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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in truth (124)


Awaken from the dream of unreality

Regardless of your vantage point right now, certain aspects of your perspective are obscured. Human beings explore astral realms more consciously as they grow ready to realize everything is transparent. Spirit observes all. You recognize this as you are ready tobe accountable for your choices. How does one awaken more fully from the dream of unreality?

1) Revisit self-observation. Some people assume they already know the answers to all their personal issues. As you admit you do not consciously know all the answers, you can humbly surrender mind control. Recognize shifting and transforming consciousness relate to the nature of truth you can handle at this moment. You never experience anything you are not mindfully-prepared to accept.

2) Sense intentional co-creation. Every person is energy. Individual thoughts and feelings vibrate. Love creates good feelings. They resonate high frequency. Negative feelings resonate low frequency. Collective vibrations contribute to perceived states of Earth. To be conscious of your impact is to make choices that restore harmony and balance in everything.

3)See fear for what it is. Human beings fear idleness. They fear not doing. They are conditioned to do. They forget how to be. One is never certain of the nature of what is accomplished. Part of you still fears it is not what is expected, deserved or assumed. Serenity is rediscovered as you feel unafraid of where you are. Fear dissolves and you are present. Remind the self anything you struggle too much for makes it harder to detach from illusion. Fear not losing what does not exist.

4) Grasp disappointment helps you. To feel disheartened is impetus for change. The more discomfort you feel about your current mindset and conditions, the more energy you direct into appropriate tranformation. Waking up to your true self requires you abandon misunderstandings.

5) Do not permit secret joy in negativity. You encounter people who are impatient to share all their reasons for depression, anger and negative vibrations. Emotions such as jealousy and frustration generate energy that can be channelled in more constructive directions. If these emotions emerge in you, recognize you need not perpetuate them. Choose to reclaim your power. Shift focus to love.


How does an NDE change you?

Near-death-experience (NDE) is an offbeat phenomenon that perplexes some people, intrigues or scares others. A spirit dimension  can be hard to believe.  Many humans do not see.  Not everyone realizes to what degree fear controls the mind.

If the mind tells you to seek proof for things, then you may not grasp reasons you resist or distrust. To sense unseen worlds exist means you sense they are guided by their own principles, laws, and values.  You alter how you choose to think and feel.

Regardless of whether you recall having an NDE yourself, experiencers are teachers.  You learn what you are ready to accept.  How does the NDE concept or experience change you?

1) Returning souls relax more and surrender to the inevitable.

2) They sense limitless possibilities remain unacknowledged.

3) When you think you want turns out to be irrelevant.

4) It is never too late to return to physical life or to change.

5) A place beyond what you know is always waiting for you.

6) Suddenly, the fear of death inside you no longer exists.

7) You choose to live life to the fullest, in time you are given. 

8) Cooperation rather than competition makes a loving point.

9) Browing knowledge and sharing it matters. This stays in you.

10) Love is the answer. Convert this truism to living truth.


Raise your frequency & redefine success

As you realize energy expands from your personal vibration, you grow aware that conscious intention brings into being and also dissolves all experience.  Situations arise not because you attract them. You choose to identify what is already available within your energetic field. As you notice the mind and soul are aligned, everything you focus on is part of your normal. 

Notice why you are fighting or searching.  As the searching stops, the thinking also stops.  You come full circle.  Consciousness is never absent. You recognize who you are and feel success.  Thinking is triggered by emotion.  Both can seem like noise.  These are categories you create, merely versions of reality. You step back to realize you think yourself into being.

Take this further. As you learn to engage more consciously with abilities and opportunities you already have, you also begin to detach from feelings and patterns that do not serve you, like fear. As you reinforce a perception of reality that uses unlimited love to help others, you glimpse directions that empower, encourage and inspire the self too. When choices grow from love, they build higher frequency. This nurtures faith in intuition. The mind expands.

In my case, one example of loving myself echoes in writing. A turning point for me was when I submitted a piece to a peer review. That led to being invited to a conference in a foreign country to share my insight, and genuinely value others' work. Positive energy reverberrated when I met a man in a public bus. Trust and the universe responds.

