Dream Analysis of the Week- Shower of Change

I ws in the shower. I did not physically ressembe my current appearance. I had short black hair and I was a cartoon character. As the water came down on my body, the colour was washed off and there was nothing left.
This may be viewed as a shapeshifting dream. It is a reminder of what Shakespeare reminds us: "All the world's a stage and men and women are only players."
Water dreams or falling water echo we are healing from the past, and optimistic about things. It also refers to purifying ourselves physically and spiritually to preparing for new realities where we realize a different state of mind and being. If showering or bathing evokes unsettled thoughts or feeling "dirty", something deeper may need to be addressed. These generally include emotionally distressing or stressful situations that arise for acceptance and healing.
To dream that our life or body is a cartoon implies we don't take life too seriously or would be better off if we found ways to lighten up.. This could mean we would benefit from growing aware of a stressful habits or thinking patterns. Consider it a possible wake up call to reframe our life, to remind us we can always shift perspective. We can always erase a version of ourselves through integrating lessons and/or letting go of what we outgrow.
When rewriting (or rescripting) our dreams, we are growing more conscious of who we are and our true power. This is a way to actively approach the storyboard of our soul journey. That is, we close our eyes and run through the images in our mind, and then rewind the image and rewrite it – rewrite the story, in whatever way we choose. In essence, we are taking charge of the image on our own terms. At any given moment, we realize we decide how we wish to feel and where we will allow energy to flow. When focused, every thought and feeling can be harsessed and redirected consciously.