When problems cease to have relevance

The process to get where you are has involved learning experience that is still unfolding. Each person takes steps that make sense at a given moment. Your patience and curiousity have brought you ths far and are taking you further.
Certain aspects of the physical world are losing significance in your life. Your priorities are changing. It is no surprise to you that information you are absorbing is slowly changing your reality. Part of you resists transformation. Yet another part of you already knows the meaning of surrender. This part of you is preparing you for deeper kinds of direct experience.
Problems are often assumed to be reasons to doubt yourself, to be nagging sources of difficulty. Yet, from the moment you realize you are developing deeper love, respect and understanding in your own way, you recreate a vibration inside. Issues that once bothered you dissolve and lose relevance. Without hesiation, you shift to attune more attentively to echos of the soul. Questions that arise are already being answered.
You may not yet have realized that the soul repeatedly sends you messages. It does so to assist you to learn valuable lessons. This is also as part of its own process of bringing you back to perfection. Part of your energy has entered a physical reality. Part of your energy is separate and awaiting the reunion. As you move beyond the apparent events of the moment, you detect far more going on. Energy transmutes.
Reader Comments (4)
I am not sure of the truth of this. Suppose you have had an issue your whole life which won't go away?