Reprogram the Mind

Notice options exist to consciously reprogram the mind:
1) Do your best to accept others. What we see in others is simply an external manifestation of their program. In this way, they are no different from us, except for programs & levels of awareness. What annoys us and what we dislike/ hate about others is our own reflection. Everything is a mirror.
2) Accept thyself. Know our actions arise from our mind. Know our inability to accept self fully causes our suffering. To accept the self, is to alleviate one's own suffering.
3) Watch habitual reactions to people and environments. Attachment to the external can lead to discontentment. Let it go.
4) Identify your greatest needs, attachments, and desires. Trace causes of present anger & unhappiness to source. Triggers help us to recognize and release emotional hang-ups.
5) Be present. See planning as part of being in the now, not the future. Enjoy every action. Savour being alive. Be the best version of yournself in this moment.
6) Know you are not your body, not your mind or emotions. Spirit and soul are having a human experience. Our consciousness is the part of us that sees all events. As we purify mind, we begin to identify with consciousness not body-mind.
7) Be open and direct with feelings as much as possible. Remember everyone has potential to gain higher levels of awareness. Present attitudes are often caused by conditioning. Do our best to see the potential for good in all people.
9) Do not avoid difficult situations. We are taught to ignore or postpone sources of discomfort. Yet it is they who can show us most clearly how our mental programming works. As we make the unconscious conscious, then we are aware and can shift it.
10) Imagine yourself in other people's shoes. Deepen understanding of self through gifts of other people's behaviour, all this shows U.
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