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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in timelessness (3)


Take everything in stride

Every experience enables you to touch on reality and refresh a sense of well-being.  Of course, you can also choose to continue forgetting what you choose not to remember.  As you recall the real you is beyond the body, you begin to recognize everything is changing states.

Now, some people view dreams as echoes of waking states.  Other people do not grasp a difference. As you sense everything reflects degrees of your imagination, whatever you choose to see and experience, you do. You are there in happy mind.  Its Cosmic Synchronicity.


What do you reject?

On some level, every human being rejects aspects of the true self.  Why? Only you can answer such a question for yourself as you choose to be honest and attune to the messages you are always given. 

Negative thoughts or emotions draw attention to discomfort.  This actually draws attention to what you reject.  And yet, human beings have free will.  You do not focus on certain things by your own choice.

Consider that all human beings have a mystical side yet not everyone accepts mystical parts of the self. Why?  Fear of the unknown. Human beings are conditioned what to accept and reject. You listen or not.

Soul knows you as an energy being of peace and joy now. As you permit mental training to mould you into what you are not, you shift focus away from the timeless beauty and unconditonal love you are.

As you attune to how you really feel, you consciously make decisions in alignment with that or not.  You have reasons for listening to the mind or the heart. Every experience is meaningful for its lessons.  


6 Ways to confirm your mystical side

It may surprise you to learn all humans have a mystical side. Yet, not everyone acknowledges or accepts the truth. Not everyone consciously explores and expands this either. Unconditional self-acceptance is often daunting. Do you struggle to identify or explain things that do not flow through the traditional five senses? As you work through fear, you discern something remarkable in the sixth sense and beyond.

As you listen closely, something orients you to areas of personality that seem unbalanced or out of control. What is it about mysterious encounters that are so difficult to explain? How do you sense and work to accept that mystical side?  Consider 6 ways to bravely confirm your mystical side;

1) Experience defies words. You think in metaphors, sense visions of symbols, and register foreign sensations. This happens during dreamtime and changing consciousness.  Ever sense who is calling on the phone before you answer? Ever predict what someone will say before sounds are uttered?

2) Experience affects life as you know it. Your familiar life is temporarily put on hold as mind switches focus. You suddenly know things and are unsure how. ESP strengthens. Bursts of insight fill the mind. You sense deja-vus. You meet people and already know how they help you. Your base of understanding is shifting. You read energies and sense what others feel. You anticipate and circumvent reactions.

3) Experience transcends time and space. You are aware of unity with the Absolute, of immortal soul, of something beyond reverie. This experiment is your created life. Its bringing you back to oneness with creation.The feeling emerges from a reinforced connection with cosmic consciousness. In the blink of an eye, you are it, it is you.

4) Experience is intense and fleeting. In human, linear time, this means it does not last. Yet, in some way, how your mind, body and spirit register what is happening seems much longer, like the world round you is in suspended animation. Advanced mystics prolong this experience and gain from meditation. The value of the indescribable is in the after effect. You may catch a glimpse of a spirit or ghost and suddenly go from believing in possibilities to knowing what is true.

5) Experience evokes kundalini energy. This phenomena is described among Kung bushmen of Africa, in Sufism, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism and shamanism. You may detect heat, energy, bursts of pain and spontaneous body movements. You sense a wrinkle in matter is opening. The base of spine feels it.  The sensation extends up through the back to your crown chakra and beyond.

6) Experience humbles you.  Instances exist when something beyond you, beyond the physical world, is clearly in control. This is apparent in trance states, mediumship, intuition, loving inner voices, dream visitation by spirit, contact with spirit guides and angels, Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), astral dreaming, premonitions that come true, healing power and links to higher wisdom.  You cooperate as a channel, telepath, empath, teacher and willing student.