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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Beyond the land of expectations

Expectations is the place you go before you get to where you are going.  Some people get lost on route to the land of expectations.  Other people arrive there but never leave or get beyond it. When you are not paying attention, notice you develop attachments and focus on where you could be going, what you are becoming. If you focus on this, you forget rare and seldom heard noises and awareness of what is missed.  If attachment did not exist, there would be no becoming and you would never be in the land of expectations.  See where you get by not thinking. Discover you only think your way out.  Explore all that nature is providing.  Without it, nothing happens. 

"It is simple. We are where we should be, doing what we should be doing. Otherwise we would be somewhere else, doing something else."  -Richard Stine


Hear music of the soul

Right now, in the moment, you are ready for anything.  Come what may, you have to be ready.  Behind the scenes, you are the conductor of the whole orchestra.  You can read the music of the world around you and feel your own vibes.  Everything has unique sound vibrations. As much as you love your own music, you can also be inspired to thrive by appreciating good role models. 

Be aware every moment offers opportunities for new inspiration and breakthroughs in areas of your life. You may hold an idea or a vision, like a piece of sheet music in your hands.   Imagine you are conductor of Fantasia. Whatever you do or not is a masterpiece. Reflect on where the music of the wind is taking you, on where you would consciously like to blow in. Ponder who or what is to join you on this journey. The world within and around you is alive with energy and possibilities. How you live, where you go and how, is based on awareness of the music playing in your soul, based on which dimensions and alternatives you notice are open and available to you.


Notice the shutters are open

Notice the shutters of the mind are open except when you imagine they exist.  Allow yourself to trust more fully what you do not understand.  Be silent.  Feel what is resonating in the heart.  

Part of you may ask how you can open the shutters of the mind faster, wider, more efficiently.  The heart knows that nothing can be done and nothing really matters. Simply be. Do not try to surrender for surrender happens with out you. You may think its a good idea to be more loving, compassionate, kind and tolerant. Yet, from the moment you stop exerting effort, who you are flows naturally.  Every moment as fresh and new. Every person is worthy, lovable, acceptable, embraceable.  Every situation is perfect. All mirrored opposites are accepted and integrated.  The nature of the game is rising to a whole new level.  You are the creator of this game of life.


Be a trailblazer

Discover what it is to be a trailblazer.  Feel what it is like to be a pioneer in different areas of life.    Notice who inspires you, what evokes something new for you, what feels good. Focus energy and attention on what is flowing, on what is uplifting, creative.  Do the things that feel best often.  This is like entering into an intensely saturated bright world of light, from where meaning arises.

One approach to trailblazing is to Practice the Middle Way.  Investigate and penetrate the core of life and all things with an upright, unbiased attitude. Problems do not exist unless you imagine them into being. Everybody can allow or disallow the energy that is flowing.  See situations with ease.  See the playfulness of the vision, see what it feels like to be natural without resistance.  

You can do things to blaze a new trail or, you can also do nothing so the existing trail or footprint disappears. Ease the way into true nature.  Explore causes, results, actions and your reasons for engaging. All you encounter is a guide.  Focus on what is fun to do now.  Milk it for all its worth. 


Live the Dream 

Ask someone who is living a dream what it feels like.  The person tells you that the description has the less momentum, intensity and realness about it than the experience itself.  Its inevitable.  When you step outside awareness of the moment, it loses something for you are no longer here.

Notice when you love what you are doing, time collapses or you lose a sense of time.  When you do not even like what you are doing, time seems to drag out and the experience lasts far too long.  Time is a gauge.  How much you spend on something reveals an unconscious priority.  Whether you notice time or not also tells you a lot about how real something it for you.  A dream is often viewed as something surreal, something to work toward.  Yet, it is also a feeling or state of being.