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Entries in Intuition Age (1)


10 Reminders the Intuition Age is Now

Penney Peirce publishes a new book Frequency to highlight how human beings are entering the Intuition Age. This phase of existence is all about detaching from what you once valued.  She reminds how everyone's private intuition acts as a catalyst for deep and lasting life change that registers what is real. Invie you to do the Experiential & Writing Exercises related to her book after reading it.

Suddenly, you recall that you sense energy, you are energy.  You know what to do with energy. You already begin to expand forgotten sensitivities. What do you think is in this for you?

Consider these 10 ideas from Penney the Intuition Age is now;

1) The mind is cluttered with information.  You discern and absorb data from so many external sources that you are prompted to connect with will and trust to move beyond it.

2) You need no guru to glimpse the supernatural. What you used to disregard as metaphysical, paranormal and overly mystical, now present and are confirmed in your experience. Conscious recognition of new parameters of the possible is also expanding your view of what is acceptable and "truth."

3) Part of you knows it has never left heaven.  To awaken from different layers of the earth dream, you progressively open to experiences that nurture your own highest frequency state.  As you deliberately generate love, empathy and compassion, the mind lifts perspective beyond distractions. 

4) You reclaim a sensitive, spiritual nature.  Being more alert helps you connect high vibration with positive feelings.  Further, you sense untapped information encoded in higher energy frequencies.  Accessing this data puts you on the fast track to unwavering certainty about love, soul and what is.

5) A process behind transformation is emerging. Leading edge scientific and spiritual ideas are capturing the attention of a wider audience in books and films from The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, The Celestine Prophecy series to The DaVinci Code and The Secret, among others. People are taking steps to develop awareness of power in thought and feelings.

6) You shift from linear logic to experiential knowing.  This helps explain why the mind systematically ceases to question certain levels of experience.  As you enter higher-vibrational levels, you are slowly learning to hold uplifting frequencies longer.  Acceptance of levels of experience opens door to new dimensions and realities. You enter realms of mind that reveal things that appeared to be hidden meanings when you were in another energy state and vibration.

7) Surrender is the response to change. Where resistance used to hold you back, your intuition is now gaining strength. You no longer worry about the prospect of a change of pace, scenery, loss of job or other conditions.  You accept transmutation is shifting your energy state.  You need not always know how a situation unfolds to value prompts for self-improvement, self-realisation and transformation. 

8) Intuition frees or inhibits ability to react and grow.  You realize, through subjective inquiry ,that intuition is a step toward heightening sensitivity you have put away inside the mind until you felt ready.  As a child, sensitivites are more pronounced.  Yet, without validation and practice or training, these abilities are set aside until an energy being is ready to feel into the self and by extension, into others.

9) You feel energy like a tuning fork.  You may not yet always be willing to acknowledge what you feel exactly when the energy flows, but you know through your own sensations and feelings what feels right. The challenge may be to articulate what you feel in a way its readily understood. 

10) Synchronicity echos loud and clear.  As you raise vibration and frequency, you are aware of increasing examples of sychronicity.  You no longer believe in coincidence, in being in the right place at the right time. As you connect with what makes you feel good, chain reactions emerge to help build faith in yourself and your unlimited ways of knowing.