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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Stop and smell the flowers

Notice what revs you up and gets you excited. You may be someone who is conditioned to do, do, do and go, go, go.  You may pride yourself on your planning and strategies to make yourself feel you live life to the fullest.  As fun as it is to experience different places and activities, what if you could be happy and find something worthwhile smelling the flowers right where you are?

Listen to words you use in conversation. It is easy to allow yourself to focus on what you are doing later today, tomorrow or on the horizon, or what you have already done.  In doing so, notice the unseen and unmentioned is here and now. If you feel anything other than appreciation about where you are and all that is unfolding in life, then get ready for another way of seeing.   You can do something, everything or nothing and it all smells of the same love in the heart. 


Find the perfect way 

Every moment offers opportunities to make the most of where you are and what is unfolding.  Discover works of art within yourself you never knew existed.  Imagine you are a potter or a painter with a store of masterpieces.  Each inner quality is like a masterpiece that wants to get noticed.  Yet, the moment it exerts effort to be noticed, the recognition received holds no value.

As you begin to realize everything and everyone has innate value, you can sit next to anyone and be loyal to what is lost and what is found within yourself.  This can be a colleague, a friend, a co-worker or even a stranger at a bus-stop.  Listen with respect to what the person says.  Be aware of pointers to what is left unsaid.  Say what the person wishes to hear in a way that conveys what you wish to say.  You both get what you need out of the interaction. When mutual understanding exists, people do not impose ideas.  Rather, each person finds the perfect way along the path.


Experience this timeless moment

Pay attention. Notice how time controls you and how you can experience timelessness. Some people stop wearing a watch or consciously shift focus of attention. Know time does not have to control or define you. Notice time only shapes and limits your life, if you allow it. You are not at the end of a process. You are the process, the original force of cosmic explosions, unfolding and expanding forever. You are the energy of the universe beyond definition.

To truly start to see things as they are, go into them. Be them. Feel what vision is as Soul. See the brilliant light of the cosmos in everything.  You evoke light in it all. BEing who you are, you call into being the light of everything. Be the timeless light.


Get the message

Every person you encounter is drawing your attention to something you are not yet noticing about yourself.  You may be in a plane, train, taxi, bus or some other mode of transport. You may meet in passing at the local library or bookstore, be sitting in a park, or you may be out walking your pet. Revelations arise as you stand in line waiting to be served and you chat with strangers. You may be sitting next to another parent at your child's sports event. Nothing is ever random. Everything and everyone is a pointer. Notice what is emerging through each encounter. You create them all to help yourself. Notice what you see, feel and experience.

Be aware each encounter is a guide and mirror. See the appropriateness of them. Every choice you make has a purpose. You decide what matters. You decide how the guidance unfolds in your life; in passing, triggering eureka moments, evolving into intimacy, friendships or connecting with temporary or lifelong mentors. Each one is a window. Retreat into your own natural stillness. Get the message you reach for right now.


Recognize the nature of choices

As you begin to recognize the nature of your choices, you can grow more conscious of what you are choosing and which aspects of experience are of particular benefit to you. Be aware what stands out. Notice the nature of your own specialized conditioning, your beliefs and selective attention. Notice that when you cease to focus on something, it no longer matters. Notice the intensity of your emotions and what they are telling you.

Notice how you feel about dreams. Notice whether you value them and how this directly relates to  your dream recall. Notice whether you are willing to open yourself more widely to dream messages and validity and if not, why not.  When you are willing to explore dreams, you are opening yourself to be more conscious about who you are.  You are opening to new levels of communication with deeper parts of your being.

Every night, you see from the perspective of Spirit. You know you are multi-layered and multi-dimensional and present at every level. From this space, you explore a wide open framework free of time and space.  This is a powerful window into the broader reasons why you choose what you do in this highly-focused physical reality. That which you remember about dreams is simply a translation through the biological senses and the filters through which you define experience. Notice how you are trained to recall and overlook certain details.  Be open to exploring. You are connected to love.