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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in inspirational quotes (206)


4 ways to explore your connections with energy

Every person has untapped capacity to better grasp their relationship to energy. What if the essence of your being is pure energy? You illuminate physical existence in matter.  During this life, you personify energy to create an identity.  How you think, feel and act show you evolve to master energy.  How about that?

Beyond this instant, you have many opportunities to connect with other energy forms.  All you require is the energy to do so. Nothing is ever lost. As you transcend the limits of what you think you know now, you create new kinds of interactions.  Consider four ways to explore your connections with energy;

1) Be open to the unconventional. If you believe the power of healing is mysterious enough, then you may choose not to measure or limit the framework of your journey. You may decide your own healing process is not dependent on anything so much as your commitment to grow, adapt and learn.

2) Expand your understanding of love. Feelings are the source of your energy.  They make it possible for you to live as you do.  Genuine love is self-renewing. It involves inner changes and the will to extend oneself rather than sacrifice.  As you love, you grow. You build trust, faith and creative self-discipline.  You realize experiences of suffering can be highly colorful and full of depth while they help you attune to love.

3) Invest energy in spiritual development. As you get-to-know yourself, you learn to contol your thoughts and actions.  You discern intrinsic value of equanimity, experience the peace of being even-tempered and forge your path to inner harmony.

4) Believe the continuence is real.  Vibrations you sense are not the beginning or the end.  They come through you but not from you.  They have their own thoughts.  They introduce you to the immortality of soul and the nature of spiritual existence.  As you evolve, teachers seem to appear.  Their energy has always existed.  You come to perceive it.

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” -Aristotle


How to access your deepest inspiration?

You may refer to mentors as individuals who have done things you might wish you had done or, wish you could do.  There is another way to view people who inspire and motivate you.  After all, they are leading back to your deepest inspiration, that is, you! The better you feel, the more you know you are allowing energy to flow.  You are reminding yourself that you know your purpose.  Mentors guide you back to yourself. 

As you decide to raise your awareness, you zero in on the implications of your thoughts.  The energy vibration reflects how you feel about yourself where you are.  You are inspired to travel a certain distance in this lifetime.   I do not mean geographical distance as you would describe it.  Rather, I mean the distance between where you are in your mind and where you would experience better feeling thoughts.

Every person you encounter is a teacher.  Even beings you do not see are guiding, protecting and inspiring you in ways you do not yet register. You are constantly rediscovering and expanding on your own potential.  You learn from how other people think and act, whether what they do transforms their lives, and if so, how. 

Why is it you are drawn to certain people? Who stands out and what do they teach you about yourself?  It is not because you desire to become them or necessarily do what they do,  although this is what you convince yourself early in the piece.  You desire to have more faith in what the heart knows.  Good feelings are closest in vibration to perceived freedom.  Be aware of those and transform your life from inside out.  Be on your way. 

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." -Steve Jobs


5 reasons to feel motivated at this moment

In all likelihood, you got out of bed today. The heart knows precisely why even if the mind is in denial.  This is beyond the basic call of Mother Nature and desire to pass on the bedpan. 

You may infer that you have not yet finished what you started or, that you have no idea what motivates you to go on.  Yet, something does. Otherwise, you would not still be here.  Conside these five reasons to feel motivated at this moment and reflect further on your own;

1) You desire to view the world differently.

2) You realize you readily shift your perception.

3) You have abilities to replace discomfort with love and peace.

4) You begin to grasp limits begin and end in your mind.

5) You have no reason to fear, unless it is an illusion. 

"At one stage in life, I was motivated by just thinking that if you had all this external success that everyone would love you and everything would be peaceful and wonderful."
-Alanis Morissette

What if you could explore future life dream recall?

If you believe a supersensible substance pervades all space and forms the substance of a second body (astral body) belonging to each individual, then you may be willing to believe you could explore future life dream recall. People will speculate that clues to oncoming lives must exist in fragments within dreams you have.  How would you proceed?

