What if its all here?

Notice how your sense of meaning and inspiration in life change as you begin to recognize all you ever want or need is right where you are. Notice what the mind would have you think and believe is necessary to become, to do or have. Watch what happens as what you think you have to do is already done. Address yourself as if you are everything you are seeking. Get out of the mind. Feel through the lens of the heart. Notice the impact on your thoughts and feelings. Allow yourself to imagine how it is to feel peaceful, accepted and loved. Everything you undertake reaches for love.
Notice what stands out for you at this stage of your own creative journey. Notice what you feel compelled to do and to stop doing. Notice what loses meaning, importance and attention.

Reader Comments (4)
I do have cookies and apples at home for later.
What I have to do is already done. Yes, I like that! For all we need to do is be. As Frank Sinatra would sing... the do-be, do-be, do-be, do. :) Followed by some shoo-be-do-be doos & such.
On this stage of my creative journey, I am compelled to trust all is within.