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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in inner guidance (3)


Clarify and hold that vision

Something within you is prompting you to clarify and hold that vision. That which is bubbling up from within you begins as a feeling, an unspoken prompting or nudging to move in particular directions without hesitation. This is an invitation to do what you incarnate to do, to actualize why you exist, to contribute an emerging expression of your own uniqueness. This is creating a version of Heaven on Earth.

Something is open to each and every human being at every perceived level and situation.  All you have to do is allow yourself to tune in or, let go of all that blocks what is felt in the heart.  Allow spontaneity and child-like innocence to be the unwavering guides. Its okay not to see what is arising.  Being at ease, and thriving on uncertainty, is key to more than you know.


Align with the dream

When you align completely with the vibration of a dream, it emerges in your experience.  As you allow it, everything is cooperating with you.  Everything is guiding you to accept more consciously what soul already knows. Imagine nothing prevents you from realizing all you wish to do or have except the mind.  For every question you have, you also hold the answer.  Awakening to your own nature, to the limitless being you are, is a step to dissolving every obstacle or excuse you ever imagine into being.  To reflect on perceived need is to forget power you hold to transform perception.  Allow things to be, and so it is.


Trust your inner guidance

Everything you feel vibrates a silent message from the depths of your soul.  The question is, how often do you listen? How often do you realize that the soul level vibration does not always jive with what you are thinking? The truth is you create all experience in your scope.  What occurs as you empower self to be?

When people say, "I always knew it," that does not mean they are always conscious of sure-footedness or career-related purpose that they focus on now.  Be aware of what draws you to particular activities and environments. You have unlimited opportunities to stretch physically and otherwise, to learn and also grow.

What other people do or do not do does not matter.  What you do also does not matter.  How you feel about what you do is what matters.  A person feels joy doing anything and everything provided he is uninfluenced by judgment or approval.  Reflect on when you trust inner guidance. What serves you?