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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in accountability (7)


7 Ways to work with the Law of Cause and Effect

Notice the universal law of cause and effect states that every action in the universe produces an equal and opposite reaction.  Some call this flow of energy "karma."  Others claim karma does not exist.  Reflect on 7 Ways to work with the Law of Cause and Effect.  Be are you travelling?

1.     Identify heavy energy

Be clear on the nature of your actions and their consequences that lock you in undesirable circumstances.  This requires making the unconscious, conscious and integrating the soul teachings. Be aware where you feel stuck or stagnant and reflect on the obstacles.

2.     Distance from incompatible people & situations

Life is complicated by those who are unable or unwilling to change.  Create distance from relationships that drain you.  Discover how much lighter you feel.  Stress will go away that was not yours to begin with.

3.     Be accountable to yourself

Once you recognize where you went astray, you are empowered to shift patterns.  Energy shifts in new directions.  Examine your past choices. Recognize making newer, more conscious choices is now.

4.     Do what nourishes your spirit

To feel drawn to something deep within you is to know intuitively this path is meant to revitalize you.  Focus energy on what makes you feel useful and valuable, allow it to nurture you.  One avenue is using dreams as a tool to get in touch with deeper meaning and life diractions. Contact us about dream work and our Astral, Lucid & Dream Yoga Course.

5.     View vulnerabilities as strengths

See that apparent weaknesses or patterns are teachers and pointers to resilience and opportunities for soul growth.  Be open to power of an open heart, how this profoundly connects you to deep truth.

6.     Take responsibility

Follow intuition to modify behaviours that are not serving you and the greater good.  Accept that we cannot change others, only how we respond.  Let go of old ways or behaviours that you outgrow.  Take the process of   personal responsibility to a whole new level. Be bold, daring! Join our 3 month Radical Responsibility course.

7.     Practice Gratitude 

The energy of gratitude lifts us out of the vibration of stuckness or negative energy.  This focuses us instead in the creative flow so we can concentrate on allowing the blessings and talents of who we are to flow, rather than attempting to fix illusions of who we are not.  


Be in Harmony with Soul

Notice we live in a moment unlike any other, an energetic turning point. More humans are beginning to think for themselves. Every social system based on illegitmate authority is falling apart. The hypocritical nature of Scientific and Religious organisations is growing more apparent. Educational and other institutions are losing the loyalty of followers who have been dependent on these institutions to sustain a world in what was assumed to be grounded in fairness, justice, ethical responsibility, and morality. We see before us the disintegration of society as it used to be known. The increasingly obvious illegitimacy of authority has lost the support of those who begin to see things as they are. In order to support a system, people have to be willing to give power away to system, and believe it serves their best interests. As people awaken and reclaim sovereignty, many systems lose their power. Religions, Nations and other structures have lost legitimacy due to visible corruption within legal, political and other systems. We see failure of the capitalistic system to even follow its own rules. No organizing principle now holds traditional families together. Relationships are falling apart if they have no basis in sustained consciousness that can function freely, openly and transparently through Love. Without shared recognition of wider reality that transcends idealogies now proven false, relationships have no true foundation. All bonds weaken where trust and sense of connection dissolve. The wide perception of observable reality is like competition gone mad, a mental, economic, psychological war against all. We have temporarily forgotten or deactivated capacity to love, to unify consciousness: the true underlying reality of our Being. The false belief in egoic forms of ideology and heart disconnect creates closed minds which are at war with one and other and within the psyche, making it hard to heal relationships or communities. As consciousness comes to know to itself, people recall what it is to be true and respectful to each other, and create new ways of Being in harmony with the Soul.


10 Ways to Accept Personal Responsibility

The fundamental building block for creating a new life in alignment with who you are is taking personal responsibility. This is about owning your behaviour (thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.) and consequences. Until you take responsibility for your actions, (as well as self-judgements, you do not develop self- respect or truly respect of others.

To take personal responsibilty means you don't react to external events.  You simply act. Your actions come from your true being, that which is self-directed, self- motivated, self- disciplined, and knows and resonates with harmony.

  • What does personal responsibility look like to you?
  • What are the specific steps to putting this into practice?

Consider 9 Ways to Accept Personal Responsibility:

  1. Be accountable for thoughts, feelings, words & actions
  2. Stop using words: try, can't, don't won't, shouldn't
  3. Cease complaining & blaming
  4. Take nothing personally
  5. Listen to heartfelt intuition
  6. Live in the present
  7. Use the power of intention
  8. Ground yourself in nature 
  9. Engage in mindfulness practices
  10. Accept where the will exist, a way can be found




4 Tips to transform relationships

If you desire to change soething about your relationships, its helpful to realize you must begin with yourself.  Reflect on these 4 tips to transform your relationships by shifting your point of attention inward:

1. Notice relationships mirror beliefs: 

Your beliefs about relationships, men, women, children, pets, love and anything emerge as relationships. The beliefs each person holds prompt us to react and act  to support our growth and conscious awakening.  In order to experience anything or anyone you must first relate to it. For instance, the nature of relationships reflects what you are choosing to vibrate. Even if your partner is being faithful, if you vibrate distrust you will look for reasons to prove otherwise and you experience an echo of this.  Beliefs that govern your experiences and relationships point to subconscious core beliefs.  Since your relationships are based on them, you perpetuate a vicious circle until they are made conscious and healed.

