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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in being (75)


What does being mean?

Every moment, whatever you are doing is reminding you what you are.  Part of you resents and resists the truth.  Ask your true self why.  What if you remember you have a choice how to think and feel?  What if this is reminding you what you know by choose to forget? Life triggers remarkable revelations.

You choose to be as you are or not.  As you attune to where you are, you are willing to detach from negativity, from those things that block you from uncondtional love, forgiveness and acceptance.  Share what being means to you at this moment.


Choose states of being

Human beings can choose states of mind or allow simply being. You can live from a state of judgment or acceptance.  Allow other people to have their experiences. Be present and love.

Heaven is a synonym for unconditional love and self-acceptance, another view of the glory you can open up your senses to experience. See through the lens of heaven's light. This view enables you to expand and experience celestial powers of Higher Forces, no matter how you sense them. The small stuff enables you to attune to the bigger picture.  Its all here.

As you learn new things, you rise higher in energy vibration and deepen understanding. As you do anything, you emit an energetic imprint. This is like the birth of a new star. You are part of an ever-expanding solar system that is unified and integrated.  You discover the soul emerges into view as you embody divine nature.  Imagine galaxies emerging from within.

The moment you let your inner light shine, you experience heaven.  This is not about obtaining fame or external approval. It is about being true to the loving being inside, turning inward to discover the power of light consciousness.  Each of us transforms from inside out.   Heaven is the joy you experience in being and accepting who you are.  Those who love you as you are, are always with you in spirit and formless ways.   Love is the flow of everlasting light.

Realize you touch heaven now.  Simply choose to be calm, balanced, loving and accepting of your conditions. See something good here.  Notice how you perceive in the present moment.  What you choose to see does not change what heaven is or where.   What would it take for you to challenge every thought you have about priorities and reality? What if you are fully conscious and awakened about the nature of your own transformation? 

You have the power to change your peception every moment. Feel how answering honestly changes your life. As you discern you exist for joy, feel that in every experience. This is your conduit to heaven.  You are your own guru, source energy and universal being.  Everyone is pure, implicit perfection and equality. This revelation is heaven. You are there and never leave except as you choose to delude your conscious self. 

When you accept this, divine happens. Your disagreement or resistance toward implicit perfection creates the seed of discontent. Accept self and everything changes. False fears and other illusions fall away. Heaven is what you attune to at this moment. It speaks through silence. Heaven is in you always.


Rethink the holographic universe

The matter you perceive and project into the external world does not reveal what the conscious mind assumes.  How do you define a sense of reality? The act of limiting the self to the physical senses can also distract you from what energetic information is saying. Which signals do you discern?

To realize you are an energy field like a honeycomb helps you begin to feel your way along differently.  Doorways exist to other realms and perspectives.  As you learn to disrupt and shift how you have been taught to think and feel, you begin to grasp the nature of the Matrix and recall how to just be.

"If we think we can hurt another person or another living thing without hurting ourselves we are sadly mistaken. I look at a forest or a flower or a bird now, and say ' That is me, part of me'. We are connected with all things and if we send love along those connections, then we are happy."  -Michael Talbot


How Spirit work through you

Human beings are often at a loss to explain how Spirit works through them. That is to say, it is human conditioning that prompts the mind to grasp and define what Spirit is and how it functions. Explore these five ways ways Spirit works through you;

1) Meditation.  Images that arise during waking meditation actually come from nowhere. This nothingness is also known as the Spirit dimension.  This points out the tangible or physical world is imagined into being by Spirit.  When Spirit initially emerged as a body, it could taste more, touch more and had no need to eat.  Its connection to nature was deeper than many humans allow themselves to experience inthe modern world. You decide to what degree you listen and hear Spirit in all you do.  Walking and life can be experienced as meditation.

2) Mind mapping. Spirit offer opportunities to listen to heartfelt guidance in your life. The mind can complicate images with associations or interpretations of feelings. Spirit always guides a person to make choices based on feelings of increasing inner joy. 

3) Dreamweaver assistance. Spirit help to incorporate ideas into night dreams and contribute to the mental puzzles you put together to solve. They may visit you in spirit form, send signals as metaphors, symbols or sensations. Spirit appear as you expect them in dreams, consciously and unconsciously.

4) Energy vibes. Human beings have free will.  They generate emotions as part of a learning process. Each thought and feeling has an energy vibration. Spirit send love energy which overrules concerns and adds stability to your energy field.  All human beings have not yet raised awareness to detect spiritual presence.  Consciousness determines degree of discernment.

5)  Keepers of neutrality. Spirit help you to know reasons exist for the particular body you occupy, for every event and creature you encounter. In fact, Spirit support you in unseen ways to evolve and recall what you choese to temporarily forget. This includes why you exist and create the situations you do all for your own expansion. In essence, Spirit is an ever-present, silent observer of all. It is not separate from "you."


Realize contentment

Success is embodied in feelings of contentment.  Peace arises when you aren't comparing who has more or less than you. Being yourself and accepting all that you are brings you a sense of success. What makes you believe a sense of success evolves from external things or action? 

True success is felt as you are deeply grounded in being yourself, when you're not searching for consolation or hoping to do what you have not yet done.  Drop comparisons.  To see yourself as neither higher nor lower, in terms of where you are, this is success.  You can become intuitive and sense life offers more possibilities than your senses have the capacity to realize.

Success is more than a state of mind.  Its a state of being.  Rather than think about what you must do to understand and achieve, why not experience success without thinking?  Be happy without a cause.  Attract and create the feelings you envision.  Success is sensing the possible and being it.

Imagine success regardless of your external situation. Anything with a cause is never permanent, but time dependent and predictably disappear. Feelings and circumstances that have no cause will last forever.  Become successful through your own inner transformation.  Look inside yourself for the truly impersonal experience.

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