Appreciate the ego-mind

It is often assumed the ego-mind is something to suppress or eliminate as if it is bad or not helpful. It is also sometimes said that you only think with the ego-mind and feel through the heart. Watch what happens as you choose to view every thought and perception as a teacher that is offering insight into your false (conditioned) Self:
1) Begin to notice what triggers your own inner judge.
2) Begin to sense all words are merely pointers to how feelings about them. (Words only hold importance until the moment you see this reflects a conditioned sense self-importance. To recognize right and wrong only exist in the ego-mind is to cease to allow this ego to control you)
3) Begin to rely less on the external world (your projections) for teachings and openly receive insight through the inner guru. (As innate confidence reveals itself as ever-present, you begin to recognize it is not arrogance but a reflection of acceptance of what is)
4) Begin to view the ego-mind & heart as one. To align with who you are is to feel whole, one (at peace) with everything, regardless of what anyone says or does not say, does or does not do. (One can recognize / radiate divinity while in physical body)
The heart/mind align to the degree you are true to yourself. Being honest with yourself about how you feel is natural unless it is conditioned out of you. Each time you grow aware of a belief that no longer serves you, an emotion other than unconditional love and acceptance and see it as it is, you are closer to seeing things as they are. Doing what feels right is intuitive, instinctual. Its like soul speaking to itself. And so it is.