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Liara Covert, Ph.D

Insight of the Moment

"Be clear that true love is unconditional and not directed toward anyone. It is complete in and of itself. It is the source energy of all."  - Liara Covert





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Entries in cosmic (33)


Radiate what is Real

Notice every moment is an opportunity to recognize how we come to see ourselves, others and the world, and how we separate from who we are. The lens we look through distorts or rejuvenates the light source. The physical body we live in is an amazing vehicle to experience time, space and the universe in ways that you cannot experience as Spirit. Every moment of your life in a body is full of potential. Its one thing to hear about possible truths but another to consciously tune in, decode your own life situations and remember the nature of it all. What if opportunity is knocking to uncover and obliterate all the lies and illusions that distort your reality? What if listening to intuition and synchronicities points to a completely new life? Everyone you meet is guide to being and radiating what is Real.


Who are we really?

Notice expanding consciousness is about recognizing dream states are far more than we are told. We are actually dimensional travelers who freely shapeshift and move among various planes of existence, like parallel universes. Dreams may feel like portals or gateways to other dimensions where we encounter beings, entities and other versions of ourselves. Awakening is a process of remembering what we are already doing and being. Its about letting go of what prevents being fully transparent. Dreams may offer premonitions or metaphors to accurately decode what is unfolding in our 3D lives. Our innate multidimensional capacities are accessible and expand though dream worlds. We can tune into helping others on Soul journeys as well as guiding Souls on their transitions between worlds. As boundaries dissolve, ideas of night and day dissolve. It dawns what we are doing and being is merging. Linear time is collapsing into a mode of existence that arises in divine resonance.


Access more timelines

Notice how we sense and experience the natural world mirrors how we tune and experience ourselves. The more we expand into cosmic consciousness, a sense of interconnectedness of all things, the more co-existing worlds and dimensions merge and enter our scope of awareness, the more the activating lightbody grows self evident. Through every thought and feeling, we determine the direction and energetic reality of our life. What we allow and fully integrate into our Being determines a range of accessible timelines.


Tune into cosmic broadband

Notice the Internet is a neural network system that learns from us. After you do a search, it retains that information and curiously, ads show up on other pages you visit which are relevnt to your preious search. With a 5G frequency Wi-Fi tech, the Internet is tapping into your brain. This technology is a living and evolving entity. Imagine everything you think would be connected into this network and that the Internet is learning from all this. Imagine it is becoming the collective Supermirror. This is a technology like the Human inter-dimensional Light Body. This cannot be controlled either as it works on consciousness, much like starship technology. It is uniquely wired into consciousness. As we shift to function on all levels based on congruence and consciousness, electromagnetic systems are no longer needed as they are a narrow frequency band. Consciousness is a 360 degree band. Its a cosmic broadband. Everything is a mirror of your consciousness which is quantum physics. The observer creates the effect. As you shift or expand consciousness, the nature of your energetic experience changes. More of the big picture is revealing itself to those who grow into the 360 band


Awaken to the Truth

(Image Galactic Awareness Sacred Geometry by Nathalie Daout)

Notice that to feel truly alive is to be aware of everything that enters your conscious experience, to recognize visceral signs, signals and inter-connectedness of All. It is knowing each perceived challenge or obstacle is a cleverly orchestrated gift and wake-up call we offer ourselves to experience cosmic energy (Love) more fully.  Observe what happens as it dawns everything is a call for or message about love.