5 Ways to begin taking radical responsibility

To draw on the theme of a new online radical responsibility course I am offering, consider 5 ways to begin taking radical responsibility:
1. Recognize that you create all of your life experiences.
This may be a shocker: No one and nothing is doing anything to you. Stop looking outside of yourself to people and conditions and thinking they are happening to you. Unconscious individuals look at lack of peer feedback and believe peers are the issue. Conscious individuals shift attention off the external and focus on themselves. This is a choice. Where are you placing your attention?
2. Accept your deepest intentions (unconscious commitment) are not in your words, but in results showing up.
If the world is not giving you abundance, useful feedback, opportunities, clients, you feel unappreciated, these are results. Regardless of what you say you want (e.g. opportunity, clients, praise), you’re unconsciously committed to getting results you get.
3. Allow curiousity to guide you.
Your unconscious commitment/ will (the actual result) is perfect for your next developmental step in becoming a conscious co-creator. No one is doing anything wrong. Right and wrong do not exist. This is a feeling based journey you are making conscious to reclaim inner power. Everything exists for your deep learning and growth.
4. Answer two powerful questions from a place of curiosity and wonder. #1: “How do I create and perpetuate this situation? ” #2: “What do I get from creating and perpetuating this situation?”
The answers that arise are pivotal for raising your awareness of what you can do, how you can live differently
Question #1: Imagine you’ve been asked to teach a class called, “How to get feedback & appreciation.” Note results you get now. Be the expert. Have fun with this: create a slide presentation on how to create a boss who doesn't treat you well. Typical points might include: Don’t ask your boss for feedback. Think that all feedback must be verbal and labeled as “feedback.” Get defensive when your boss gives you feedback. As you answer question #2, it dawns you’re not crazy. You’re creating this situation and you benefit from having it be this way. Discover what they are. Own what you’re getting.
5. If you’re willing to shift your unconscious commitment (intention), examine your presentation and apply what you learn to your life. Discover the power of conscious intenation. Follow your own prescription. Results are pointers to inner voice or vibration. SHift inside and the outside can only mirror that. Its universal law.
This is an example of how many mystery writers create their scenarios. They tend to begin with the solution to the mystery and write their story backwards. So, there is more than psychology to this. The formula works! Go with it. See what happens.