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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in purpose (39)


See yourself everywhere

Purpose can be viewed as a changing perception of fulfillment. Everything can also be felt as a stepping stone to opening to consciousness. What happens as you voluntarily turn inward to explore the truth?  What do you let go of and what reveals itself quietly?

What you find is that beyond the fear, anger, sadness, despair, and other emotions, you are willing to be more honest wih yourself and see through direct experience what is real. You begin to see yourself everywhere.  This is not the Self the mind defines.

You travel no distance to be where you are. Now is the  moment is when you simply Be who you are.  The sense of oneness and individual co-exist with nothing to reconcile.

"The nature of truth is dynamic and always calls for a deeper level of simple honesty and vigilance." -Gangaji


How purpose arises

Purpose arises as you open the heart.  Notice what unfolds as you connect with what you love and willingly share this by serving others.  What happens to that unending quest for purpose as you discover your deepest needs are not what you thought? How does it feel to know all conceivable needs are already met? What happens as you choose to have fun with whatever you do and also infuse joy into the lives of others?  

It is all coming back to you how your gifts and aptitudes are pre-selected at soul level.  Being creative is one of the basic ways to revitalize the Spirit and awaken to what the soul always knows.  Purpose is not what you think.  It is not what mind invites you to believe. Purpose is what you are, every aspect of the journey, and even energy itself.

"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." -Dalai Lama


Create for the joy of it

Why is it that the mind thinks you need a reason to do or become?  How does it feel to engage in purposeless action?  Notice the word purpose implies dissatisfaction, desire for change and assumptions about imperfection. When are you idle by choice?

Consider for a moment, how your focus and priorities shift at different stages of your life.  Reflect on what stands out during stages of infancy, childhood and teens. Reflect on highlights or turning points of adulthood; career and/or unemployment, stages of health or illness, singlehood, partners/hips, marriage, possibly divorce, parenthood, widowhood or whatever stands out. Now, when are your choices only based joy and making the most of the moment? Where are you aware of conditioning to work toward what you think is missing or would make you happy? What inspires you right now?

Everything is valid.  There is no right or wrong choice, only situations that evoke a response or not and opportunities for lessons or unlearning.  One perspective is that nothing ever truly happens.  Beyond words and their contents, nothing remains.  Here, no perceived lack exists, only perfection, acceptance and wholeness. Joy is being.  Its what is felt in the heart.

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." -Philip K. Dick


Only one thing matters

Only one thing that matters is state of consciousness.  Everything else is relative. To connect with that which is beyond the self is the most selfless thing and yet, is often missed.  Notice what you decide has power to make you unhappy. What is missed?

The mind tells you what it wants. The heart says the world unfolds as something else. Peace is what transcends every mental perception. The purpose is not what ego mind assumes. Connect with what makes you weightless.  This is not a physical diet.  Feel the incredible lightness of being that is nothing, a state of non-division, pure innocence.


Moving to the world of light

The courage and faith you have in yourself determines the nature of your limiting or expanding experience.  Do you ground yourself and remain focused on three dimensional existence, or do you choose to consciously shift into new energetic harmonics that expand beyond it? You create and weave together significant parts and remove others.  Imagine how you would respond to realize you are not conscious of your real surroundings.  Each stage of awakening serves a purpose.  Notice you act as a transmitter for light and sound frequencies.  You are invited to address those things that surface within.  You are expanding into the multi-dimensional light.  Emotions enable you to read more deeply into the love and vitality you are.

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