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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in truth (124)


The journey is the goal

Soul knows that in reality, goals do not exist. They are imagined into being by the ego mind which has its motives.  What happens as something within echoes that you are already home? How does this reframe your reasons for running 'here and there?' Why does a sense of purpose shift if you feel nowhere to go?

Imagine, for a moment, that you are already that which you are seeking or wish to become.  If the goal exists within you, it is innate nature.  This is not something to be achieved, obtained through rigorous training or external approval.  It is to be understood. Reflect on obstacles that currently prevent you from complete acceptance.  Which beliefs and attitudes keep you searching for what mind assumes is lacking?

Another view is the essence of being lacks nothing.  How do you come to possess things which confuse the truth? What would you attain as the things are eliminated? Nothing, but revelations of who you are not.  How you think begins and ends in the mind.  How you feel begins and ends in the heart.  In truth, the essence is aways on the path.  You accept where you are fully or turn away. The soul journey never ends.


What if you are not this, but that?

Part of you may assume links must exist between your perception of the real world and imaginary worlds.   What if there is no need for such a link? What if they are interdependent yet, no need exists for a bridge? How else could you intuit existence? Do you sense a dream?

At this moment, your points of reference may extend from a sense of being born at a certain place and perceived moment in time.  Imagine the possibility that the assumption you are born is misplaced. If the real you is not born, then it does not die. Imagine you never truly own or possess anything, including the physical body you inhabit, the identity and labels you adopt. What if everything is borrowed, even time? Invite self to discard ideas that define what you are. This is how you gradually shift perception and Transform Your Life.


Why are you hypnotized by fantasy?

Many people are drawn to focus on external illusions rather than watching what transpires from the inside out.  When was the last instance you remember focusing on the dancing shadows, the glimpses of orbs or light, until you almost forgot your core intention?

Part of you senses vividly why you succomb to the dream fantasy.  The voice of soul reminds you of free will.  Everything you experience in linear time is truly occurring in the twinkling of an eye.  Hear the echo of deeper soul and connect with Cosmic Synchronicity


How do you know if you're seeing things?

People will often ask whether what they think they are experiencing is real. Does this sound familiar? Are you the kind of person who uses the mind to determine your sense of the truth or do you feel it? Recognize why you choose to sense certain people or sources of information are credible and others not.  You have underlying motivations for taking sides and also for choosing not to agree or disagree.

Perception is subjective.  Each person creates his own signposts about what is real or not.  Some people ground their reality in conditioned beliefs and attitudes.  Other people tap into energy, faith, inner knowing and sense clarity presents when questions fade away.  Notice why you view something as true or false, real or unreal.  How do fear and other feelings fit in? Each one is your choice.

If you conclude you are "seeing things," you are basically doubting the senses. Some people say they would only believe something if they saw it themselves and yet, other people choose not to have faith in their own senses. When people describe something to you that you resist, you may say they must be dreaming. Every thought and feeling is part of how you choose to Transform Your Life.


How do you resist letting go?

Permit self to step back.  Reflect on where you cling to people, situations and perceptions. What are you really saying? You resist letting go out of possible confusion, misunderstanding and selfishness. Consider why emotion or thought exerts a hold over you;

You may be conditioned to believe you are meant to do what you do. Maybe your relatives also followed this path. Maybe friends followed a similar legal course of action. Ask if you feel good about your own situation right now. To sense discomfort or restlessness echoes your beliefs are not aligned with the real you. You may outgrow a certain mindset, attitude or choice. Ready to move on?

 You may misunderstand the signals of your own body, mind and spirit.  Perhaps you were taught to sense that if at first you do not realize a particular goal, then you are simply meant ot work harder, faster and struggle more to reach what you really want.  Another perspective is life is meant to be easy, enjoyable and fun. When something is not, you are missing the truth of experiences.

You may not recognize your own selfishness.  Thoughts can be distorted.  They are the only place where fear can be experienced.  Everything you fear comes from a false point of reference. To view self from a place of limitation or restriction is a gift.  Illness does not disconnect you from the real you or loved ones. In truth, perceived imbalance invites you to do what is necessary to realign. Ask self how your life would change if you chose to forgive self or others.  Focus attention on appreciating why you are where you are.

The only thing that brings you pain and suffering is to resist what you really are, which is unconditional love and acceptance. You can choose experiences that unleash inner freedom or that stifle it. Everything invites you to recall the harmony of Cosmic Synchroncity.