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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in awareness (633)


Fear is a stepping stone

Fear is a stepping stone, a filter through which you can choose to experience the world. Be aware fear points to how you are taught to think and feel as a human with an ego that believes it has a separate identity. Be aware of what stands out for you and what you overlook. Notice what you come to think is important and what you disregard.

From the moment you sense and embody divine love, you are aware anything you focus attention on limits perception and obscures inter-connectedness with all things. Suddenly, it feels funny to say things like;"I came into this world", "I must face reality" and "I embark on a conquest of nature." As you begin to see everything as a mirror, your word and phrase choices change. It dawns on you that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.  You are no longer on the outside looking in or on the inside looking out. All barriers or lines of separation cease to exist. Everything is you inviting self-recognition.

Notice what direct experience and feeling tell you. Recognize you are in this world but not of it. Reality is what you create for yourself and where you decide how to respond to these creations. Nature is a reflects the divine perfection of your true essence. Imagine how you view the world from a place of wholeness, well-being and acceptance.  Be that.

Imagine everything you see is like looking into the mirror. Peace can only expand through people who are peaceful. Love can only be shown by those who know love directly. Each human being experiences life from a different vantage point and in a different way, for each being is the universe experiencing itself in endless variety.


Shatter myths & decipher taboos

No time like the present to be aware you create myths and ideas of taboos in your life. Notice when a sense of restlessness arises. Its a pointer. Imagine how empowering it is to recognize how you adopt beliefs and what prompts you to feel its time to let them go. Every thought and feeling is a gift to be unwrapped. Decide each one serves you.

Consider everything you see through physical eyes actually resonates sounds beyond what you are conditioned to hear. As you raise awareness, you sense everything is light that vibrates at a certain frequency. Spoken words, thoughts, and feelings also have tones. You can come to recognize vibrations of love and acceptance and whatever blocks them. Get ready to take responsibility for creating realities you vibrate into being. At any moment, you can make a new choice. Changing your attitude changes your perception. See through filters of fear. Be loving and change your sense of reality.

On another level, your body is full of geometry. It is constantly transforming from the inside based on your thoughts, words, action and inaction. Your entire body can be mapped according to sounds. It automatically grows toward the ideal unless something (i.e. "you") get in the way. Thoughts affect various organs and the senses too. You use sounds internally and externally. A simple sound can reorganize the body's cellular structure. Specific sounds activate and heal the body. Explore what it is to be more aware of a range of sound frequencies. Discover how every choice you do and do not make contributes to your own sense of limitation or limitlessness right now.


Awaken to connections

As you begin to join the dots in life, you begin to see everything is connected by and through systems.  Its magical. The more you let go of becoming, the more you surrender to being.  Nature is a perfect reflection of divine essence.  As you stop trying to find connections, you awaken to patterns.  Notice everything speaks to and through you.  Watch what happens as you let go of a sense of being different than what you think you see.  This allows you to feel likeness in a new ways.  Notice who shares space with infinity.  You share air, water, earth, universes with everything. Listen closely to silence and energy vibrations.  Everything is living, radiating light.  By being honest with yourself, and you honour the Earth.  Imagine you are evolving into new states of being.  Be the God you are.  Embody truth, love and oneness.


Transparency is taking shape

As you no longer have any references for what you are beginning to see,  transparency is emerging.  Gradually, things are moving in your midst.  Let the images and story reveal themselves.  The sharpness of your inner vision depends on the fineness of your vibrating energy.  Clarity arises as you are very relaxed.  The stranger the experiences emerging from within, the less you can understand or describe.  Simply be excited. 

As you reach a place where nothing is weird or abnormal, everything functions with its own special magic.  Miracles no longer exist as exceptions to the rule.  Everything has a particular feel.  From birth, you have tendencies toward various aspects of life.  As you grow conscious of your breath, how you feel and harness energies, shifts everything.

In the wider world, miracles present with perfect timing and purpose.  Individuals accept miracles as stepping stones to deeper recognition of the unseen.  Each being can consciously sense at higher levels.  Subtle energies that are constantly flowing though.  You may be confused about how to translate them. This is beyond words.  Emotions feedback quickly through the physical body and as an interface with the world.  Play with the energies, see what happens.

Every moment, you are changing the imprints of frequencies of your being.  To separate from deep awareness is a step away from getting back into the full light, from being more consciously back in with the flow.


Honour your guru

It is often assumed that to honour your guru is to worship or highly respect something outside yourself.  Notice what happens as you view everything and everyone as a pointer to the guru within.  To know thyself is to reclaim what you can never lose.

Imagine that the highest goal of life is to recognize yourself as the Creator of your own human experience. The eternal moment of now is a forever changing mosaic. Your own consciousness creates your experiences. Whatever you fear you draw to you in order to shatter your own myths. As self- doubt subsides, you no longer view yourself as separate from anything. Honesty and transparency are clearly the right path. What you do to others, you do unto yourself. To see yourself as you truly are is to know you and God are indivisible, and the heart always echoes your own divine voice. You are love, Source, that from which everything is always in the process of emerging.