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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in inspiration (24)


10 Tips to Rebuild, Rewire & Recreate Yourself

The moment arises when we are ready to make bigger life changes.  Sometimes change seems to happen without us and we may feel confused or frozen in our tracks. Sometimes we are unsure exactly how to respond to abrupt change, that is, which mountains to scale, which direction to turn or to how to let go of what no longer serves us.  Consider 10 Tips to rebuild, rewire and recreate yourself;

1. Draw Power from Inside

Everything shifts as it dawns true power comes from inner navigation rather than from outer attractions and attachments to people, position, potential promotion, material goods and prestiege.  In other words, this is key to reclaim and strengthen relationship with our truest virtues, vivid visions and untapped potential.

2.  Speak Truthfully

One who speaks from the heart, does not hold back, regardless of judgement, rejection or loss of popularity, is aligned with Soul.  As we shift away from ego agendas, we realize being honest with ourselves and others is the only option to be real.  Journalling and reading entries to self can encourage us to take it next level.

3. Focus on a Calling

This is not the same as what we do as a job we are pushed into or we allow someone to choose for us.   It emerges from intuition, a sixth or spiritual sense.  Its up to each of us to take chances, join the dots of our own path, do what others tell us cannot be done.

4. Be Loyal to your Values

This implies we are aware of our ideals and live in integrity.  This comes from deepening self-awareness and being willing to let go of relationships and situations that are not out of sync. Whether we call them pillars, commandments, guideposts, habits, principles or core values, they quietly guide our decisions and actions. The best are easily understood and shared in practice.

5. Live from the Heart

As we sget out of the head, (stop questioning, doubting, over-analyzing), and live more from the heart, we find effortless productivity soars, confidence and self-worth increase, and we grow into magic manifestors. This is part of the process of discovering oour gifts and offering service.  I pray we all come to trust intuition over the logic and practical reasoning of the intellect.

6. Study Inspiring People

Inspiring men and women affect us based on artistic genius, being fearless warriors, prodigious scientists, businss titans, inspiring humanitarians, Nobel laureats and individuals who inspire us to love and accept ourselves and our visions.   Principles they live by, behaviours, discipline and rituals stand out or draw us in to recognize qualities in ourselves that are ripe to blossom.

7. Learn to Meditate & Visualize

Notice the body. Feel your breath. Take note when your mind is wandering. Varied approaches exist.  This is about becoming an astute observer of your own thoughts and feelings.  Gradually expand your awareness to include body sensations, and sounds in external environments. Embrace everything that arises with non-judgmental awareness. Continue practicing mindfulness meditation for at least 10 minutes daily, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.

8. Invest in Self-development Events & Courses

Call it synchronicity or intuition, something mysterious guides us to commit time, and energy to events and courses. Maybe its a yoga teacher training, a children's illustrator workshop, a writer's masterclass, an artists' internship, a free offering that crosses our path, guidance from inspiriting specialists with no strings attached. Take advantage of what presents. Let your soul be your pilot.

9.  Enlist experts

At different stages of life, we invite in teachers and guides that invite us to evolve and flourish into more expanded versions of our true Self. That may include; performance coaches, healers, breathworkers, spiritual counsellors, hypnotherapists, dream coaches or whatever resonates with our stage of consciousness.

10. Self-examine

To pay attention to yourself invites looking deeper into the psyche, to realize what unfolds in our external world reflects the state of our inner world.  Begin to realize the subconscious mind and conscious mind are the same mind.  The only reasons we see a difference is because we artificially create a division. The part of the mind we are not willing to look at is the subconscious mind. To explore this unknown, do shadow work, get up early, strengthen resolve, do dream work, and take steps to align with personal destiny. 

On reflection, as a wiser woman, I realize this is a lot.  At times, the process, was uncomfortable, even terrifying.  Yet, is was also electrifying, fascinating, rewarding to make my own breakthroughs. It dawns that deep personal change is often painful simply because it is transformational.  We cannot grow into all we are meant o be without leaving behind versions of ourselves we outgrow. Older versions of you experience a kind of death so your own new realities can emerge. We are taught change comes with suffering but the nature and duration are up to each of us.

Every morning, I see aspects of the external world continue to sleep or remain unchanged while the way I see myself, my behavior, even my very operating system are completely restructuring.  The more I focus energy, time and attention on my vision, the more major fears fall away and new situations emerge to replace them. Much of my previous conditioning to please, to be liked and conform, while betraying true self, just dissolved.


