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10 Reminders the Intuition Age is Now

Penney Peirce publishes a new book Frequency to highlight how human beings are entering the Intuition Age. This phase of existence is all about detaching from what you once valued.  She reminds how everyone's private intuition acts as a catalyst for deep and lasting life change that registers what is real. Invie you to do the Experiential & Writing Exercises related to her book after reading it.

Suddenly, you recall that you sense energy, you are energy.  You know what to do with energy. You already begin to expand forgotten sensitivities. What do you think is in this for you?

Consider these 10 ideas from Penney the Intuition Age is now;

1) The mind is cluttered with information.  You discern and absorb data from so many external sources that you are prompted to connect with will and trust to move beyond it.

2) You need no guru to glimpse the supernatural. What you used to disregard as metaphysical, paranormal and overly mystical, now present and are confirmed in your experience. Conscious recognition of new parameters of the possible is also expanding your view of what is acceptable and "truth."

3) Part of you knows it has never left heaven.  To awaken from different layers of the earth dream, you progressively open to experiences that nurture your own highest frequency state.  As you deliberately generate love, empathy and compassion, the mind lifts perspective beyond distractions. 

4) You reclaim a sensitive, spiritual nature.  Being more alert helps you connect high vibration with positive feelings.  Further, you sense untapped information encoded in higher energy frequencies.  Accessing this data puts you on the fast track to unwavering certainty about love, soul and what is.

5) A process behind transformation is emerging. Leading edge scientific and spiritual ideas are capturing the attention of a wider audience in books and films from The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, The Celestine Prophecy series to The DaVinci Code and The Secret, among others. People are taking steps to develop awareness of power in thought and feelings.

6) You shift from linear logic to experiential knowing.  This helps explain why the mind systematically ceases to question certain levels of experience.  As you enter higher-vibrational levels, you are slowly learning to hold uplifting frequencies longer.  Acceptance of levels of experience opens door to new dimensions and realities. You enter realms of mind that reveal things that appeared to be hidden meanings when you were in another energy state and vibration.

7) Surrender is the response to change. Where resistance used to hold you back, your intuition is now gaining strength. You no longer worry about the prospect of a change of pace, scenery, loss of job or other conditions.  You accept transmutation is shifting your energy state.  You need not always know how a situation unfolds to value prompts for self-improvement, self-realisation and transformation. 

8) Intuition frees or inhibits ability to react and grow.  You realize, through subjective inquiry ,that intuition is a step toward heightening sensitivity you have put away inside the mind until you felt ready.  As a child, sensitivites are more pronounced.  Yet, without validation and practice or training, these abilities are set aside until an energy being is ready to feel into the self and by extension, into others.

9) You feel energy like a tuning fork.  You may not yet always be willing to acknowledge what you feel exactly when the energy flows, but you know through your own sensations and feelings what feels right. The challenge may be to articulate what you feel in a way its readily understood. 

10) Synchronicity echos loud and clear.  As you raise vibration and frequency, you are aware of increasing examples of sychronicity.  You no longer believe in coincidence, in being in the right place at the right time. As you connect with what makes you feel good, chain reactions emerge to help build faith in yourself and your unlimited ways of knowing. 

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Reader Comments (17)

Liara, These resonate with me, but I am not sold on the idea that we are entering a Intuition Age, because when I look at the world as a whole, it seems like many are actually moving away from this direction - like there are many moving towards and many moving away. The world seems to be dividing in that sense...Would love to hear your thoughts on this...
May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLisa (Mommy Mystic)
Lisa, denial or acceptance of phenomena does not change what is. Interpretations of how the spirit takes shape, of how it merges with or is blocked from body, emotions and mind, reminds one that a sense of multi-dimensional reality is shifting. To refer to #8 above reminds readers recognizing and listening to intuition is a choice. In a recent post about how to move beyond fears related to 2012, I mention a Hopi vision. Humanity approaches a crossroads. Those being who choose to raise awareness open different possibilities than those who fear and resist. If your own experience involves thinning boundaries between seen and unseen realms, then your perception accelerates. Something within you penetrates levels of energy, consciousness and sensitivity. You glimpse what exists, what is yet to present more fully. The fact that every human being does not seem to experience what you do at the same moment does not nullify or stop your expanding awareness. As you move beyond labels, the label of what is happening matters less than what you feel and what you know. As mind and body merge, soul energizes. You confirm what has existed inside forever.
May 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
3) This reminds me ACIM quote "Heaven is here there is no other place. Heaven is not there is no other time.

