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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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What is it about shape-shifting?

People email me about shape-shifting.  They ask to what degree it is possible, how its done and who does it. 

Energetic interactions occur every moment.  As you shift levels of awareness, you sense you are an energy being, begin to attune to vibration, and know all you do affects everything you perceive and experience.

Your sense of what is possible arises based on how you are conditioned to think.  When something suppresses knowledge of the limitless, loving consciousness you are, then you create mental boundaries of what you are willing to believe. To query whether something is possible reveals doubt that you are all that is, all possibilities now.

Most people filter realities based on beliefs. If you are completely honest, when you come into experience, you permit it to flow and celebrate revelations.  The moment you discard misunderstanding, you grow more conscious of who you are. This is about removing what prevents you from being. What you see in the mirror is not the real you. Move points of observation from limitation to infinite consciousness,  Fear and words lose meaning. 

Some people wonder if its possible to abandon the physical body shell and be a body of light. At any given moment, everything is possible. As an energy being moves into increasingly awakened, harmonious and balanced consciousness, then he operates on  different levels than individuals who operate at points of observation that include disharmony, imbalance and fear. One's state of being externalizes energy.  You feed off the energy you generate from emotional states.  The love energy of the heart has a particular, uplifting vibrational state.

Many people are convinced you cannot shift between solid bodies.  In truth, you are not a solid entity. The body is a projected hologram.  As you remember how to sense further than visible and conditioned spectrums of light, you recognize perception is all about vibrational frequency. Energy beings vibrate at different energy frequencies.  One view of shape-shifting is that it only takes place in the energy-decoding processing centre of the brain. 

Individuals with an extending range of perception connect more alert to consciousness.  An increasing number of people are connected to the physical reality but are awakening to energy beyond.  Its much easier to align with something, that is, to extend your sense of what is possible, as you vibrate at a similar frequency.  Take responsibility for making it happen and your vibrational frequency changes.  You connect with those states you are in vibrational harmony with or or merge into what you think and feel. You are in control of your own energy.

In your decoded reality, everything is experienced as holograms in the physical world.  Shapeshifting unfolds in the mind.  You are conditioned to perceive through a limited frequency range.  Beyond this visible light spectrum, exist entities that not everyone yet chooses or remembers to see. So much connects as part of Cosmic Synchronicity.

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Reader Comments (10)

In simpler terms we can look at basic energetic shapeshifting as something that occurs with every Moment. One desires to move from here to there, and the body changes shape to create what is perceived as movement. The effect of a cause then too changes the shape of things to come. This is evolution as most people know it when the environment and the organisms within it are modifed, as the energy from all points of view comes together and molds a new experience for all things into being.

However, if one learns to detach from one's external environment and begins to live loosely from within, one can apply the rules and parameters for experiencing this moment without becoming stuck to them. Our energy then changes shape according to what energy we are open to and closed to. This allows for one's experiences and relationships to shift and to take shape rapidly based upon one's desires and moods of the moment.