Recall what aliveness feels like

Notice to begin to feel more alive is to recall what happiness truly feels like. Its a deep visceral journey. Living from or being guided by 'Soul' implies total aliveness, not with or due to someone else, or some situation, but with yourself. This version of absolute aliveness has no outward causes. It is ever-present and also inalterable. Free will simply implies one can tune into/ out of any vibration.
To lose touch with Soul, is to lose touch with the basic source of core vitality, aliveness, and creative inspiration. Coming back to listen differently, coming full circle, is about surrendering to wholeness, tuning into self-love and appreciation in unforeseen ways. Divine guidance is everywhere. True love is the way of no expectation. Love exists only in total acceptance where there is no desire to change anything. Anything else is not unconditional love, but desire or judgment.
This journey of existence offers endless insight into freedom of mind and the truth of suffering. Find courage to be real. Listen to the heart rather than mind. Be satisfied with life in the present. Explore the unknown. The journey of facing oneself can be very painful, yet what is revealed is beyond mind's imagination.

5 Tips to be Happier

The most important relationship we have is with ourselves.  Yet, how often do we consciously sit alone with ourselves, that is, recall what it is to be fully present?  This is tuning into what is really going on for us mentally, emotionally and otherwise, and actually acting on that.  Restlessness is not what we think, not what we are taught to believe or consume. Consider probing 10 questions to begin to work out what is really going on for you:

1. Are you happy?

2. Who am I?

3. Why am I here?

4. Who is bored?

4. Why am I repeatedly uncomfortable?

If discomfort just won't go away, then its time to wake up and evolve.  This is about finding the courage to make different choices. At a pivotal moment, it dawns we are using the external to create and reinforce an identity that is not real.  As it dawns we set ourselves up to be a certain person, dress and look a certain way to meet expectations, this is a stage in awakening to who we are not. Only with awareness are we empowered to change, and only if it resonates with soul.

The moment arises when it dawns how we live our life is the example we set for our children, pets, peers, loved ones, students, clients.  If we feel disturbed about our own behaviour, we are not doing the right thing in that moment.  We are not listening close enough to what truly matters to our sacred heart. This is a wake-up call to go deeper, really listen to be the best course.

In essence, the contemplation processs is the way we neurologically rewire the brain.  Different wake up calls present like stepping stones to behave differently, shift perception of what is possible and more aligned with our core vibration.  The key is to get back on track.

Sometimes we hit our hand on the doorknob while passing through. Sometimes external examples of people who awaken in their own ways can inspire and motivate us to make different choices.  Come what may, ultimately, we are the creators, orchestrators and destroyers (g.o.d.) of each stage of our own initiatic path.  We decide when to awaken to levels of truth and at what pace we let go of the unreal. We decide when to be fully authentic and reveal our true colours.


Step outside that comfort zone

Notice as we move into an age of accepting multidimensional nature, we shift away from doing to to focus on being. Its natural to move though multiple careers, to blaze trails, create multiple pathways, nourish many perspectives. Having an open mind accelerates conscious expansion. Allow different views to flow, learn languages, travel and explore. As we venture into the unknown, see beyond the status quo, we plant seeds, inspire others to expand horizons.
This notion of time invites us to zoom out and see the arc of time, to discover that a true rainbow is actually a circle. We are invited to expand our sense of wonder, explore states, forms and formelss states more consciously. Different understandings of time suggest humans have lived far longer than the current average lifespan. Records of ancient Summarian kings attest to them living thousands of years. In the Bible, Mathesula is said to have lived over 900 years. We even hear stories of immortals who exist in remote places and different ways of functioning through space time. Limited beliefs of life and death can shift into awareness of eternal streams of consciousness.



Stop Playing it Safe

(Visual Art Bill Brouard- @ Visual Alchemy)

Notice what happens as you stop playing it safe, when all of a sudden, something awakens within you that recognizes you are the one that has been holding yourself back. Its the illusion of fear and conditioned assumptions in the mind that keep us feeling small, powerless or stuck. This revelation is the pivotal moment of finally reclaiming inner power, consciously shifting to focus purely on Soul direction and destiny. Trusting intuition allows energy to flow more freely, can involve abruptly letting go of apparent commitments and aspects of life that previously defined you. Being spontaneous opens channels of vision within you that continue to dazzle and amaze. Creative streams of inspiration arise as if from nowhere. Life experience shifts again.