2. Be accountable for all your qualities: 

Every quality you see in your partner, is your mirror. The more you dislike a certain quality, the more it is showing you a part of your consciousness that you are not acknowledging. For instance, if you dislike your partner's jealous nature, you will find that you too are jealous perhaps not of him or her but of others. If your partner's or child's competitiveness annoys you, this reveals you do not see competitiveness in yourself. If your partner's negativity or insecurities get you down, this reveals the same about you. The only reason that these qualities are annoying you is because they are also yours. As long as you do not acknowledge them as your own they will continue to frustrate you, while owning up to them allows you to grow.   You may find that even some positive qualities annoy you. For example, if your partner's overly kind and giving nature frustrates you, it reveals you want to be more generous but resist. Alternatively, your partners' ability to forgive may make you uneasy. See it as an opportunity to forgive. 

3. Own what frustrates you in others:

When your partner acts in ways that upset you, you too act in the same way, most likely not towards him or her but towards yourself and probably others. The more some behaviour frustrates you, the more it reflects a part of you that you are not owning. If your partner treats you with disrespect, look within yourself and see who you treat with similar disrespect, whether it be a friend, a family member or yourself. If your partner criticises you, you will find that you are critical of yourself and others. If your partner ignores your needs, you will find that you too ignore your own needs or those of others. Ultimately, you teach others how to treat you by how you treat yourself.

You may find that the quality you see in your partner appears to be the opposite of your own quality, but in fact it is the same quality expressed in a different way. It is still your mirror. For example, the introvert attracts the extrovert, the weak attracts the strong, the giving attracts the taking. Such seemingly opposite partners attract each other so that they can learn from each other and bring their own extreme quality into balance. In order to attract your opposite, you yourself have to be at the other end of the spectrum and so are unbalanced as far as that quality is concerned. Simply put, opposites attract in search of balance. When none of your qualities are at either extreme of the spectrum, then you can no longer attract its opposite.

4. Face the truth of all relationships: 

Emotionally and physically abusive relationships mirror qualities/ core beliefs like any other relationship. At the root of abusive relationships is a deep lack of self-worth in the abused partner. The only way to rise above such relationships is through the power of self-love.  The more you love yourself, the less you put up with any lesser behaviour toward you from others, the more you invite a mirror of self loving treatment.


9 Tips to reach a whole new level 

If you do not feel motivated or inspired, your spirit is sick. You have not yet discovered what is huge for you, what can shift awareness and more. To transform like never before, ponder 9 tips to reach a whole new level;

1. Establish goals

Goals are a must to have direction and to consciously build momentum.  Creating measurables and milestones can help bring accountability.  The things that are outside your comfort zone are the things that achieve your success.  If achieving goals was easy, everyone would quickly reach them and there would be nothing left to motivate you. 

2. Get over your childhood wounds

Part of you may linger in hopelessness, victimhood, fear, assuming a recurrent pattern is inevitable.  You may be used to blaming your past for your present. This is the moment to see this moment as a blank slate, to see through imaginary mental hurdles and get on with why you exist.  

3. Deprogram the programming

People are programmed to hesitate, doubt, talk themselves out of doing what feels right, what would otherwise propel them forward. Those who are successful are willing to be embarrassed, rejected, to look foolish.  Its crucial to see humor in your programmed beliefs and to shift out it this.

4. Most rules are made to be broken

Rules not meant simply to keep you out of harms way are psychological tricks you play on yourself.  Each rule is a test inviting you to see the underlying reason why it is created and to recognize where you outgrow it. This is about taking fearless responsibility for yourself.  Be willing to ask for what you want.  Pull all the stops.  

5.  Know everything is possible

Most people do not choose to focus intently on what they want because they think it is not possible.  Be willing to do whatever it takes. Trust.  Act. Stay up later. Get up earlier. Talk and act as if.  To experience massive success in the material world requires courage to set the bar high and be unafraid to get over it.  

6.  Tune into whatever brings you the greatest joy.

If everyone did the thing they are designed to do, then everyone would be happy, the world would be in harmony.  This is about trusting yourself. The best advice is to focus on what makes you feel most alive.

7.  Meditate

In silence, recognizing what feels good, that is, tuning into your feedback system, is a subtle way you give yourself guidance. Meditation is patiently waiting for answers you seek to respond to your own questions.

8.  Know the world is plotting to do you good.

Challenges arise because the universe wants to test you, wants you to earn the reward you crave like the carrot dangling at a distance the end of the fishing line.  How committed are you? Knowing adversity makes you more human, more believable to your audiences and clients.

9.  Focus on Impact & Legacy

Changing the world or making a difference can bring money.  Action without awareness is not enough. Impact in the world that matters requires momentum. We need to take action.  Create on-line podcasts, on-line training programs, teach, do speaking engagements, explore uses of evolving technologies. Experiences teach better than concepts.