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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in letting go (39)


Know who controls your life

Many people believe that something outside themselves controls the evolution of their lives.  During a process of remembering, you grow aware you actually control the evolution and perception of all aspects of who you are. Athough you are not always able to change your conditions, you decide how to respond.  You fight and resist what you see or allow and accept every message as a silver lining.  Notice if your version of control is rigid or flexible.  Do you limit each vision or recognize a malleable, guiding light?


Come into resonance with who you are

To have a timeless experience of knowing does not require an external confirmation or explanation.  Do not underestimate the power of asking to let go of all fear, hatred and negativity.  This may shock you, but on non-physical levels, you already transcend this.  The physical you is invited to align with who you are.

Feel the visceral sensation of butterflies through the body.  This triggers more and more joy and a range of feelings beyond bliss and words.  What is your bridge back to pure positive energy? Are you there yet? 


How to make the most of now?

You could choose to see the bright side of where you are and your current circumstances. How often do you do so? Some people are the sort that bring sunny optimism with them even when its raining.  Other people seldom view anything positive in moment. What about you?

Imagine how your life feels as you detach from the drama, relinquish grudges and other hard feelings, and simply choose to see beauty and love inside self and others. What happens as you decide to sense advantages and blessings in all your choics and also to be aware of why you make them? Why focus on such intentions?  You decide whether to make the most of now and also how this translates into being.

For some people, this means cherishing every moment they are given in this lifetime, choosing to laugh off annoyance rather than allow self to get angry, doing more with less, cutting back on extraneous activities and detaching from relationships and conditions that no longer resonate with how they feel.  Be aware your choices reflect priorities.  Pursuit of material things, discrimination or complaining about where you are not or those choices that trigger continued discomfort, may lose their appeal. What happens as you make new choices?

Notice every choice you make is creating experience.  The clothes you buy, the food you eat, the people you connect with, the places you live, the physical things you use, the affiliations you create or discontinue, all of this reflects how you feel inside.  What messages about self-acceptance ordissatisfaction are you sending? How closely are you listening, hearing? Even now, you choose to Transform your life.


5 Tips to tap into your divine gift of creative power

When you sense you receive guidance to undertake something profoundly new, you can feel safe, protected and loved during the process.  To reassure yourself is a choice. We each have innate skills, including natural intuitive and clairvoyant abilities.  Even if you do not choose to develop such skills for use in a career, you would benefit from being able to access different information sources as you navigate various phases of your life. 

For some people, life purpose is a notion that changes and may evolve with them.  Other people believe a sense of purpose can be lost or forgotten.  You may benefit from help to tap into your divine gifts of creative power to reinforce meaning and purpose.  Your intention is key.  Whenever you ask for guidance, it will be given.  It is up to you whether you will choose to be receptive and when.  If you decide to explore what you have yet to experience, consider these 5 tips to get you started (and remain open to others):

1) Realize imagination is a gift.  Society seems to teach us imagination is "airy-fairy" or, not to be trusted.  You may falsely believe it has no measurable value, couldn't lead you to a good job, or sense it would distract you from focusing on more 'reliable pursuits.' You may fear developing faith in your imagination would lead to rejection or folly.  We are conditioned to devalue the power of our creative abilities. Yet, in reality, before anything materializes in the physical world, it starts as an idea with energy potential. 

2) Let the information flow through you.  What you sense about the process is not the result of how you think so much as the result of letting down your walls, learning to visualize what you wish to see, and permitting images to flow.  Throughout your life experiences,  you are taught by Spirit guides, Angels and other non-physical beings. You only notice them when inspired to bridge the gap between the physical world and other realities you would imagine and perceive.  Everyone channels images their own way.

3) Nurture yourself.  In order to grasp things and put them into perspective, you will benefit from learning about and connecting with your spiritual anatomy.  This includes regularly clearing your chakras, channel, and inner emotional screen. To develop faith in your skills and intuition, physical and emotional repair and maintenance are required.  Varied pproaches will help you uncover your emotional blocks and work through them.

4) Appreciate all breakthroughsThis is not a race.  You are not competing.  You learn as you go and when ready and willing to do so.  Many books and information sources are available tools.  What you choose to learn and unlearn empowers you to remove or let go of unwanted or undesirable things from your mind and body.  Revelations ("ah-ha" moments) will add energy to your life force. 

5) Enjoy the twists and turns.  Learning techniques to clear your mind and re-align unbalanced energies will allow you to tap into your divine gifts.  Its all about learning to give up control, to discover how to relax and 'let it happen.' Each person reacts differently to life changes.  To confront misunderstandings and blocks will lead you to experience a kind of rebirth.   Awaken your dormant self and enjoy the ride.

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