It is often said the universe is contained and encoded within the DNA. Therefore, within us is the potential to live and to see through the eyes of any organism or point of view. By believing we are the universe and that we take form according to our wishes as if we were a quantum particles, then the potentiality for anything to happen is virtually possible. We can all learn to direct our personal and environmental energy in ways that we have never before imagined till Now. Its just a matter of shifting gears from gradual evolutionary external pressures, to a belief of quantum leaps initiated by one's inner heartfelt desires. Energy takes the form of anything we construct it into. We create the world with the dreams we bring to it. When we learn to make our dreams come true, then anything and everything has potentiality. It all comes about by shifting the shape of our inner worlds.
Hmm... this explains many things. Now I have clearer idea what to practice. Thank you, Liara :)
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRizal Affif
Bern, human beings attract everything as a reflection of an inner state of being. When humans are in fear, they draw situations of parallel frequency. When humans express love, they draw related experiences. The energy of intent that is put out is a magnet. People draw things into their lives as an exercise in breaking down the old constructs. This is necessary before the ultimate vision arises. Life gives you gifts disguised as apparent crises or nightmares. What does this do? Everything is an invitation to transform perception and experience. As you choose to take responsibility for how you think and feel, then you have the opportunity to choose to continue as before or not. On some levels, shapeshifting is perpetual. Every challenge invites us to remember infinite love is the only truth. The space beyond vibration is completely still, all possibility waiting to unfold.
January 27, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
To add to this line of discussion, we can say that we live in a dream world and we can morph our dream through our intentions. But people tend not to believe or to pay attention to their dreams, therefore, dreaming is stagnated, and there is a resistance to the flow of the dream. When one see's and enters their dream clearly, one can change the direction and the content of the dream freely. However, currently, in the third dimension, things and people shape shift slowly because they are taught not to follow their dreams, but to spend their energy towards things outside of themselves. Change is therefore resisted, and things tend to hold on to their form, and erosion occurs slowly. When one finally surrenders to the inner currents, one can decide upon the course of their dreams which will then be projected into the external world, which could then include rapid physical transformation and shape shifting in all forms.
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterBern
When one visualizes inwardly exactly what one wants to experience, and resonates this feeling or vibration consistently within, one then draws or creates a response in the outer world so that it will morph or shift to match the inner feelings of the dreamer. It may not take on the same form that is in the dream, but it takes on the same feeling. This is an aspect of Cosmic Synchroncity. :) One holds a magic wand within, or what ever tools we want to use or invent, where the results will be seen reflected in our daily lives. Therefore, we can sculpture the world of our choosing. We are all artists that shape the multiverse Moment by Moment.
January 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNatural Moments :)
Bern, to be fully conscious during dreams is to see and understand how they are created, what is their origin and overall cause and effect. To be an observer is to engage in increasingly conscious self-reflection that fully empowers you and allows you to expand into your full potential. Everything happens in the same moment.
January 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiara Covert
On one hand, I think I know what you're discussing, yet then I think I don't. Shapeshifting is an actual change of physicality? Or a perceptual change of physicality? Or either? Is shapeshifting an internal awareness shift bringing about a change in manifested reality? From your discussion, I gather it's all these. Something I do that came to mind as I read is when I walk in natural surroundings, such as along a trail or in a naturally vegetated area: As my eyes sweep the ground in front of me, my field of vision shifts narrows and my attention shifts, placing me in a bug-sized state surrounded by towering "trees" of grasses and flowers... Is that shapeshifting?
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJulie
Julie, human beings are taught to label states of mind and states of being. People often think when they name something, this reveals degrees of wisdom. But does it? Teachers are often assumed to be able to describe a phenomenon in words as a way to demonstrate they understand it, master it, know it. Does this not limit unlimited parameters of universal knowing? Ask why describing anything in words matters. Could knowing also be felt?

Many people have pre-conditioned ideas of a given concept, including beliefs about what a thing can or cannot be, or what is supposedly possible or impossible. As you move beyond beliefs, you sense that you are a physical extension of Source energy. You also sense that you always put yourself in a vibratory state to experience precisely what soul is requesting. Words are unnecessary. You also always know more than you think.
January 29, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert
Hi Liara .. your first part - the energetic vibrations I'm starting to feel as I release the clutter of life .. the rest I guess will follow as I understand more and have more freedom in my head, and in my life ..

Thanks Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspriational Stories
January 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Hilary, everyone gets precisely what they require from a given post or experience. You grasp what is relevant to you right now. Many people are in the process of releasing what they outgrow and discarding or giving away material things that no longer serve them. Sometimes decluttering includes moving on from certain relationships or healing others you are ready to integrate more fully into your life. Every choice helps you in some way. You expand a sense of freedom as you release many different kinds of burdens. Ask yourself what you interpret as a burden and how the experience of learning about and releasing it actually helps you.
January 31, 2010 | Registered CommenterLiara Covert

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