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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in beauty (11)



Notice the beauty we see in the external inspires us to recognize inner light. Radiant inner beauty arises from soul growth or expansion of consciousness through experiences and timelines. We share love, hugs , insight through the ethers and generations. As one is more and more meditative, peaceful, a deep unity with existence happens. One aligns with the rhythm or heartbeat of natue and the universe. Our heartbeat, aligned with the universal, awakens authentic humanity. At a pivotal moment, the divine reveals itself.


Astonish Yourself

Notice the deeper we go within into the nature of our pain and suffering, the more astonished we are to find nothing but Love. To find no-thing, is to see fear is illusion. Our intrinsic value is felt in nothingness. This is not a vacuum or a void. Turns out, the black hole is the portal or gateway to recall and unleash our limitless potential. The loudest voice arises in the natural state of silence.
Every emotion arising in us points to our own projected reality, not to anything independent of our own mind. The most startling revelations empower us to activate and live in higher awareness.
Everything that seems to be happening to us is only appearing on the screen of our own consciousness. To know this is to fear nothing, know we are in essence, untouchable. As reality is observed through this lens, it dawns that suffering is a catalyst to deepen our own humility, compassion, quiet grace and dignity.
Freedom arises as external acceptance no longer matters. We find relief from the mind as we see through our pain, stop making choices to make others comfortable. Transmutation evokes feeling uneasy, but falling apart is a stage of awakening to our own beauty. Pain is physical and suffering is mental. Each is a teacher guiding us to find comfort in our vulnerabilty and live wholeheartedly.
The secret is to love ourselves fully as we are right now, instead of loving the idea of other people loving a different version of us. Come what may, truth is, we deserve self-love, the understanding we are worthy of our own self-respect. Inner strength and resilience grow as we consciously realize the truth for ourselves in practice. Let go.



Connect with Inner Beauty

(lotus flower from )

Notice as we grow ready and willing to see more of ourselves, to integrate both light and dark, we suddenly grow more aware of the intricate details of our immeditate surroundings. As we feel more whole and complete, the scope of our multisensual experience expands. What ego was conditioned to overlook, criticize, or write off as ugly, repulsive, becomes cute, cuddle, beautiful. The more we come to see beauty in the external, the more in touch we are to innate beauty and no boundaries with our unique divinity. We are learning about the vehicle we created. Rather than identify with issues that arise, meet it and see it from the perspective of your greatness.  


Awaken cosmic potential

Notice like a swing, every conscious choice pulls back the inner catapult, increases access to our cosmic potential and changes our trajectory. When was the last instance you imagined yourself as a Tree of Life? Imagine that within the energy fields of your embodied tree are the platonic solids. The more we unleash our creativity, allowing magic and playfulness to be in motion to guide our lives, the higher we climb in octaves and vibrational doorways present. The human perception of energy is accelerated by immersing in Nature and interacting with sacred geometry. Tuning in activates a higher sensitivity to beauty and dormant biocircuitry. Revelations about the Truth of who we are sheds veils of illusion and allows us to reshape our own universe. 


Reality is not what you think

Notice sometimes it feels safer to stand-by and avoid prickly feelings that show up in our lives. What does this mean? and why carry what complicates our lives or evokes discomfort? To only focus on the blessings and endless beauty around us may overlook different ways to love ourselves. Everything is a call for love or a message about love. Every thought & feeling has deeper messages. Tuning into the heart reminds us the inner Sun is the most reliable guide for insight & light body integration. It is only by diving into infinite emotional waters that we get in touch with what matters Now, unleash more of True Self and let go of whatever postpones blossoming into our radiant Being. Shifting from ego-driven reality to heart-centred choices echoes big shifts in consciousness. Remember your choice is your freedom. Every moment, we choose to fear or love. Perceived reality extends from this energy. The will to change how we feel resides within each of us. Sovereignty is our power. Reclaiming soverignty changes everything.