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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in attachment (12)


Dream Analysis of the Week- Death of what matters


I have had series of dreams about death, dying, losing pets and what matters to me. It leave me feeling heavy, sad. I often wake up scared and vigilent. 


What matters to you at one stage of life will differ from other stages. Prioriities change and we evolve as beings.  Death dream themes can be disturbing and confusing. Rest assured, the theme of death is not literal. Its not a premonition you'll leave your body soon. These dreams refer to parts of you undergoing a symbolic death. Its about resistance to letting go of what no longer serves your soul growth.

What in your life is slowly slipping away? Is it your anger or your lust? Is it a lifestyle or persona you present which feels false or incongruent you grow more authentic? Maybe you are ready to give up on a dream of being a musician or fighter pilot? Maybe you are ready to leave a public role you held for years in order to pursue your dream of running a horse farm. Already moving beyond the familliar version of you, fear what's next? Death could be symbolized by peer rejection, acting "out of character" or not living up to expectations. As we move from a mindset of being a follower to being a leader or our own assertive self, it may be we are shifting percspectives or personas to uncover more of what is real and possible for us now.

When something in us dies, we go through a natural grieving process. To feel sad or miserable is a stage in letting go. How bad we feel is proportional to how attached we have been to an idea, person or situation.  In essence, you are saying good-bye to something you have thought about, known or experienced, moving into a new life or vibrational phase. It may even be a trauma related to something scary that happened ages ago, like falling off a bike, keeps you from riding bikes. To let go of fear allows you to find new confidence.

Come what may, if you are bored, some life situation you have outgrown hinders your soul growth. Death from boredom can be a good thing as you may be detaching from what no longer serves you. If it is someone who is killing you (in the dream), then you may be in conflict about letting go of a relationship or your idea of one that is not happening as you envision. Your narcissistic need for adoration, heavy attention or vision of an ideal romance could be killing your hope for real intimacy. Pay attention on where your mind is and bring it back to the present to recoginze how you feel where you are.

Beyond all the above, the purpose of human existence is to learn to let go of the three great distrations of body, mind and emotions in order to revert to the source of true nature.  Turns out, true fulfillment only arises as we work though our fears and shadows, make them conscious and discover freedom beyond it.  The highest path is learning through our daily life to gradually let go of what is distracting our consciousness from innate peace and acceptance. What matters to ego, to body, mind is what triggers emotions and keeps us clinging to the unreal.

We offer Dream Consulations and other services to explore single and multiple dreams.  We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.


Reprogram the Mind

Notice options exist to consciously reprogram the mind:

1) Do your best to accept others. What we see in others is simply an external manifestation of their program. In this way, they are no different from us, except for programs & levels of awareness.  What annoys us and what we dislike/ hate about others is our own reflection. Everything is a mirror.

2) Accept thyself. Know our actions arise from our mind. Know our inability to accept self fully causes our suffering. To accept the self, is to alleviate one's own suffering.

3) Watch habitual reactions to people and environments. Attachment to the external can lead to discontentment.  Let it go.

4) Identify your greatest needs, attachments, and desires. Trace causes of present anger & unhappiness to source. Triggers help us to recognize and release emotional hang-ups.

5) Be present. See planning as part of being in the now, not the future. Enjoy every action. Savour being alive. Be the best version of yournself in this moment.

6) Know you are not your body, not your mind or emotions. Spirit and soul are having a human experience. Our consciousness is the part of us that sees all events. As we purify mind, we begin to identify with consciousness not body-mind.

7) Be open and direct with feelings as much as possible.  Remember everyone has potential to gain higher levels of awareness. Present attitudes are often caused by conditioning. Do our best to see the potential for good in all people.

9) Do not avoid difficult situations. We are taught to ignore or postpone sources of discomfort. Yet it is they who can show us most clearly how our mental programming works. As we make the unconscious conscious, then we are aware and can shift it.

10) Imagine yourself in other people's shoes. Deepen understanding of self through gifts of other people's behaviour, all this shows U.


