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Entries in astral travel (3)


10 Tips to Facilitate Astral Travel

Many people are keen to learn more about astral travel.  A new series of online classes related to astral, lucid & OBE travel is offered in September.  In the meantime, consider 10 tips to prepare for astral travel:

1. Believe in yourself

Every human being can astral project, or to have an out-of-body experience (OBE). One does not have to master energy, be righteous, live into a cave or a mountain, or follow a specific diet.  You simply require genuine interest, and discipline. Believing in yourself frees your energetic space of interference.  Being optimistic and confident comes through in the power of intention.

2. Accept the non-physical

We are not alone. There are very well-intentioned beings who support our growth and progress. Some call them spirit guides, spirit helpers, angels, masters, energetic mentors.   They offer guidance and wisdom. We can ask for help even when to leave the body. Rest assured, they resonate wisdom, perspective and high integrity.  Accepting they exist is a step toward allowing ourselves to grow spiritually, motivates us to go further.

3. Relax the mind

To astral project, the monkey mind must be subdued.  Our thoughts must be cleared out enough to focus.  A busy mind interferes with the process of feeling lighter, keeps us very grounded to this dimension. If there is doubt, fear, hesitation, this will prevent us from relaxing.  Deep breathing, and different breathwork are strategies which can help reduce distracting thoughts.

4. Control emotions

We are complex emotional beings. Still, how we respond to the external affects our ability to focus and project. To have an OBE, emotions must be balanced. While projected, if we get startled, or too emotional, this will interrupt our experience. We simply return to the body. The thought we hold is our path and destination.  Notice how you typically manage emotions.  Are you easily angered? Often depressed or fearful?  Ecstatic for small things? Feel mostly emotionally- balanced or on edge? Our emotional state directly effects our energy.

5. Be aware of your energy

All living beings have an energetic component and it plays a key role in our ability to astral project.  This system must also have a certain balance before we can go beyond our physical body. Our emotions affect our energetic condition. If we constantly know highs and lows, our energies reflect this. Our daily mental state and psyche affect this system, as well as interactions with people, places, ideas, thoughts and intentions. By being mindful of our energetic interactions, mental and emotional states, we can find balance.

6. Be More Fearless

This may be easier said than done. People are taught to fear the unknown. There is a fear of not coming back or someone else taking over our body while projected.   Research shows that leaving the physical body is as safe as going to sleep every night. In fact, our astral body (the one used when projecting) naturally disengages from the physical body whenever we fall asleep. In essence, we can say that we project every night, though for many, this is not a conscious experience! We leave it each night and come back to it naturally. This invites you to set fear aside. No fear means we can relax further and reach the desired energetic states to project.

7. Have Ethics

This is a subtle point. Yet, our thoughts/intentions can be like fine threads which weave a powerful net strong enough to evoke and ultimately attract the vibes of our thoughts. If someone is trying to induce an astral projection but they are overtaken with fear and hesitation, they will ultimately end up evoking that same type of energy.  The same will happen if the person wants to project and has ill-will or not the best intentions in mind.  On the other hand, if the person is confident and has a healthy, ethical intention or mere curiosity, thoughts are neutral, the results will be positive.

8.     Welcome the unknown

Many hesitate attempting an OBE fearing they may encounter ill-intentioned beings while projected.  The best way to address this concern is to think of the type of beings currently in this dimension. Are we all good? All bad? All well intentioned?  In truth, varied beings exist.  The same goes for the non-physical beings in other dimensions. Beings in non-physical dimensions are diverse.  As we project, our internal core will naturally gravitate toward spaces and beings that resonate. So, the nature of our internal ethical intentions, will organically determine where we can travel and what we encounter.  Nothing is left to chance, however, once we gain more awareness, we will have more control as to where we go and who we interact with.

9.     Establish a goal

Whenever attempting to leave the body it is highly recommended to have a goal. What do you want to do while in an astral projection? Who do you want to see?  Where do you want to go? What do you want to experience?  A clear vision sets energetic wheels in motion. If you have many ideas, stick to one at a time. The goals set should also be genuine. Be sure to create a short phrase in mindl. Write it down, keep it visible or close to you when trying out a technique. Feel the way into it.

10.  Be aware of your energy environment

Wherever you aim to project, the room’s energetic environment exerts influence on the process. Our psyche, thoughts, emotional states, and material objects, generate an energetic imprint in these spaces.  Be vigilant of your state of mind.  Aim to be neutral/balanced. Evaluate objects in your midst. Sometimes certain items evoke unwanted presences or energies. Decluttering can have an uplifting effect. Clutter stagnates natural energy flow. Natural light enhances the space. We want our space to be clean both physically and energetically, so we feel relaxed and confident to go beyond the body.


Engage intuition interdimensionally

Notice everything is a state of mind which emits a frequency. Astral travel is the ability to wander through different states of mind and deepen awareness of subtle energies and realms right here. This is about activating, strengthening innate abilities and systems to move through dimensions at will. Recall intuition is language of the Soul. Astral and other Beings pierce the veil and observe human activities in 3-D yet, only as one expands consciousness does one glimpse astral beings and travellers as well as venture consciously to explore other stellar worlds.


Explore reasons for astral fatigue

Hi. I have been Astral Travelling & a vivid dreamer for many years now. I can still recall every detail the next morning, & I travel to lands far away spend a lot of time flying & meeting lots of new faces. My question is why do I feel so exhausted when I wake up? I am also a Spiritual Healer, & I feel my Guides & Angels require me for healing each night. I would like to communicate with them on a higher level, also to know how to bring myself back in the morning, as I feel a bit disconnected.

Thanks! M.

Dear M,

Fatigue after astral travel can indicate we are not mentally prepared for all we encounter.  Our body may take a while to reground in the physical plane when we get deeply engaged in the astral.   Moodiness or daydreams arise as a distraction. As we shift to be less 'in ego' in waking life, we are less taken with the novelty of each trip. Increasing self-awareness makes us less vulnerable to negative entities in astral.   Explore daytime relaxation exercises like mantras and visualisation. 

As we expand consciousness, we may be drawn to specific beings or guides to assist in the astral.  The nature of our communication is based on how open the heart is.  Exploring the astral enables us to explore the psyche.  The more we raise self-awareness in waking life and through dreams, gain insight into our emotions and personality, the more profound and in-depth our astral experiences become.    What we manifest and ways we respond shapes our spiritual evolution. 

Each of us progresses in astral at our own pace.  When out of the astral, the ego may think about how long in 'human time' we sense we have been astral, yet this doesn't affect our progress.  Things like your level of consciousness during astral, ability to focus, dedication, discipline, daytime mindsets and pursuits all affect your astral experiences.  You may benefit from reading How to Perform Astral Projection and Astral projection: dangerous- how to do it safely