Dream Analysis of the Week- Death of what matters

I have had series of dreams about death, dying, losing pets and what matters to me. It leave me feeling heavy, sad. I often wake up scared and vigilent.
What matters to you at one stage of life will differ from other stages. Prioriities change and we evolve as beings. Death dream themes can be disturbing and confusing. Rest assured, the theme of death is not literal. Its not a premonition you'll leave your body soon. These dreams refer to parts of you undergoing a symbolic death. Its about resistance to letting go of what no longer serves your soul growth.
What in your life is slowly slipping away? Is it your anger or your lust? Is it a lifestyle or persona you present which feels false or incongruent you grow more authentic? Maybe you are ready to give up on a dream of being a musician or fighter pilot? Maybe you are ready to leave a public role you held for years in order to pursue your dream of running a horse farm. Already moving beyond the familliar version of you, fear what's next? Death could be symbolized by peer rejection, acting "out of character" or not living up to expectations. As we move from a mindset of being a follower to being a leader or our own assertive self, it may be we are shifting percspectives or personas to uncover more of what is real and possible for us now.
When something in us dies, we go through a natural grieving process. To feel sad or miserable is a stage in letting go. How bad we feel is proportional to how attached we have been to an idea, person or situation. In essence, you are saying good-bye to something you have thought about, known or experienced, moving into a new life or vibrational phase. It may even be a trauma related to something scary that happened ages ago, like falling off a bike, keeps you from riding bikes. To let go of fear allows you to find new confidence.
Come what may, if you are bored, some life situation you have outgrown hinders your soul growth. Death from boredom can be a good thing as you may be detaching from what no longer serves you. If it is someone who is killing you (in the dream), then you may be in conflict about letting go of a relationship or your idea of one that is not happening as you envision. Your narcissistic need for adoration, heavy attention or vision of an ideal romance could be killing your hope for real intimacy. Pay attention on where your mind is and bring it back to the present to recoginze how you feel where you are.
Beyond all the above, the purpose of human existence is to learn to let go of the three great distrations of body, mind and emotions in order to revert to the source of true nature. Turns out, true fulfillment only arises as we work though our fears and shadows, make them conscious and discover freedom beyond it. The highest path is learning through our daily life to gradually let go of what is distracting our consciousness from innate peace and acceptance. What matters to ego, to body, mind is what triggers emotions and keeps us clinging to the unreal.
We offer Dream Consulations and other services to explore single and multiple dreams. We also offer an Astral, Lucid and Dream Yoga Course.