Rise from the Ashes

Notice that after powerful experiences shake you up, life cannot return to the previous "normal". Yet, as we can see beyond the painful processes and the nature of our attachment, we move forward through fire, into the next chapter of our lives. In the case of conflict, heartbreak or crumbling relationships, we gain valuable insights into ourselves that could not arise any other way. As Rumi echoes, 'the wound is the place where light enters.' Our assumed loss of love guides us to realize we are each source of love eternal. This does arise outside. Deepening self-love is the journey inward. As we rise above our fears like a phoenix rising from the ashes, we can continue to grow and accept people as they are, leave or move on as part of a soul journey. We see nature of disconnection clearer as we grow more connected to ourselves, grow aware of who we are. It is about consciously allowing the fire element to burn away negative beliefs we outgrow. As we sense fire with awareness and attention to inner balance, our lives bloom in new directions fuelled by an incredible lightness of being, feeling stronger, igniting a spark.
What beckons to be let go or burnt away in your life to make room for new growth? Identify a belief or a situation you used to prop up your false identity. As awakening occurs, revelations or truths surface. Brutal honesty is required at this stage of soul evolution. Allow the metaphorical fire to do its job, leaving you free to blossom into the warmth of the sunlight and whatever expansion reveals.



Soul view of intense energies

Notice as energies intensify, the common (3D) assumption is that feeling tired, emotional or imbalanced points to stress, strain, over-extending, hidden physical issues or other things "wrong" with us. Yet, the Higher Mind or Soul invites us to see everything differently.
Although being taught to seek quick fixes and advice may be helpful at times, as we tune into Soul, it dawns that our innate abilities allow us to recognize another view: that we are actually recalibrating energetically. We have choices how to respond.- to allow or resist. Where ego sees signs and symptoms evoke fear and negativity, Soul sees them pointing to trust, follow intuition, inner knowing, so we function whole-heartedly by listening to languages of the Soul.
Higher Self or Soul sees our energy, state of mind and conditions, echo our harmony or incongruence with true Being. Resistance to letting go of outdated beliefs, perceptions and life situations, implies we unconsciously perpetuate old ego-driven patterns, including conditioned ways to deny or repress our own needs. Increasingly intense energies reinforce we must address all untruths and denial.
One cannot heal neediness until recognizing what neediness and insecure attachments are, why they emerge within, how they take shape in our relationship with self and others. Only by bravely deconstructing our own self-created illustons can we build a secure foundation that echoes our current state of growth and frequency.
Soul views physical tiredness as a longing for connection and intimacy with those of similar frequencies, something beyond the everyday limited reality we have been taught is real. In this way, our fatigue and intensive energies, point to doorways of new realities. They open as we consciously listen to soul guidance and merge with our Highest Selves. This requires reclaiming our power, making new choices congruent with the frequency of the Highest version of Self.

Usher in a new way of life

Notice that in order to usher in a new way of life, we must be willing to consciously activate the alchemist within. This is about cherishing and recognizing symbolic sunrises and sunsets in our lives. This implies not only thinking, speaking or writing about things we desire or wish to shift out of our lives, but also putting this thought energy, heartfelt intuition and self-love into action. Every decisions and life choice is a powerful energetic imprint. When ready, we physically, emotionally and otherwise let go of self-created illusions, codependence and other dysfunctional patterns and attachment we adopt to maintain false identity and block true being. We may want to detach or distance ourselves from people or situations because this causes pain, while the idea to which we are attached does not. But to really understand this whole issue of attachment, to tradition, to nationality, to custom, to a habit, to knowledge, to opinion, to a saviour, to all the innumerable beliefs and non-beliefs of 'right and wrong', we must not be satisfied merely to scratch the surface and think we have understood attachment issues when we are cultivating detachment. Whereas if we do not try to cultivate detachment, (which only becomes another issue), if we can simply see attachment clearly, then perhaps we can delve deeper and discover something entirely different, which is neither attachment nor detachment. It dawns that where attachment exists, no love exists. Attachment is the outcome of fear, of various forms of loneliness, and emptiness. An alchemist discovers the field of non-judgement and universal love through letting go of the unreal and being true to a compassionate inner voice. We refresh and renew simply by tuning in and listening to the Highest Self.