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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in Twelve Sacred Principles of Karma (1)


Rediscover what is natural

What matters does not come through your familiar senses and brain so much as through your skin, your emotions, your heart and your entire body.  Notice how closely you listen. 

Recognize who you are and make peace where you are.  Notice your relaionship with others.  Appreciate the uniqueness of others as well as your own. Know everyone complimentary.  As you listen more closely to how you think and feel, make these discoveries:

1) Anytime you allow uplifting thoughts to fill you, nothing else remains

2) Anything you conceive is yours to be, do or have provided you are open to receive it

3) Any obstacle you can think of, already fades as you shift your attention

4) Anything you think about attempts to distract you from how you truly feel

5) Anytime you align with what feels like bliss, happiness, joy, love, confidence, appreciation, love, well-being, wellness, and abundance, you rediscover what is truly natural.  You allow yourself to be where you want to be rather than imagine what you have to do to get yourself here. As you get your head out of the clouds, and are picky about how you feel, this is the swiftest path to recognizing where you want to be and already are.

"The more things seem to change, the more they remain the same." -Steven L. Hairfied (An American Monk) The Twelve Sacred Principles of Karma