4) This is so exciting. I'm all about getting there! you sense untapped information encoded in higher energy frequencies. Accessing this data puts you on the fast track to unwavering certainty about love, soul and what is.

6) Yeah! Acceptance of levels of experience opens door to new dimensions and realities. You enter realms of mind that reveal things that appeared to be hidden meanings when you were in another energy state and vibration.

7) Just what I need to hear my husband lost his job last week.

9) I do know what feels right. Years back in one of Wayne Dyers books he said he quit going into bars because of the energy. Made so much sense to me.

10) Not sure I get no. 10
May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTess The Bold Life
Tess, thanks for sharing your views. I respond here:

3) Heaven is ultimately a feeling of supreme happiness. To realize happiness is unchanging and ever-accessible within, helps you realize you can shift focus to tap into it anytime. Heaven is where you are, not where you go.

4) You are well on your way. As you realize the brain is an electrochemical organ, you sense fast brain waves correspond with low frequency and awareness. Slow brain waves relate to high frequency and effortless awareness.

6) Acceptance happens in stages to remind you that your baseline consciousness differs from other degrees of consciousness available to you now. In other words, consciousness and energy have parallel spectrums of awareness. This reveals awareness exists beyond human realms. You evolve to explore them in altered states.

7) As you realize everything has a purpose, you realize every event also has a frequency that corresponds to states of awareness. As a person outgrows certain situations, hat person experiences a vibrational shift. The result is conditions change. Energy is neither good nor bad. It reveals a reality within reality. As you grow more sensitive and attune to vibration, you rise above emotion and discern deeeper meaning in unfolding events. Awareness lets you chose how.

9) You tune into what you need. he body is affected by vibrations detected all around you. This evokes the feeling of 'what is right' at a given moment. Insights arise in mind about what soul senses you need to do. This is the kind of feeling you have no reason to question. As you learn to instinctively track your vibrations, you realize you detect and move through frequencies based on every event you encounter. The vibration you generate concerning one area of your life affects all others.

10) Synchrony is the conscious recognition of aligning mind and soul. Another way to view the synchrony that helps you is to be conscious of how to get back to your base frequency of calmness. This implies you are alert and deliberately slow your pace, dissolve misplaced emotions and open intuition to feel more alive in the moment now.
May 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Liara, I will go back and read some of your articles on 2012 when I have some time, I have been reading up on this. Some of the theories I have read regarding 2012 being the coming of a new age partly triggered my earlier comment. For myself, I do relate to all 10 of these items, and I do feel my own perceptions accelerating, and certainly this has been the thrust of my life and my path. And I do see so many around me, and so many of the bloggers and online material I read, to also be part of that opening movement. But when I look at the world as a whole, it feels more like a fissure is developing than the dawn of a new age. This is especially pronounced here in the U.S. I think, where repressive religion has become such a driving force in our politics and culture.
So, honestly I sometimes feel when I am reading 2012 'new age' theories that they are written by people who are living in a bubble, connecting to other like-minded people, who are not clearly seeing all the forces at work. And I think ultimately I am more of a 'spiritual warrior' than psychic, so seeing those forces honestly and accurately is very important to me.
May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLisa (Mommy Mystic)
Lisa, as you highlight, different views of energetic realities exist. To be in a place where you do not judge what is right, wrong, good or bad, is to recognize everything is interconected. People choose what they experience not necessarily based on ignorance, but sometimes on conscious choice. To be more aware of feeling patterns helps one tap into the origins of fear within the self. People are known to project anxiety from memories they have not released in this life and from past lives. Every human being comes full circle. This means some people sense things that go undetected by others. These same people reach stages of awareness where they hold deep understanding of the environment, its perceived problems and potential. To evolve to where you see fragments of many events unfolding at once is itself a stage toward observing a merging of events into oneness. Ever see Jim Henson's the Dark Crystal?

The article I suggest as an aside is:
May 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
I have been told that I am very intuitive and I try to bring out that which resonates in me....But not having work is very hard to find connection with or higher levels of thinking - I am with Tess on #7 hopeful and looking to see where the possibilities lead....our office has no work coming in and my daughter graduating from college next month is applying for many jobs and no one is calling back...
We planted beans, peas, lettuce and tomatoes...and have tons of applesauce and lots of blooms...but fear can transport ones thinking so quickly
May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatricia
Hi Liara .. point 3 generates with me .. especially seeing my mother touching heaven and being at the beginning of the rainbow bridge, but not wishing to leave just yet: she allows herself to be in another world sometimes. Janice, our healing touch therapist, as been such a boon to my mother and I know will help me with this side of my life once my mother moves on .. she really helps my Ma with the spiritual element .. it's wonderful!

