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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

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Entries in blessings (17)


Choose not to doubt

Step back from your current focus and perceived conditions. Know where you are and how you feel is a choice. Many ways exist to see and experience energy or unfolding events. Notice your focus grounded in fear and vulnerability or love and acceptance. Everything points to a higher purpose. Feel blessings and revelations unfold. Imagine a world where fear does not exist and simply abide there.

"Love and doubt have never been on speaking terms." - Kahlil Gibran


Ever feel the world is against you?

How often do you permit the mind to convince you the world is apparently against you? Perhaps the feeling is familiar that few things seem to be going "your way." What if you chose to sense all of this is actually helping you? How can you identify what is good now?

Take a moment to reflect on things you initially sense are going wrong, and train the mind to sense something good behind it.  Decide instead that the world is always acting in your favor. Notice your beliefs about what is possible ground you where you are.  Notice how you have the power to shift your perspective and outlook from inside. You silently choose to Transform your life from within.


See where you are helps you

Right now, you could list all the things ego mind perceives are uncomfortable or going "wrong" on your life.  Yet, you could also choose to find advantages about every circumstance. What is your choice? What is your conditoned habit? Are you ready for change?

Every moment is ripe for raising awarness of opportunities to shift vantage point. Give yourself the task of finding at least one blessing in every situation that bothers you.  Notice the change in your state of mind and being. Journal your reflections. Decide to focus on the growth that is emerging within you.  You are taking the responsibility to find inspirations to Transform Your life.


Why keep the faith?

As you look around, you may notice many people who seem discouraged, distraught and disheartened with what they perceive to be happening.  You may ask yourself why keep the faith amidst those things you do not control. 

Consider how the thoughts you harbour create the situations you experience.  When you cease to describe the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous emerges.  This aspect of reality is only temporrily lost if you allow self to be possessed by thought rather than using thought consciously.

Remember as each stranger helps you in passing because it feels the right thing to do and you can pay it forward.

Remember how it feels to let go of beliefs and judgments and sense everything happens for the best.

Remember the perspective you gain from choosing to recognize the blessings wherever you are.

Remember the sensation of inner peace that flows through you and allows clarity to emerge.

Remember the memory of healing from within in mysterious ways and knowing how does not matter.

Remember the timeless power of love that gently awakens you from unconsciousness.

Remember how conditioned beliefs give way to inner knowing and the need for nurturing faith falls away.


Find blessings everywhere

Blessings are found where you choose. Thinking and feeling are choices. To recognize this is extremely empowering. Whenever conditioned impulse is negative, its useful to learn to shift focus to the positive. Remind yourself of benefits in the moment to reframe and dissolve negative energy;

Illness. Mental and physical suffering help draw attention to choices that do not serve you. As you grow more aware of what you do and why, you can choose to take more responsibility for your life. As you shift thoughts, feelings, and habits, your views of healthy and unhealthy evolve and facilitate healing.

Emotion. Discomfort alters the natural flow of energy.  This reveals a valuable gauge to reorient purpose and direction. Negative energy draws attention to different energy effects you control within. Emotion creates energy waves or vibration fluctuations.  They complicate things unnecessarily or act as signposts to suggest you alter behaviour.  Each stage offers opportuntities for deeper learning.

Attachment.  Each situation that arises can be viewed as a help or a hindrance to self-growth.  A material focus invites you to rediscover the power and perspective to be regained through detachment. The human mind oscillates between examples of duality like good and bad until you transcend judgment.

Disorder. To sense conflict with the ego mind means you realize this is not the real you.  Raising self-awareness sets up conditions that enable you to do what is required to create balance and order. As you redefine what it means to be ‘in sync’ or in harmony with soul, this stimulates creative energy.

Selfishness. This is an opportunity to explore the notion of selflessness and facets of altruism. To believe the non-ego state of being is associated with inner peace encourages exploring that path. To recognize what you are not doing may serve as the actual stimulus to do it.

Difficult people.  Anything you view as a problem actually mirrors things you deny or reject inside. Perceived enemies or troublemakers exist to draw your attention to parts of yourself that require work. As you choose to love and forgive individuals who seem to disrupt your life, you begin to realize that if it was not for them, you would remain in a coma about what matters.  

Nightmares. Heightened states of awareness exist at unconscious and deeper levels. The body and mind employ strategies to bring thoughts and feelings to the surface when a soul is ready to evolve.  Your most influential guides engage energy at superconscious and subatomic levels.  The illusion of time progression is created in physcial worlds so souls evolve to gauge their own spiritual awareness.