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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

 "Love everything.  Be fully present.  All doors are open."- Liara Covert





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Entries in being (74)


Tell it like it is

The conditioned mind would have you believe suffering is good for you and invites you to think and focus on that.  The mind urges you to 'tell it like it is.' For the mind, this is anything that distracts you from unwavering acceptance, peace and contentment.

Notice what happens as you focus attention instead on what you love, on what evokes joy and happiness within you.  Feel the vibration that arises as you talk about what touches your heart and inspires your soul.  Sing about it.  Compose poetry about it. Use any or all forms of creative expression that resonate.  Sense what it is to be authentic, to be still inside, come what may in the perceived external world.  Even take moments to say nothing and allow silence to speak.  Surrender to what is deeper.

"Be nothing, do nothing, get nothing, become nothing, seek for nothing, relinquish nothing, be as you are..." -Miranda


Walk your own path

You are invited to walk your own path, to awaken and notice how you think and feel. Be aware nothing matters yet you are conditioned to give meaning to and judge everything. Thoughts are like stepping stones that focus attention through the limited lens of the mind. You can be conscious and decide which thoughts dominate your focus and your life experience. Feel what its like to be discerning.  Notice the vibration of what feels right. Be present with love and reverence.  Know all is well wherever you may travel.

"No one saves us but ourselves.  No one can and no one may.  We ourselves must walk the path. You cannot travel the path until you become the true path itself."
- Buddha


What if you could not hide anything?

Notice what happens at the prospect of knowing everything about you is exposed.  The mind and ego urge you to protect who you think you are.  You are conditioned to internalize opinions and beliefs about yourself.  This is the intellectual vision, all the ways you adopt labels, emotions and psychological constructs. This vision of you feels wounded, fearful and wants protection.  Softness is viewed by ego as weakness, felt as vulnerability. The ego goes to great lengths to keep you from seeing through it. 

As you begin to feel less of a need to hide anything, motivations fall away. Its as if you let go of the cultural conditioning and personal will to do, have and become. Internally, you experience a transition, a shift of focus. This need for references spontaneously vanishes and leaves you speechless.  You feel lighter and at a loss for what is next.

Imagine complete transparency.  Open the heart to a richness of expanding visions. Notice why you deny what soul knows.  You begin to see as the deepest part of you is seeing.  This is intimacy.  Touching it or catching glimpses is not the same as being it. 

"Eyes so transparent that through them the soul is seen." -Theophile Gautier


Allow simplicity to speak

The essence of being is unlimited energy. The human is the part of being conditioned to focus on limitations and seek that which cannot be found.  That which is aware through the human part is always here, yet the human mind has you believing what you want most is outside of you.  Notice what happens as you consciously love and appreciate yourself in thought, feeling, all expression.  You feel more alive.  You accept all perceptions and recognize each one invites you to embrace simplicity.  Allow the truth to reveal itself.  Everything you do and do not points toward that which you are.  Notice what is irrelevant falls away as you shift attention away.  Nothing remains.

"If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything." -Mark Twain


What are you right now?

The human part of you plans and questions. It constructs belief systems and perceptions grounded in the past and future and invites you to focus there. The mind prompts you to act, to do and become. How can you let go of who you think you are?

Being is perfectly content. It has no plans. It does no judge. It has no ambitions or judgments. It does not seek to understand. The feeling of joyful knowing arises naturally.  It is the recognition nothing can control you and you control nothing.  You have all control without controlling everything.  It exists in the present moment.

What happens as you awaken as a 'human- being?' You shift focus of attention and see everything from expanding vantage points.  You revert to innocence and no longer exert effort to be untrue to what is. You no longer believe but know. A connection to wholeness never leaves you.  The love, freedom, presence is all right here.  What are you right now?

"I discovered that I am tired of being a person. Not just tired of being the person I was, but any person at all"  -Susan Sontag