Anyone familiar with The biggest risk ever series of posts knows core energy vibration rises consistently as you trust the loving voice of intuition. When you sense something with all your heart and soul, you move from believing to a state of knowing your own hidden treasure. This soul journey is ever-present as events unfold in different areas of your life.

Notions of success are all about being present in a given moment.  As you shift consciousness, a given experience expands to take on greater dimension, significance and unexpected teaching roles. You never stop learning about the power of compassion and doing 'the right thing.' It accelerates vibration, frequency and the will to promote greater transparency. The experiment is your life.  Notice what fuels your human journey under all mental activity.

At this moment, part of the mind is clear and part of it is not.  You may still exert more energy than you need to in certain relationships or work situations. You tolerate more than successful people around you seem to and yet, you are discerning a growing capacity that is helping.  You are realizing you need not lower your core energy vibration. This happens when you permit emotion to control you. To choose instead not to sacrifice creative self-expression will bring people into your life who raise your frequency. It is already happening.  Success is reinfoced by energy to which you are receptive.     

  • Imagine 3 unexpected things that would expand your self-love and acceptance
  • Envision 3 professional experiences that would change the course of your life
  • Visualize 3 personal developments that would enable you to listen to what you feel

What brings you back?

To believe you know everything is not a complete illusion. Yet, to assume you currently access all this inner knowing is misleading. The ego may tell you yes, but the conscious mind echoes it needs more time to clarify and accept it has answers.

As it happens, its a misunderstanding to believe the future will free you from the past. One incarnates on Earth to work through emotions and relearn what is means to exist in the present. Your unconscious past is not useful except insofar as it takes shape at this moment. Awakening from dreams is key.

As you begin to view yourself as a multi-dimensional being, you begin to sense the plane of physical matter you know as Earth is not all there is. As you dream, you can train self to gain insight into how part of you exists on different planes at once. To be conscious of the body when perspective is above and you view closed eyes suggests something is going on beyond the physical. You know this sensation when you feel it.

Astral travelers experience at least two planes; the astral and physical. The astral extends or mirrors the physical plane. Some describe astral as a transition or porthole to access other realms. Each plane has its own rules. Physical laws do not apply in astral. This place in the mind enables you to move beyond conditioned limits and uncover untapped abilities.

Whether awake or asleep, energy beings quest for answers. Dream journeys expand experience and trigger revelations about what is possible. Awakening in the physical world enables rediscovered ideas to come into conscious awareness. All is possible with mental training and discipline.

Astral dreaming offers repeated opportunities where soul guides you to reconnect pieces of fragmented consciousness. You grow to discern where illusion ends and where pieces of truth exist. In essence, the part of you that you do not see brings the rest of you full circle. It begins and ends in mind.


10 Ways to respect every moment

To persevere under trial is to realize you are required to stand various tests in this lifetime. Call them what you will. They arise without warning. These events are not required to make sense to your human mind. Begin teaching yourself to look beyond what you have been conditioned to see.

At times, you feel treated unjustly for no obvious reason. You may feel confused to be singled out. In truth, everyone is chosen yet, interprets a calling differently.  Each experience teaches you a new level of respect for self, for authority and for higher awareness that trials themselves trigger in the soul. Consider 10 ways to respect every moment you are given;

1) Do what is right. This does not mean related choices have no cost or consequences.

2) Nurture a loving attitude. This enables you to gain wisdom from reasons for discomfort and disappointment.

3) Believe for the best. Higher forces have the power to turn any situation around, at their pace.

4) Trust in the unseen. You may not see a way out of a predicament. This is just limited vision. You are not yet conscious of all that is.

5) Sustain faith. Such mental energy gets you through anything. Setbacks catapult you ahead.

6) Support the hurting. A human being truly lives when he does deeds that cannot be repaid.

7) Express the truth. Sooner or later, dishonesty catches up with anyone who follows this path.

8) Open your heart. Take steps to encourage others and inspire them to create fresh attitudes.

9) Rise above deception. Thoughts and feelings of worry, inadequacy or insecurity are not you.

10) Honour your true self. To raise awareness helps rediscover who you are and why you exist.