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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Notice hidden treasure

Life is a dream.  Notice whether you leave footprints.  Notice what you feed the mind and heart.  Do you nourish and sustain yourself with beliefs and judgments? Listen closely to the words you choose, the emotional reactions that erupt and come to see them as they are.  Thought energy serves you and also flows without you.  Watch.

Notice the nature of dream walking and the pace slows. Be silent and shift focus from being to non-being, from perceived existence to non-existence. Notice the spirit has no hunger. It is illuminated as light. The phoenix emerges from the ashes and transforms into a bird of paradise through the power of intention and integrity. Feel the hidden treasure that never loses direction and never seeks one. The secret is no secret.

"The psyche of man is dreaming all the time, consciously as well as unconsciously.  The dreams we have at night are only a small part of this totality." - Swami Satananda Saraswati