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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in purpose (39)


Trust your inner guidance

Everything you feel vibrates a silent message from the depths of your soul.  The question is, how often do you listen? How often do you realize that the soul level vibration does not always jive with what you are thinking? The truth is you create all experience in your scope.  What occurs as you empower self to be?

When people say, "I always knew it," that does not mean they are always conscious of sure-footedness or career-related purpose that they focus on now.  Be aware of what draws you to particular activities and environments. You have unlimited opportunities to stretch physically and otherwise, to learn and also grow.

What other people do or do not do does not matter.  What you do also does not matter.  How you feel about what you do is what matters.  A person feels joy doing anything and everything provided he is uninfluenced by judgment or approval.  Reflect on when you trust inner guidance. What serves you?


Notice the origins of your gifts

Some people do not realize that the mind rights off key origins of their innate gifts. Perhaps you are not in the habit of reflecting on the role of ancestry, qualities you dislike in others, perceived enemies and difficult feelings in the gifts you awaken.  What would you say if the purpose of choosing to create and experience adversity, to step outside comfort zones, is to draw attention to dimensions of limitless being you selectively ignore? How do you respond to sensing that where you choose to be has everything to do with your own unveiling?

In other words, transformation has many origins and yet, you decide to make feelings and motivations more conscious or not.  You determine what you are ready to accept and integrate into your emerging luminescent energy field, or deny it exists.  Consider fear and how you respond to repress or overcome it.  Be aware of where you are standing and why, the implications of your choices.

What you leave behind or escape is just as significant as the directions in which you shift and what you consciously choose to embrace. This relates to everyone you have ever known or heard about, and energy not even discerned yet in your scope of awareness. Take a moment to ponder all the reasons you have for gratitude.  This is yet again, another indication that you choose to Transform your life.


Unlock the ordinary mind

The ordinary mind is where you store the secrets that explain your habits, karma and evolving purpose.  It is something that exists between you and the unlimited love and consciousness you are.  Mind is a barrier you create to work through for your own benefit.

As you slowly dissolve the layers of barriers that you are convinced at this moment are part of you, nothing remains between you and your state of omnipotence.  Consider what ingrained beliefs tell you, and what you are choosing to feel now. Every revelation matters.

The ordinary mind gathers and stores illusions that exist to convince you that you are less than you are.  Every stage of your awakening makes ego less convincing.  As your habits dissolve, there is less difference between meditation and perception of reality. 

In essence, your absolute nature is gradually all you know. Delusions about what you lack and what people tell you is wrong with you, fall away. The ideal you is no longer a dream you work toward creating.  You break through the barriers of ordinary mind to unleash enlightnment, You accept your limitless perfection, consciously align with who you are by attuning to Cosmic Synchronicity.


Let go of the prison you imagine

Many people look into the mirror and assume they have reasons to feel guilt or other negativity.  They hear echos of what other people tell them they are and forget to listen to their inner voice. They lose themselves in the illusion of the game.  They forget how it feels to have complete awareness, to see through the fog.  Instead, they twist and distort who they are, and lose themselves in turmoil.

It is the moment to return to who you are.  You bring love and joy with you wherever you go.  All of this is felt as you choose to let go of the prison you imagine.  You may be searching for a purpose, and to do so, you live vicariously through the experiences of other people. Open yourself to discover everything you admire in others is within you.  Understanding comes from the heart.

As you open inside, you are receptive to harmony, balance and light.  As you choose to let go of beliefs and thoughts of what you are not, you recognize the meaning in all experiences.  They all empower you to attune to love.  No ideas fit into this space.  Relinquish all beliefs. Lose the self you adopted and remember to feel the flow of vibrations now. This is how to align and Transform Your Life.


What if you reframe everything?

Realize how you think and feel vibrates with a certain energy.  This reflects a level of changing conscious awareness.  You are in the process of shattering illusions and bursting the bubbles of your own beliefs.

Every moment, you are outgrowing certain perceptions and ways of thinking.  You always have choices about which energies to discern, and how to respond to each.  Some people recall states of just being.

As you experience stages of awakening, you remember how to open ancient senses within.  You allow energy to flow into the body, feel more open to self-examine and reflect. This the beginning of a journey along endless inner highways of consciousness.  Why would society be structured to prevent you from accessing inner knowing?

Every human being has free will and the capacity to anchor light.  You determine a sense of purpose with the decision that you are ready and willing to be completely informed about reality.  This involves a process of opening up to your own process of Self-Disclosure before you connect dots and recognize synchronicity.