Honour your Soul journey

Notice the physical world suggests shortcuts exist to reach goals and flourish. Zig Ziglar echoes, "there is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." Similarly, there is no cutting corners in spiritual practice. Contrary to popular belief, one cannot fast-track spiritual progress to reap imagined rewards and instantly access what one is not ready to energetically handle. The very thought this is possible is itself ego delusion. All attempts to dodge the messy world of difficult relationships, uncomfortable emotions and anything else we would avoid, only sidetrack and obstruct the true Soul journey of authenticity which beckons. The nature of suffering draws us back to the steps we skipped, pondered or missed. We exist to identify, honour, digest, embody and integrate Soul lessons of our lives. Every choice has alchemical conequences that alter our frequency & experience. Reclaim the power and free will to consciously create your own happiness. Hence the Zen proverb: when the student is ready, the master appears. In other words, when the student has the mindset, has their eyes and ears open and stops acting like they know everything, then a teacher will appear. Teachers present as guides at different stages until one blossoms into the Master and weilds the power of a white lotus.