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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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3 Steps to transform your life 

Many people ask what they can do to change their unfulfilling conditions and by extension, alleviate anxiety and intense emotion.  Getting the most out of coaching or mentoring relates to exploring key attitudes or beliefs. Consider 3 questions to get to the root of the matter and consciously transform your life:

Question 1: What do you really want right now?

While each person sees things in unique ways, a satisfying life is commonly based on three things:

  • Transforming dreams into reality (getting measurable "results")
  • Finding joy in what arises; harnessing power to understand, appreciate existence at the deepest level
  • Realizing life is happening through us and for us rather than to us. (taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings as well as our power to change them, change how we respond to the external)


Question 2: What prevents you from having/ getting what you want?

Only three things prevent you from having anything you want:

  • You lack clarity about what it is you really want
  • You are missing/ unaware of the proven tools and strategies
  • Your resistance stands in in the way of allowing  (inner conflicts exist- energy is out of alignment)

The biggest problem for most people is looking for ways to solve their problems instead of focusing on creating the life they want – a life of their own design. For coahing and mentoring to guide you effectively to a new way of being, start with what you want instead of thinking about what you don’t want. (Focus on outcomes)


Question 3: How do you change life in this moment?

An integrated approach can take your journey to the next level so you live the best version of yourself.  This implies you


  • come to recognize your own patterns (make the unconccious conscious)
  • are willing to take steps to make new choices (step outside the familliar/ break patterns),
  • accept a different life is possible for you. 



Recall what aliveness feels like

Notice to begin to feel more alive is to recall what happiness truly feels like. Its a deep visceral journey. Living from or being guided by 'Soul' implies total aliveness, not with or due to someone else, or some situation, but with yourself. This version of absolute aliveness has no outward causes. It is ever-present and also inalterable. Free will simply implies one can tune into/ out of any vibration.
To lose touch with Soul, is to lose touch with the basic source of core vitality, aliveness, and creative inspiration. Coming back to listen differently, coming full circle, is about surrendering to wholeness, tuning into self-love and appreciation in unforeseen ways. Divine guidance is everywhere. True love is the way of no expectation. Love exists only in total acceptance where there is no desire to change anything. Anything else is not unconditional love, but desire or judgment.
This journey of existence offers endless insight into freedom of mind and the truth of suffering. Find courage to be real. Listen to the heart rather than mind. Be satisfied with life in the present. Explore the unknown. The journey of facing oneself can be very painful, yet what is revealed is beyond mind's imagination.

Manifest a new timeline

(Image: sacred geometry 792 by Endre Balogh)
Notice as we identify our desired vibrational state, consistently shift into this, we amplify and strengthen it, create a new reality. As we stabiilize a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for the emerging reality, we accelerate it coming to be. The first two steps involve our sovereign will. We choose a timeline and matching vibration. The third step is locking in the vibrational state. To do so, we focus on natural capacity. open channels to feel.
This simple act of appreciating, or feeling gratitude, for the new timeline catalyzes its reality in ways mind cannot grasp. The next step requires our sovereign will again. We must persevere, hold the vision of the new timeline and the vibrational state, no matter what our senses echo. This is the passage where many fail.
The manifesting of a new timeline into 3-D reality requires ability to accumulate and hold energy. If we persist in holding the vision of the new timeline, with the vibrational field (or feeling of it), along with gratitude for it already existing, we build up energy. The task here is to be true to our vision while paying attention to what the current reality is showing us. It is not about pretending. It is about facing reality as it presents itself in our scope while holding a higher vision. In essence, we deal with life's current reality while holding the vision of a different life. Its like existing on one world while simultaneously creating and shifting into another. This is the art.



Clarity reveals itself

Notice the nature of what you see and experience directly reflects your version of the Truth. Everything you do and do not do is a language expressed as energy in motion. If you see your life as upside down and topsy-turvey, then confusion and vertigo seem very real. As you find balance in the middle of nowhere, then calm abiding grows more accessible. As you begin to expand and appreciate different points of view, then everything is a mirror. As you continue to work out what matters, and stay open to stretch yourself, explore new shores and realize nothing is out of reach.


Heal & Move Beyond Trauma

Notice life experience invites inner world issues to come to light. Through awareness, one joins dots in the bigger picture of one's fear-based patterns. This illuminates divine presence or Christ consciousness. Awakening to destructive patterns can trigger revelations, bring new clarity of direction and life purpose. The origins of my own mistrust, scarcity and insecurity guided me to uncover and explore unconscious childhood & interdimensional trauma. Turns out abuse keeps us caught in time loops of repeated behaviours that blocks expanded perception. Yet, the key is to grow aware of what we think is missing within ourselves or our lives, make conscious why we keep choosing situations that deprive us from tasting true love, affection and appeciation. Many of us have been trained or socialized to see self-created "defects", or find balance. We often act based on others' expectations. When ready, we allow all we had denied to surface. We are each on journey to wholeness, back to where we never left, to accept what is not lost or missing. Through fearless self-exploration, growing awareness and by making new choices, we empower ourself to break self-defeating patterns. To change the world, we must begin with ourselves. To know what is unfolding around us, we must master what is within. Breathwork is a valuable tool on the path to embrace limitless being.