Uncharted pools of consciousness contain details of present and future consciousness.  Your level of awareness now permits you to reflect on choices you have made, but what if you have future insight already?  Would you choose to bring it to surface?What if you had ability to live out different futures and decde among preferred outcomes, then, rewind?

To choose among options in front of you in different areas of your life, to then explore a prospective choice on one level, and to deviate to another, could theoretically launch you into a different probability.  You may wonder if you might not get lost among realities and lose your way back to where you started.  And what if you changed your mind about a probable reality after the choice was made? You do not need a time capsule.

All of this reminds you why the conscious mind uses great restraint toward knowing future lives or possible experiences. Many people would choose not to know about the exact circumstances and timing of their eventual death before it happens.  Why?  Human beings develop a concern about what could be unpleasant or worriesome. Fear turns into very real mental blocks that inhibits awareness of dimensions of future lives.  

You may be aware past life regression therapy is a tool that benefits people in healing processes and quests for deeper self-understanding.  Whether or not reincarnation is scientifically-proven beyond any doubt, belief systems are such that this practice serves to empower some people to more effectively tackle perceived present struggles. 

Now, that said, your present is a perspective of future from the framework of your past.  Similarly, your present is your past from the perspective of a future.  Anyone who believes in past life regression,  is exploring future life dream recall already.  From the position of the past, the present is the future.  Human beings build bridges to interconnect past and future and travel between them more often than consciously realized.  What you are prepared to admit and remember, is something else.

"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions." -Edgar Cayce


How can you attain superhuman powers?

So, you desire to develop abilities that exceed what you consider to be 'ordinary' or 'normal' human powers. This article invites you to examine your underlying motivation. That is, what do you seek to gain? And, what do you regard as being 'normal?'

The ego urges you to seek the extraordinary based on its own agenda.  The heart knows the truth of what is possible is completely ordinary and always accessible to he who is ready to allow his potential to be revealed.   What you see and experience is directly related to what you allow or resist within.  The innate power revealed is directly proportional to one's humility. Consider this opportunity to trigger some key revelations:

1)It is not about developing power but about removing barriers to what is:  Light exists that you do not see with human vision. Sound exists at frequencies that you do not yet hear.  Any or all of your senses can be allowed to expand. How you think and feel distorts your view of reality if you let it. It is also possible to grow aware of how the ego controls you and move beyond that to see what it cannot comprehend.

2) Notice the real reason for pursuit:  For some people, the pursuit of happiness takes many forms.  Maybe you read about extraordinary powers, and this appeals to the ego. Maybe something you read planted a seed. Maybe a situation nurtured hope to perform beyond expectations or perceived limitations. Follow the thread to better understand yourself and deep fears. How you want to grow in a particular way determines whether you experience it and if so, for how long.

3) Who can do what you hope to do?  If you have seen or heard about humans levitating, projecting a second physical energy body identical to the one they already have or, individuals defying other assumed laws of physics, you may wish to learn more.  What do you read about such persons? Are they martial artists, government operatives, shamans, spiritual gurus or without labels and roles in society? Each state of mind or state of being reveals degrees of dedicated commitment. As one grasps universal laws, the bigger picture and what is unfolding grows clearly apparent.

4) How do your heart and mind factor in? The ego-mind is where fear resides and heart embodies love. Notice whether the intention to attain something arises in the heart or is created as a thought with a purpose in mind.  You activate a chain reaction of inner influence at cell level.  Every cell in your physical body functions based on energy vibration. Whether you believe in something or know in your heart something is true influences what transpires in your reality. Inaudible sound and invisible light affect how you think and behave now.  Everything is revealed with perfect timing.

In essence then, superhuman powers are not to be attained, but rather, something innate that reveals itself when a person is no longer controlled by the ego.  This is part of awakening to the truth of who you are.  Until then, the universe only seems to hide what you want.  In truth, you only ever hide true potential from yourself until you can handle it.  All is revealed as you willingly love and appreciate everything equally and have no desire to control. Unlimited being shows you the rest in its own ways. 

"The so-called miraculous powers of a great master are a natural accompaniment to his exact understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of consciousness." -Paramahansa Yogananda