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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in understanding (24)


Know words are irrelevant

Consider no limits exist to what you can experience when you move outside resistance. On many levels, you have no words to describe what you are already experiencing. Feel rather than describe. Words are a byproduct of vibration. You attract based on your energy and your words.

The words you use reflect your state of mind. Knowing is a state of being. Without analysis, you are releasing levels of resistance beyond conscious awareness. Silent blockages disperse easily. Talk about discomfort, you give it energy, the blockage gets bigger and more irritating. You notice physical senses are vibrational interpreters. As you allow it, you sense beyond that. Go where you do not require words.They lose importance.

As you come to that place where words are less relevant, you just know. This is merging with who you are. You are awakening to the opportunities and experiences you receive without consciously feeling them fully. Allow them to fill you. It only matters you grasp it. Timeless beauty and wisdom reach you. What other people do or do not take on-board is irrelevant.


Mount resistance or release it

From where you now stand, you begin to understand energy takes different forms and formless states.  You begin to realize not everyone sees, experiences and interprets energy in the same way.  Things happen that enable you to know with great clarity and precision the answers to your questions.  You re-energize all you are.  Time and space have nothing to do with it.  You mount resistance or release it.  You allow degrees of freedom and expand or, postpone this.


Renew yourself

As you understand the perfect state of being, you realize your physical and other responses can align at any stage of your existence. Nothing is more important than feeling the best you can where you are. Notice you can do nothing about the sources of your worry. Choose better feeling thoughts and your experiences unfold to reinforce the joy. You summon energy from a very powerful place that defies description. As you consciously allow energy to flow through, your priorities change. You allow well-being. You align with your own energy that renews you.


Feel your way home

Notice the feelings in your gut about a sense of home.  One perspective conditions you to identify physical elements and associations of what this means such as geography, heritage, and structure.  Beyond this, you sense a feeling much bigger and brighter than what you are told. You are invited to feel your way home.  From this view, home is a timeless, spaceless experience, that has nothing to do with what the human mind tells you.

Consider that to speak of and focus on what is coming distracts you from what other people say is reality. From the broader, non-physical perspective, you have a particular understanding of how things are, of what home feels like.  You also know all dreams are answered.  There is no need to impose your understanding. You know what you know and have nothing to prove. If something is not relevant for you, you would not encounter it. A sense of home shifts as you grasp the root lesson speaking to you.

The authentic you knows you never leave home.  You only pinch yourself off from it long enough to realize you always come full circle.  The assumption that there must be more to life may inspire you to travel far and wide.  Regardless of the nature of your perceived journey, revelations are the same.  Physical senses give way to reveal more.

"Home is not where you live, by where you feel understood." -Christian Morganstern


Tell it like it is

Ever ask what you need to do to sort things out where you are or to sort things out for other people? Does part of you wish to be in circumstances other than where you are? Know doing nothing is right for you.  Know that feeling good about things, finding the message or lesson of love, is what matters. Every moment reminds you this is all about allowing things to be.  Resisting or getting frustrated is not the answer.

Its not your job to change others.  The momentary glimpse of where things are or how things appear is not the truth.  What is real exists as non-physical energy.  You allow it to manifest in the physical or deny this possiblity.  To tell it like it is reveals its not about action, or appearances.  Its about feelings, emotions and atttitude.  You get precisely what you expect and invite on a vibrational level. See what you want to , feel the joy of that and it comes into being.  Is the justifying or musing about what appears to be leaving, lacking or what you seemingly do not have,  your way of allowing?  See what happens as you feel joy now.

To ask where things are repeatedly is to doubt that you have them, know them and feel them into being.  Why not accept the unlimited being you are?  When you doubt or resist this knowing, you forget you cannot suffer into another person's understanding or your own.  All of the vibration you give out in effort to control the uncontrollable is keeping you from being a vibrational match for all you are asking for.  All things line up for you to savor this moment where you are and to do those things that resonate.  Allow what you know is you to flow into your experience.  Tell it like it is and allow it to be your reality now.