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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in being (75)


Trust Life

What stops you from living life more fully? How does it feel to trust life?  Its not simply a surface feeling. You do not hear the mind that uses logic, strategy, words.  You no longer see things as a series of projections and stages.  You no longer think you are deficient of anything.  Truth enters and speaks through the heart.  The feeling arises that you cannot be anything other than who you are.  At last, there is nothing to work out.  Nature sets the example for simply being.  And so it is.


Be still

The mind tells what it thinks is and is not. Mind also tells you what you should and should not do.  It tells you to always try to do something, be someone, get somewhere other than where you are.  Even the response of the mind is a response to duality. The mind asks, is THAT it? Know you are that.

Within the mind's understanding, all experience happens in time and has a beginning and an end. Do not identify with the voice that anticipates what is next.  You are not the commentary, the voice that leads you to think you are not enough and there has to be more. The"real you" knows knowledge and ignorance.   The mind uses words to conceptualize what it cannot touch. Be still.  Feel what is real.

Watch what happens as you see yourself as the space.  This kind of seeing is not an action but a state of being.  Keep your attention here.  Recognize 'you' can never be anywhere else except in the mind.  True experience is never 'there'.  Stillness is here.

Be aware a voice asks, 'how can I stay here?' Listen to the voice and you come to fear losing who you are. You think it is possible to lose yourself. That voice is illusion. You cannot NOT be here. Find out what is tells you to exert effort to be here, to be yourself. Recognize the voice of doubt is not truth.


Imagine you are soul

Notice what happens as you judge and see things in terms of duality, good and bad. Then observe and be aware without judging. Notice how it feels to see worlds through the lens of soul. Notice how simply being with yourself allows you to exist in harmony with apparent duality. Its not you.

As you imagine you are soul, you can move beyond this imagined vision.  How? Stop noticing this is not done. Stop noticing who or what you are not. Let go of any thoughts or feelings of absence. Get into the presence of what already exists. Allow the soulful state to fill you. Move from a sense of possibility to certainty. Move into the state that is.  Allow yourself to feel something into being.

In other words, feel no absence of the manifested reality. Know the absence of resistance. Revel in the state of being. Feel how easy it is to focus. Be comfortable. The specifics of the vision are part of the process of the flow. The momentum is natural. The more you relax and meditate, you align with core love, harmony and well-being. When you sleep, you stop thought and resistance and align with this core vibration. Establish a vibration that is non-resistant. Allow who you are to reveal itself.


What about forgiveness?

At some stage, if you allow yourself to be controlled by anger or other emotions, you may ask yourself whether someone deserves your forgiveness.  Step back.  Who or what is asking this question? Recognize the inner judge and behind that, the ego mind has your full attention until the moment you begin to sense the nature of this perspective does not feel quite right. 

As you observe this view from a more objective vantage point, you begin to recognize that exploring the concept of forgiveness assumes; a) its possible to do something wrong; b)that you can weild real power over another person; and c) that somebody other than you exists. Watch what happens as you shift attention away from the conditioned mental filters and you begin to see though your own assumptions.  Be open to seeing from a new vantage point.

If you ever contemplate forgiveness, you temporarily forget you also have the option to see everything through the lens of the heart.  This lens only knows pure love, acceptance and appreciation. It sees something good in everyone and every situation.  The heart is aware;

1) All is well in this moment;  Only the mind judges and creates a sense of duality (good/bad)

2) You cannot exert control over the external world, only how you respond to it

3) There are truly no divisions or separate self

4) Seeing through the eyes of another is a mirror reflection

5) The fear of not being loved is unfounded

6) Unconditional love is the essence of being (Love is what you are)

7) As the ego mind of the HUMAN awakens to the pure love of BEING = Oneness

8) Nothing is actually taking place as the mind would have you believe


Live consciously

When you live unconsciously, mindlessly, you are unaware of self.  That is, in this moment, how you think and feel escapes you.  If you are not paying attention, in the midst of cutting veggies, you may slice a finger. Then again, maybe you think it'll be bloody tasty?!

You may be unaware you decide whether or not you allow mind and its filters to control how you receive information.  Notice what passive, reactive and observant vibrations feel like.  Notice whether you are aware of unique perspectives of the veggies, the knife, the cutting board and stew as well as the big picture of the flow that interlaces everything in the whole web of life. 

As you engage the analyical, comparative mind, you shift attention away from being. Imagine being raw veggies, the knife, spices, cutting board, pot, stock, aromas, air, water, fire. Appreciate each alone and how it feels to be the whole stew with unique and evolving flavours.

Similarly, to feel the way beyond the individual 'you' triggers awakening of childlike innocence and the feeling of being part of something bigger than you alone. Living consciously is recognizing unity, wholeness.  Oneness is the Source of all, genuine soulfood.

Recognize 'you' are the common thread in all aspects of 'your' life. Observe this 'you.' What does it feel like? Who or what is it pointing toward? The mind after all, is a gift, a teacher.  Identify which words and thoughts takes your focus away from one world. Notice what brings 'you' back. Silence the mind even temporarily.  Live more consciously.  Subside into the peace of silence.

Moving Mind

Two men were arguing about a flag flapping in the wind.

"It's the wind that is really moving," stated the first one.

"No, it is the flag that is moving," contended the second.

A Zen master, who happened to be walking by, overheard the debate and interrupted them.

"Neither the flag nor the wind is moving," he said, "It is MIND that moves."