Unleash the real you!

Something within you is holding you back from sharing all that you are. Whatever you are doing with your life at this moment is not all you exist to do. Yet, you are also missing lessons available to you now. You may be unaware of why this is. Consider these questions to help you unleash the real you;
1) What am I waiting for? As you become progressively more honest, it is apparent that you are only ever waiting for yourself to open the gates to freedom. Waiting is a choice. To realize time itself is an illusion you reinforce, is the key to transcend it. No time like the present. Its all there truly is.
2) Why is it taking so long? Impatience is a smokescreen for fear. When you truly wish to do things, you find a way. When fear controls you, the mind echos excuses to keep you paralyzed as you are. Change requires as long as you decide.
3) How do I know if I make a mistake? Experience is is just experience. When you do not exert effort, you do not choose to stretch and grow. A sense of regret or error is a value judgment. Emotions are misplaced. They teach you how you distract yourself or postpone greater self-acceptance.
4) Which road is the best one? Every road has equal value. You are no better or worse than anyone else. No choice results in you being more or less beautiful, more or less capable. You always hold capacity to be just as you are where you are.
5) Where will I go first? The destination is less important than a willingness to embark on a journey. You need no help to connect with the courage and confidence you have inside. You make decisions based on how comfortable you feel with the lessons you are learning. You leave key decisions up the body and spirit which are aligning all the time.
Reader Comments (10)
I'd be able to cope with these completely unnecessary intrusions, which just sap me .. I will cope .. but everything just gets put back .. I just so want to get on ..
to unleash the real me .. which has an outlet now & just wants to get on with it .. still I must bide my time and do what I can within the parameters I have ..
Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters
But wait - you are right! Thre is more I should be doing. I must embark on the journey of prying my child from her computer game to maybe play some card or board game with her, perchance to put on our sneakers and take the dogs to chase squirrels. And see what lessons the tall trees and the setting sun can teach us.
And do you think anybody ever shares all they have to share? Or we all equally challenged on this journey together?
"The destination is less important than a willingness to embark on a journey."
Very very freeing and beautiful. If we can see Life as a journey, if we can see that regrets do not exist, if we can see that there is no "other", we begin to realize that we are right where we need to be and it is all perfect. Thank you dear Liara. Love, Robin
When we are aware of the time of our journey, it often times throw us off of our destination because we think we should be there before we are ready. Soul's time cannot be measured by an outer clock or the physical forces of nature, but our inner clock.
Eckhart Tolle shares views about notions of presence and motivations behind perceived time. It sometimes surprises people that negativity is based on denial of where you are now and, misunderstandings about the psychological clock time you describe. To use senses more fully, a person can learn to observe the silent presence of unused talents. That person can also learn to feel the rhythm of now. Aligning here unleashes everything. Waiting is over.