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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in attention (44)


Get the message

Every person you encounter is drawing your attention to something you are not yet noticing about yourself.  You may be in a plane, train, taxi, bus or some other mode of transport. You may meet in passing at the local library or bookstore, be sitting in a park, or you may be out walking your pet. Revelations arise as you stand in line waiting to be served and you chat with strangers. You may be sitting next to another parent at your child's sports event. Nothing is ever random. Everything and everyone is a pointer. Notice what is emerging through each encounter. You create them all to help yourself. Notice what you see, feel and experience.

Be aware each encounter is a guide and mirror. See the appropriateness of them. Every choice you make has a purpose. You decide what matters. You decide how the guidance unfolds in your life; in passing, triggering eureka moments, evolving into intimacy, friendships or connecting with temporary or lifelong mentors. Each one is a window. Retreat into your own natural stillness. Get the message you reach for right now.


The scriptwriter emerges

Notice how you attribute responsibility to what appears to be happening, right here.  Notice if you attribute events to God, the universe, Higher power, or something else. Is that so? 

Imagine that wider awareness is revealing itself by part of self that is not yet fully clear.  Imagine that you cease resisting the heart, spirit and choice of being the scriptwriter and architect of life.  What happens as you begin to recognize not-knowing of something at any given moment is a choice of the wider you? Be aware of the page you are on.  A page lasts only as long as you allow it to hold attention. The book of life is constantly unfolding.  You are the camera, writer, director and single actor playing all roles. Every event is of your making.

Be aware.  This book of energy is constanty flowing, changing this is not a matter of a higher being who is not here, creating.  Some events that arise are judged and resisted.  Other events are embraced and loved as they are. The ups and downs of a movie are part of what intrigues you, fascinates and inspires you.  It is all you. 

Like Harry Potter, you are the invisible magician, who is forever changing the story, creating every aspect of the illusion you call life.  Although you script events, you do not script how you respond and feel.  See the same movie or read the same book again, and experience it again, as if for the first time. Diverse experiences exist by choice.

Notice what occurs as you begin to flow with life without wishing to change anything.  You grow detached from the plot and appreciate the wisdom of your scripting. Let go of the pain and never a dull moment. Every moment is a vital part of the unfolding. Trust yourself more. The higher power is you. Love life fully.  Love yourself fully. Embody joy.


Be intensely aware

Be like a river.  It asks for nothing.  It has no direction or destination. Attention on particular directions introduces limitation.  Simply intuit what to do and which way to go. Cooperate with the inevitable, with the flow of life itself.  Be open.  Feel ways to navigate beyond what mind thinks. You start to see what you are ready to see. The flow sheds light, brings clarity, in ways that cannot be imagined.  When you are not focused on division, you surrender.

The mind is taught to focus and fixate on objects, to judge and develop dependence.  It contracts around what it can pin down.  It desires to control it.   Let go of noise.  Appreciate being unsure of what is unfolding in energy, light and unseen information.  Ease into a state of meditation on true awareness.  Introduce a question into the silent mind. BE that.


Who is playing this game?

As you shift attention to and from external events, what do you notice?  The inner judge arises.  Watch it comment and compare.  Beliefs and morals pipe in.  Listen to the voice that asks who is responsible for the events and the fragmented perception of them. Who is playing this game?

As you shift from noticing difference and conflict in the world to feeling unity, the mind is quiet.  Observe the traits of the human ego.  It appears arrogant and selfish.  As you shift from an ego focus to feeling guided by the heart, your behaviour naturally changes.   Soul knows everything is always pointing to who you truly are.  Discover that.  What stands in the way is the desire to be "me." To know the truth is to want nothing in return.  Life shines out of pure grace.

Consciousness is playing this game. The human being is a divine expression of consciousness yet does not control or possess it.  So long as your focus is on a separate or individual identity, you overlook the divine being within.  The living spirit shines inside each being.  You only appreciate those things you feel mirrored within yourself.  True nature is present. Its never quite the picture you see with human senses. So much more is revealing itself. Allow seeing. Feel the way.

Everything points to the God or Buddha within you.  Everything evolves and regresses on some levels.  As you allow yourself to see and feel more of the divine within you, the pictures change.  Travel inward and expand on the kaleidoscope.  Many forces are at work to sustain this illusion.  Be awake and flow with the movement of consciousness.  Be alive to the light of consciousness.


Sunshine is here to stay

Many people feel positive and upifted by the light and warmth of longer days.  Allow yourself to tap into the sun shining from the heart. What happens as you begin to feel as though sunshine is here to stay? How does this shape your outlook and evolving life?

Look around you. Be aware of the living creatures, plants and everything else around you.  Maybe you are familiar with mountains or valleys, beaches or desserts.  Maybe you gaze into the sky at the stars.  Notice what feels natural, what brings a twinkle to the eye.  Notice what you have to feel happy about.  Allow the silly jokes and laughter to erupt from within you.  Take life less seriously.  Allow all that you have been missing to capture your attention.