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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in bilocation (3)


Shift frequency between life & afterlife

(Platonic Solid Sacred Geometry by Nathalie DAOUT)

Notice our perception of life and death is based on our personal experience of energy, frequency and vibration. Although trained to adopt repeated ideas, beliefs and opinions of 'truth', as one expands consciousness, the range of detectable frequencies expands, much like accessible stations and light languages on a cosmic radio dial. Growing intensity of internal messages & visceral Truth are harder to deny. Direct experience lifts one out of states of belief or disbelief about others' stories on Near Death Eperiences (NDEs), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs), Remote-Viewing (RV), Mediumship interaction with Spirit, Bi-location or Multi-location (i.e. Yogis). As this shifts to conscious cosmic energy downloads being expressed as music, art, sculpture by ourselves, the impact is very different. We may hear ourselves sing familliar languages or suddenly know we are in more than one place at once which defies previous ideas of deja-vu. At some stage, our experience goes beyond the sci-fi films that showcase travel through stargates and portoles using separate physical machines or gadgets. What if what you are experiencing and cannot explain is a stepping stone to living the unexplained more consciously and consistently? Imagine the impact of shifting awareness to realize self as the ultimate multi-dimensional technology, channel and communicator. What happens as it dawns one is an interstellar / inter-galactic antenna, with hidden and awakening abilities, that are activated by joininng the dots or iluminating our bio-circuitry? Step-by-step, we illuminate from within-consciousness is expanding. The more we live in integrity, the more of the wider cosmic Truth reveals itself. The time is Now to upgrade DNA to receive, decode and transmit cosmic energy!


Reminders of unlimited power

Dreams remind you of unlimited being. Are you aware? You may hear you hold untapped abilities, resources and brain power, but do you really take this to heart? 

Look closely. During dreamtime, you do not question how it is you are able to fly, have superhuman powers, breathe under water, walk through walls, feel suffering or pain of other creatures as if it is your own, activate invisibility, or do other things that the human mind says you cannot. Imagine your doubt dissipates.   Let go of fear you nurture from childhood.

As you strengthen your conscious dream recall, you begin to sense how it feels to be in more than one place, to adopt more than one form, gender, and role, and to participate in more than one story. Each level of reality has its own relevance to your beliefs.  Notice what is being offered.  You are not here to assume, but to be open to exploring.  Part of you observes all stories, deepens insight into emotion, bilocates and more.  Watch your wings unfold.

The curtains of the mind slowly open to reveal what it is to be omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.  Notice the shakti energy, what emerges naturally, and how you attune to it. Notice what you are allowing to penetrate and what you resist accepting about "you." It all points to the witness that sees through your eyes. This witness observes through all other bodies.  You see within your own direct experience how barriers to receptivity break down. 

Follow the impulse of curiosity. Based on what feels natural to you, integrate into it as a living reality.  Notice who is supporting you during your evolution. You are educated to measure and to judge yourself and to disregard innate knowing.  Nobody can give you who you are.  Open up to the heart of sincerity.  Be willing to explore without limitations.  Nobody exists.  You still feel what its like to be the characters you watch and imagine.

To recall the essence of unlimited power then, contemplate why are you searching, why the mind tells you to reach for the unattainable.  Notice your vision of fulfillment is feeling alone, but grounded in multi-sensual, multi-dimensional experience.  Notice possibilities you may be excluding.  Your reality is opening into a bigger world. Your perspective is shifting.

"I love to think of nature as an unlimited braodcasting station, through which God speaks to us evert hour, if we will only tune in." - George Washington Carver

“Our greatest strength lies not in how much we differ from each other but in how much-how very much-we are the same.” - Eknath Easwaran, The Compassionate Universe


Journey to merge with the light

One thing astral travellers learn is that experiences do not always translate easily into words. What you feel before, during and after astral states, is not always similar to other people's experiences. That is no reason to worry. Energy beings adjust and assimilate to new environments their way.

Pure spirit energy is the core of every human being. During astral experience, this energyrises outfrom theconfines ofyourphysical body into the ethers of the astral plane. This light energy body travels without hindrance. Thisdiffers from dense body energy and limits of waking movement.

When permitted to think, the mind may wonder the point of the astral. It enables you to view parallel dimensions. They teach you to viewlife from the inside out. In the astral state, one abandons the outer, linear perspective.When you can stretch your fingers as if they are elastic or, float through your room, walk along vertical wallsand up through th ceiling in to the night sky and beyond, physical laws no longer make sense.

Consider when your light body essence floats out of the physical body.  As it lingers in a world three feet above the gound, familiar faces meet you to teach you about oneness. At a given moment, you willingly rise to the occasion. You stop precisely at energy levels you are ready to explore. Time is meaningless.  You do not seek love.  You feel it everywhere.

Turn around in the astral. You may see a clone of a different size, as if in a mirror but on a different level of existence.  You sense part of your core energy is always elsewhere other than where you perceive to be. That is only the beginning.  Some human beings believe they incarnate with more than one purpose, and they also host more than one body in more than one place. Further, energy takes different forms outside the physical. It opens doors to soul behind the light.