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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in inner peace (11)


5 Reasons to lose your mind

It is a common misconception that losing the mind is to be feared or avoided at all costs.  Ever wonder why this is? Notice the ego mind holds your captivated attention unless something triggers and you snap out of it to shift focus.  What if unforeseen benefits exist in doing so?

Consider five reasons to lose your mind:

1) Adapt better to change: every moment, experiences are unfolding.  The ego mind tells you to hold on, hang in there.  From the moment you realize it is futile to hold onto aspects of your life or your thoughts that are in constant flux, you realize you choose to allow or resist.  You decide how to respond to the unfolding.  Choosing to lose or see through the mind is like being open, easy going and flexible.  You know that worry begins and ends in your thought patterns.

2) Come into your own- from childhood, you learn basic values, beliefs and thought patterns from your role models and care givers.  You adopt and hold onto others' views unless challenged to find or create your own.  A lightbulb goes off when you realize you outgrow or no longer resonate with beliefs or values based in someone else's fear, bias or prejudice.  You discover unworthiness and insecurity are figments of the imagination, and truth is something else.

3) Gain insight into the truth-who you are is quite different from who the ego mind thinks you are.  Notice all your feelings and thoughts alter in character, along with your physical appearance.  Be aware when you are self-absorbed or engrossed in your reactions to things.  Notice what happens as you shift attention away from reactions to the coming and going itself. 

4) Live more authentically-  when thoughts and emotions no longer control your attention and moods, you see things as they are.  You no longer ignore your difficulties, rationalize your problems and blame others for what is wrong.  You see you are the creator of your conditions and you take responsibility to honour what truly matters most and makre choices accordingly.

5) Rediscover inner peace- the peace you think you crave is always accessible just beyond the filters of the mind.  Anything you think you want is not actually what you are seeking.  It is what you embody at the core.  Imagine feeling contentment, come what may.  This is bliss.


What do you run away from?

What do you run away from? Why is this?  What difference does this make if nobody is there?

Notice whether you allow others to impose their world of emotions on you.  You can choose to deflect or transcend such things. Simply stop taking things personally.

Notice if you always seem to be busy and/or get your kids' schedules jam-packed. Why are you really avoiding solitude and silence? Watch what happens as you reach that unspoken threshold.  Life as you know it,  falls apart.  Nature takes things into its own hands.  The universe reminds you that you cannot avoid facing yourself forever.

When you are finally alone, and the mind is quiet, you, the "ego" disappears.  As you view this as a symbolic release of what is not you, you start to notice thought and awareness of thought. The desire to control thoughts and events is replaced with trust and awareness of feeling.  Fighting, conflict, competition all cease. This is the end of a sense of togetherness, loneliness and comparing. In fact, no other remains. How do you respond to nothing?

Whether or not you spend time with others, you can choose to be friends with yourself. When you run away from something, like during nightmares, a goal you doubt, a relationship or opportunity you deny yourself, fear of not being, getting or doing exerts a hold over you. 

As you stop looking for answers outside yourself, the loving heart melts that which blocks you from merging with everything.  How you relate to peace determines whether you allow yourself to be disturbed. Grasp how it is to be free.  You are the problem and solution.

"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates." -Thomas Szasz

"When you stop controlling things, you are not disturbing life, and life does not disturb you."
- Ajahn Brahm


Free the mind of its grasping

As you realize you can experience the mind free of all the emotional drama and stories, then you awaken to discover the path to be free from all the fear.  The unchanging state of soulful being is with you always.  It is by growing aware of this, that you remember to feel how joy happens inside. Regardless of what the mind perceives to be happening outside, you know the natural simplicity of inner peace.  Reflect on what is truly important.  Sometimes, only being silent allows you to discern and recall ever-present inner wisdom.  Feel it now.  Remember that a true teacher cannot teach you anything .. .all s/he can do is remind you of what, on some level, you already know.


What blocks you from peace?

You may notice people around you seem serene yet you feel restless. What does this tell you?  The vibration of love is something that emerges from the core of being.  If you are disconnected, being aware of this is the first step to other kinds of recognition.

What happens as you sense perception is leaving out part of the bigger picture here?  Let yourself feel the flow of energy within. Listen to your word choices. Are these kind and compassionate terms grounded in the present tense?  Notice the food and beverages you consume.  How does this eating and drinking impact your thoughts and emotions? If you care for a car, would you run anything other than clean, healthy gas through its engine?

When you think, speak and focus anywhere other than in this moment, you block acess to timeless inner peace.  The truth of who you are exists and unfolds in a timeless realm without constraints even when your focus is not here. You can always shift attention.

Consider limitation only exists in mind. What motivates you to limit where you can go, what you can do, and how you express your true self? Why would you choose to ignore innate peace and contentment? What if you have power to Transform your life?


How to incorporate nothing?

People sense incredible changes are ongoing and also unfolding beneath their conscious radar.  As you bravely choose to identify apparent struggles, you realize you are invited to be at peace with every choice.   Yet, are you?

More and more people are realizing that doing, feeling and being nothing is meaningful.  Yet, they are also asking, how does one incorporate different levels of nothing into their lives? As you review your behaviour,  some already falls away. What does it require to reframe nothing where you are?

1) Stop doing what you always do out of habit.

2) Detect that beliefs & opinions are out of place.

3) Notice power in being unemotional & impartial. 

4) Dissolve any mindset that creates a struggle.

5) Recogize human-perceived time is irrelevant.

6) Understand who you meet helps or hinders you.

7) Pinpoint your level of self-control or how to find it. 

8) Accept responsibility for how you think & feel now.

9) Realize you create struggle & can also transcend it.

10) Feel how adversity reinforces inner peace & stability.

11) Sense balance flows through he who feels balance.

12) Choose to be non-confrontational & non-resistant.

13) Visualize moving into unconditional self-acceptance.

14) Love everyone & sense you need not grasp everything.

15) Know you never miss anything you are willing to accept.