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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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What makes life easier?

You may ask what makes life easier? Get into the mode of self-inquiry. Brace yourself: everything that happens in your life you have chosen, asked for and created. In this way, everything that unfolds is inviting you to own it, to take responsibility and grow.

Recognize you are not defined by your conditions or unfolding events in your life. Ask yourself what each experience teaches you. Appreciate all that arises. Be detached. Do not permit emotions to control you. Ask why you create situations that preoccupy you. Why do you need this? How does this invite you to exapand and be greater love? 'Why' is the query that triggers breakthroughs and transformation. You gain insights and clarity at the pace you are willing to accept. Being aware allows access to inner peace.

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