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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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*Mastering Time

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365 Paths to Love

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Be Your Dream

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Transform Your Life

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Daily inspirational quotes about life from the book Transform your life - 730 Inspirations


Cosmic Synchronicity

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This book helps your recognise challenges and overcome fear


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145 inspirational quotes to motivate your to be honset with yourself and solve your problems.




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Entries in setting intentions (1)


Create the life you wish to lead

Many people talk about life plans and shifting priorities and the end of the year is a common period for reflection and brainstorming.  Teaming up with a life coach is a great way to empower yourself, to help you clarify your ideas and put them into practice. Which life areas are up for review?

1) Ponder and re-assess areas of your life

2) Set new intentions for specific areas

3) Creatively explore new directions

4) Identify measurables and immeasurables

5) Envision regular reviews and be accountable

6) Commit to follow through & take action