3 Steps to transform your life

Many people ask what they can do to change their unfulfilling conditions and by extension, alleviate anxiety and intense emotion. Getting the most out of coaching or mentoring relates to exploring key attitudes or beliefs. Consider 3 questions to get to the root of the matter and consciously transform your life:
Question 1: What do you really want right now?
While each person sees things in unique ways, a satisfying life is commonly based on three things:
- Transforming dreams into reality (getting measurable "results")
- Finding joy in what arises; harnessing power to understand, appreciate existence at the deepest level
- Realizing life is happening through us and for us rather than to us. (taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings as well as our power to change them, change how we respond to the external)
Question 2: What prevents you from having/ getting what you want?
Only three things prevent you from having anything you want:
- You lack clarity about what it is you really want
- You are missing/ unaware of the proven tools and strategies
- Your resistance stands in in the way of allowing (inner conflicts exist- energy is out of alignment)
The biggest problem for most people is looking for ways to solve their problems instead of focusing on creating the life they want – a life of their own design. For coahing and mentoring to guide you effectively to a new way of being, start with what you want instead of thinking about what you don’t want. (Focus on outcomes)
Question 3: How do you change life in this moment?
An integrated approach can take your journey to the next level so you live the best version of yourself. This implies you
- come to recognize your own patterns (make the unconccious conscious)
- are willing to take steps to make new choices (step outside the familliar/ break patterns),
- accept a different life is possible for you.
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