Thanks for a really interesting post re the Intuition Age is here .. by Penny Pierce.

Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Patricia, one lesson raised by current, perceived situations worldwide is identity is not associated with a particular job or financial condition. Society teaches human beings to believe esteem, confidence, security, and identity are supposed extensions of what they do, how much income they generate, and what they can buy and consume with what they have. This is a self-perpetuated illusion. Although a person may not believe completely concepts presented by groups like the Zeitgeist Movement (search this blog for related post), it is clear technology is replacing human beings in many traditional job roles. Other perceived upheavals are also teaching human beings that a different self-image and mindset is evolving.

In western society, human beings are discouraged from interdependence. Independence, instead, is expected. As a person follows the threads of personal thoughts and feelings, certain changes in circumstances call identity into question. Yet, non-western cultures and people with related mentality create existences that align with inner harmony. This has nothing to do with a job or set of external circumstances. People work together. They help each other. The engine of perpetual consumption and seeking approval is not in the picture.

Consider the example of friends of mine. Four generations live in one home. Husbands and wives all assume roles to help the family survive. The older help look after the younger. They look out for each other, exchange experience and wisdom. Some family members work outside. Some family members work in the home. Everyone is valued equally. They are not measured based on how much they make or self-conscious about it.

Neale Donald Walsch has written books about his transformation that evolved out of losing everything he held dear. Susan Boyle looked after her mother until she died at age 92. Susan is a spinster who has never been employed, and yet sings like a seasonsoned professional on Britain's Got Talent. Who knows where she will go next? References in scriptures and Eastern spirituality also refer to detachment as key to understanding what lies beyond it. Stories of inner journeys exist and can inspire.

Consider people who are less famous exist without jobs in society and survive. Now, how do they do this? Some end up on the street, homeless and discouraged. Yet, what happens to those who discover inner resourcefulness? They manage to find work or create ways to learn, teach and grow. Numerous life-transforming stories include the experience of losing everything that is assumed important before revelations are triggered about what truly matters. It all comes back to the perception of suffering.

The garden you plant is an example of something many human beings no longer do. Every situation is a teacher. One can learn to remember things one has forgotten. Priorities change. What seems useful or necessary evolves. Intuition awaits rediscovery. Who you are inside remains.
May 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hilary, heaven and inner peace begin and ends as a state of mind. Have you ever heard of the film, "The Bucket List?" It is a story of two men who are seriously ill and they make a list of things they would like to do before passing over to the other side. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are the actors. As they go about living their dreams, they learn a lot about what truly matters. I wrote a post about the concept to encourage readers to reflect. Read it here:
May 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. I have heard of it .. & you've now reminded me of it .. I haven't seen it .. I'll add it to my list for viewing ..and I'll go across to your other post now ..
Thanks for pointing me over ..
May 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, Films about life after death also come in different genres. Consider these:

Army of Darkness
Bubba Ho-Tep
Dead Alive
Dead Zone
Donnie Darko
Evil Dead 1&2
Exorcist, The
It's A Wonderful Life
Last Temptation of Christ, The
Passion of the Christ
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Saragossa Manuscript, The
Sixth Sense, The
Waking Life
When Dreams May Come
Dead Like Me: Life After Death
Death May Come

For some reincarnation-related films, check this site:
May 8, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara,

I think that we have always been in the 'Intuition Age'. It is a part of our soul's tapestry to feel the waves of energy forms and to let them redefine how we feel about ourselves and our lives.
May 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlexys Fairfield
I have lived a life taking action on my intuition and this post does not come as a surprise to me at all. I have known other people who too have been like that and have led very successful lives. I believe that not trusting one's intuition and worrying too much about the outcome is what destroys one's self confidence.
May 9, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrummuser
Alexys, where you think you are is not necessarily where you are. In many cases human beings do not register the information they are given and yet, still request more than they are able to use. To have unconditional trust in one's intuition is always possible. Many people are still working on that. They are selectively conscious and selectively aware. To be selectively intuitive relates back to fear.
May 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
rummuser, as you say, every human being is on a particualr plane of self-awareness. Some people are more conscious of their inner voice and the power of their intuition. As one listens to the voice of love and heeds it, positive visions and things trigger a domino effect. You experience what you think and believe, nothing more.
May 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Very valuable insights! Thank-you for sharing. We are energy incarnate!
May 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMark

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