How do you know what is real?

People ask what it means if something is "real."  You have that feeling where you tune in and leave thought behind.  You discover advantages to sensing and using the soul vehicle well. This is core energy you access now.

Right  now, your physical form is only part of this.  You have more than one perspective.  There exist many potentials you grow aware of.  No two experiences are ever the same. Connect with your highest self.

You may have heard the question you ask puts you on track for the answer.  Yet, the more you flow into an experience, the more it fills you and overwhelms you.  It requires no effort to accept what is, yet requires resistance to reject what you fear, what other people tell you to disbelieve. Meditate and listen to the truth. 


5 Advantages to listening to your vibes


As new waves of energy appear, you may regard them as new opportunities or experiences opening to you. This may shake you up. Yet, each time you make conscious changes that are attuned to your inner self, you also align with your Higher Self and its intentions. To be aligned with your core self and passions is to transcend fear and realize your goals more quickly. Why wouldn't you listen to your vibes?

Still, you may know people who avoid or reject shifts in thinking, at least in the beginning. Some people equate the prospect of change with life disruption or discomfort. These people feel unable to handle what this represents, and ignore sensations of higher energy. At any time, you can decide to listen more attentively to your inner messages and change as you see fit. Consider these five advantages;

1) Discover Higher-self loves unconditionally. To recognize the impact of love vibration is to sense paths to your greatest fulfillment. This brings increased clarity and harmony to areas of your life that will benefit from guidance and growth. It may impact jobs, your relations, and other conditions.  You transmute or rise above negative energy and really feel good in any situation.

2) Learn to see beyond misperception. Some people believe they must struggle or even surpass a pain threshold, before they listen to the soul. Transition to a higher frequency can be experienced through love and joy rather than suffering. Your fears may not intially disappear, but you'll evolve to stop reacting with fear. Instead, you'll confront the fear, choose to send love and discern the real message behind it.

3) Fine-tune your heightening sensibilities. Some people have already begun to explore ways to sharpen skills and awareness. You may be startled at the accuracy of your ESP and have more faith in your instincts. You may deepen meditation, channeling and telepathy. The more time you devote to listening to the signs, the more surrounding energy levels will become apparent. You'll begin to believe your potential for growth and expansion has no limits. You'll sense synchronicity takes on whole new significance. Your awareness will trigger revelations.

4) Connect with like-minded people. You may find your understanding of things orienting you to interact with different people. The desire to network, to share ideas and to contribute to raising the awareness of others, all emerge as priorities. If you allow it, direct experience guides you in ways that have a profound impact on your spiritual consciousness and life situations.

5) Evolve to a Higher consciousness. Your reality will change as you realize this life isn't about getting what you want as much as being certain you really want what you ask for. The sacred secrets of manifestation function according to energies of the Higher realms. Imagine the time may come when you exist on Higher planes and experience what you think about immediately. As you embark on this deeper quest, you will realize the power of light around you and within you gets stronger each day.

"You just get the vibes of your surroundings and it rubs off on you." -Gordon Lightfoot