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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in inner power (22)


Walk on the wild side

How do you know whether you accomplish something? There is a mental place where you do not look to accomplish anything and find things are completed easily and effortless.  How do you walk on the wild side?

Many people are conditioned to struggle to achieve specific goals.  Other people sense experiencing things fully every moment is something else.  Perhaps you are read to reframe perception differently. You take energy in.

What happens as you realize there is not really anything ouside you? To sense that all things are inside and projected out onto others empowers you to shift what you are projecting. Peer inside. What kind of energy is feeding your beliefs. Imagine that nobody holds any power over you unless you decide to give away inner power.

Suddenly, you realize the secret to energizing your very centre. You remember how to experience joy now. You detach from expectation. What you think is taking place is not what is unfolding. Recognize that you often choose to see what does not exist. You choose to see everything as acts of love or pleas for love. Notice inclinations.

As you recognize people who express negativity forget who they are, you can relate to their lower vibrations with compassion and understanding. If you react emotionally to such encounters, then you forget that the real you exists in a space of uncondtional love and acceptance. Open your heart to nothing.  Realign with Cosmic Synchronicity.


Stuart Wilde & 33 Steps to find yourself

Stuart Wilde offers many books and teachings that invite you to completely evaluate how view and experience the physical world and beyond. In The Infinite Self, he invites readers to re-evaluate their lives and perception.  He offers 33 steps as part of a process to find your authentic self and re-align with what matters.  Consider how many steps resonate with you now;

1) Know you are God

2) Expand self-awareness

3) Find courage to go beyond

4) Accept spirit as your inner guide

5) View negativity as a learning experience

6) Learn about the world through common beliefs

7) Notice human knowledge is affected by human weakness

8) Sense masters were supernatural as others were not

9) Power comes from discipline

10) Centre the mind

11) Believe you are already the power

12) Take your word as law

13) Redefine self-acceptance

14) Judge nothing, quantify nothing

15) Hold onto nothing

16) Do not defend

17) Constantly purify yourself

18) Respect all living things

19) Notice the power rises within

20) Take action through non-action

21) Dedicate your life to the sacred way

22) Grasp that understanding & creativity come from within

23) Align with Nature

24) Fear no death; embrace immortality

25) Avoid becoming a guru

26) Practice physical discipline

27) Rediscover emotional discipline

28) Nurture mental discipline

29) Know philosophical discipline

30) Experience spiritual discipline

31) Embark on inward quests

32) Discern the meaning of fusion

33) Reconnect with the Initiate


Life is not what you think

As you awaken to how the game of life is played, you can choose not to be stuck in one way of thinking or doing.  To shift from an old paradigm to a new paradigm expands perspective.

Old paradigms suggest the answers are limited and found outside self in someone supposedly more knowledgable. External authorities and books related to this mindset prompted action. One often assumed one was powerless.

The new message paradigm is you are empowered with untapped inner wisdom. The shifting of vital energy fields means you view and experience energy differently. You refer to guides but also learn to trust yourself more.  You sense higher frequency energy that is more inclusive and expands a sense of higher consciousness. You can learn to detach from restrictive ideas and focus on intuition. Practical experience shows you what matters. Learn inner self is a timeless teacher;

1) Take responsibility for personal health and well-being.

2) Notice when body gets sick, it is sending you a message. Rather than take a pill to mute the symptoms, learn to listen.

3) Pay attention to what every situation invites you to learn.

4) Raise awareness to know you choose how to think & feel. 

5) Ancient cultures & quantum physics echo inner realities.

6) You predict the outcome of an experiment before you do it.

7) Spirituality and consciousness empower you immeasurably.


Gregg Braden & 31 Belief Codes for healing

Gregg Braden encourages everyone to move to a mental place where they raise awareness and grow more awakened to their own misperceptions and reasons behind them.  This touches on the hightened perception linked to the 2012 phenomenon.

Braden advises how each human being has inner power to shatter their own conception of false limits. In his book, The Spontaneous Healing of Disbelief, he explore these 31 belief codes in great detail and its truly worth reading;

1) Experiments show the focus of attention shifts reality.

2) We live based on what we believe, limit and create.

3) Science is one language that describes things as they are.

4) Particles we're made of interact instantaneously, bilocate and change the past through present choices, and so can we.

5) Beliefs can change energy flow and events in the universe.

6) Perceived existence is actually a series of energy holograms.

7) All energy is "on" (physical matter) or "off" (invisible waves).

8) Nature repeats patterns to build all you perceive or not.

9) If the universe is compised of repeating patterns, grasping small things is a window into the bigger picture.

10) Belief is a 'program' that creates patterns in reality.

11) What we believe is more powerful than what others accept.

12) Accept the power of belief can transform everything.

13) Belief creates certainty based on thought and feelings.

14) Belief is expressed in the heart, where experiences are translated into electrical and magnetic waves that interact withe the world.

15) Beliefs and feelings speak a quantum language to create.

16) The subconscious is larger & faster than conscious mind. 

17) The most deeply-held beliefs are hidden in subconscious.

18) During what are perceived as greatest challenges, deeply held fears/ beliefs are exposed and avaiable for healing.

19) Belief in unresolved hurt arises in harmful, physical effect.

20) Soul pain translates into diminished spiritual quality of life.

21) Principles that permit self-injury are reversed to self-heal. 

22) Belief in a unifying force or opposing ones, shapes you.

23) Choose relationship with light and darkness to heal the rift.

24) A miracle possible for anyone is possible for everyone.

25) You create and experience realities you conjure in mind.

26) In 1998, scientists confirmed photons are influenced by being watched and the more intense the observing, the greater influence over particle activity.

27) Key is to consciously become an experience you choose.

28) People tend to experience what they identify with/ believe.

29) Both logic and miracles open inner channels to beliefs.

30) To alter beliefs, shift awareness to many new possibilities.

31) No need to explain how or why something works, just be consciously willing to accept what it brings to your perception.


Why do you exist now?

The classic phrase, 'to be or not to be' overlooks the fact that something you identify with exists already in form. That does not mean everyone feels confident to clarify why they exist now. Some people struggle to define purpose or direction. Others say getting lost is purposeful for this enables them to be found. What about you? Why are you here now?

As you brainstorm, recall you have a body, mind and spirit and are free to imagine infinite scenarios. Share key ideas that arise in mind. Here are 12 perspectives shared by readers;

1) To learn how all emotion shapes perspective.

2) To be aware ofthe body's reaction to the ego-mind.

3) To realize happiness is only after you surrender totally.

4) To isolate reasons for pain and learn to heal wounds.

5) To ascertain the path guides you so you cannot get lost.

6) To see enlightenment is not attainment, but revelation.

7) To identify your illusions and dissolve them.

8) To laugh for no reason and reclaim peaceful, inner power.

9) To free oneself from a quest for meaning.

10) To be humbled about the usefulness of time and space.

11) To release struggle and evolve to seeconcern is illusion.

12) To find truth in unconditional love beyond a life situation