Consciously engage in this moment

Liara Covert, Ph.D
Insight of the Moment
"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all." - Liara Covert
*Mastering Time
365 Paths to Love
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Be Your Dream
Transform Your Life
Cosmic Synchronicity
No time like the present to be aware you create myths and ideas of taboos in your life. Notice when a sense of restlessness arises. Its a pointer. Imagine how empowering it is to recognize how you adopt beliefs and what prompts you to feel its time to let them go. Every thought and feeling is a gift to be unwrapped. Decide each one serves you.
Consider everything you see through physical eyes actually resonates sounds beyond what you are conditioned to hear. As you raise awareness, you sense everything is light that vibrates at a certain frequency. Spoken words, thoughts, and feelings also have tones. You can come to recognize vibrations of love and acceptance and whatever blocks them. Get ready to take responsibility for creating realities you vibrate into being. At any moment, you can make a new choice. Changing your attitude changes your perception. See through filters of fear. Be loving and change your sense of reality.
On another level, your body is full of geometry. It is constantly transforming from the inside based on your thoughts, words, action and inaction. Your entire body can be mapped according to sounds. It automatically grows toward the ideal unless something (i.e. "you") get in the way. Thoughts affect various organs and the senses too. You use sounds internally and externally. A simple sound can reorganize the body's cellular structure. Specific sounds activate and heal the body. Explore what it is to be more aware of a range of sound frequencies. Discover how every choice you do and do not make contributes to your own sense of limitation or limitlessness right now.
Take this opportunity to raise awareness and shatter at least one of your own myths. What do you recognize about yourself at this moment? What stands out? Share a belief, attitude or perception you outgrow. What triggers this new perspective within you? Feel why this is perfect timing.