The Secret to the Best Version

The secret to turning into the best version of ourselves is training the mind and senses to detect everything as energy first. Imagine what happens as we automatically translate experience into a spectrum of feelings and emotions...
So, the physical body registers all our experience as energy. The visual sense translates energy into pictures, the auditory sense registers vibes, the tactile sense registers pulses or hums, the olfactory sense tunes into moving waves and the palette registers high and low vibrations of all we consume or spit up.
All familiar and subtle senses are originally receiving vibration as light and sound language. Somehow, its common to forget about that. Often, what happens from an early age, is that words and other languages are taught to rewire the brain, take focus away from original impressions.
Now is the moment to get back to what feels natural. To do so, we invite ourselves to grow aware of the misperceptions that act as our filters to reality. When ready we shift away from the brain that is hard-wired for negativity to the brain that is hard-wired to perceive all energy as part of the same flow. We choose which streams of energy to focus on and which to simply let go. At some stage it hits, all emotions are equally valuable teachers and pointers to insight we are willing to see about ourselves and relationships.
“More we hide our feelings, the more they show. The more we deny our feelings, the more they grow." - Anonymous
Reader Comments (4)
Have you ever noticed that you we may always be living in a trance state of being?
I was put into a trance to contact my deceased grandmother and as a final question I had asked her how i should deal with or communicate with my mother. Then i remembered that my Grandmother had dementia when she passed just as my mom does now. What she said was to talk to her as you would when you induce someone into a trance. What are you feeling? What does it taste like? How does it smell? etc. Be even more so, one could ask What does the color red taste like? Such questions would therefore open up the mind as they would seep into her subconscious and would be ruminated upon in the parallel worlds that she is currently residing in, allowing stuck energy to suddenly flow by creating answers that are new to the rhythm and paradigm that she resides in. Therefore, she would then climb layer by layer closer to the surface of true being and would slowly begin to awaken out of her self imposed slumber.